The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 32

Pinching my nose I squeezed my eyes shut tight. Was she for real?

“I don't-"

“I didn't say you could speak’. She glared snapping her fingers in my face. “Stay away from him and we'll be cool got it”. She smiled sweetly at me before turning around and walking back to her table.

I laughed.

What in the actual hell was that?

I was speechless.

“Did she just...”

“Yep”. I grinned already knowing what he was going to say. Who even was she? “Do you know her?” I asked.

“Not really I know of her but not that well. Her kid brother goes to school with us. He's the year below. I think her names Tammy or Tawny I'm not sure”.

“Now do you get what I mean with it being weird? I need another coffee”.

“Ill get it and if she comes back over here knock her on her ass Rocky”. He smirked.

Quickly texting my gran letting her know she didn't need to come pick me up my phone started ringing in my hand.


“Why are you calling me?" I asked just as Ryan came back with my coffee.

“Where are you?".

“And thats any of your business how?" He didn't need to know what I was doing or where I was.

“skipping school I see.

“Free period”. I shrugged. “But seriously what do you want?".

“A date”. I could already tell he was smirking. He was so smug.

“I gave you one of them it's not happening again”. I wasn't going out with him again.

“Leah. His voice was low, deep.

“I can't, I have to go”.

“rll come find you right now”.

“Good then maybe you can call off your fan girls”. She was glaring at me again.

He chuckled. “Only fan girl I want is you baby. Let me come get you".

“sorry my grans calling I have to go". Quickly ending the call I looked at a smirking Ryan. “Don't even’. I warned.

“I wonder who that was". He laughed. “Those girls are going to come after you with pitch forks”.

“Yay me”. I groaned.

Those girls didn't leave until I did. The ride home was silent but it was comfortable. As we were pulling up to my house I noticed a lot of cars parked in Jakes driveway.

“Thanks for today Ryan. You made it a whole lot better than what it was turning out to be”. Unclipping my seat belt I got out. “Anytime Leah. See you tomorrow”. I didn't go inside until I couldn't see his car anymore. Closing the door behind me I kicked off my shoes and hung up my jacket.

I could here the voices, the banging coming from the kitchen. My grans car wasn't in the drive so I knew she wasn't here. I wondered if I was able to get a drink.

“You think she suspects anything yet?".

Was that Jack?

“she’s driving me f*+g crazy’.

jake was in my house.

“Is she responding to the pull?"

I was afraid to move in case I made a noise. And then my phone started ringing.

Shit, shit, shit.

“Who's that?" I heard Jack ask.

Walking into the living room as if I'd just entered the house I stopped when I saw them staring. My heart was beating so fast. “Can one of you pass me a soda through please?”

I heard hushed voices.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw him. He didn’t have a shirt on. Sweet Jesus. I did everything in my power to keep my eyes from scrolling.

That 5 O'clock shadow, the glistening chest, the rock hard body. How was he only 24 and looked like that?

“Thanks”. I said as he passed me the soda. I had yet to make eye contact with him.

“50 you really did skip school?”.

“Are you guys going to be long?" I asked ignoring his question. I wanted to eat dinner and walk around in my underwear. “It's just us princess”. He smirked his tongue wetting his bottom lip.

oh god.

“Then are you going to be long?” He needed to leave before I did something I'd regret later. “I need to study”. I lied

“Have you eaten?”. He asked. I could feel his eyes roaming my body. “Have you been taking your antibiotics?"

“Yes and yes". Moving away from him I found myself walking into the kitchen area. I must admit it was looking better. “Can you keep this here please?" I asked placing my hand on the island.

He was behind me, he was pressed against me. I stopped breathing, My body tensed. He inhaled deeply.

And then his presence was gone.

“Who were you with?”.

Turning around so I could face him I noticed the disgust. His eyes had grew dark. His jaw clenched. Opening my drink I decided I wasn't going to answer that.

“Were you with a guy". He asked the gal between us becoming smaller.

“I was with a friend from school”. I shrugged. It wasn't a big deal. We had coffee he cheered me up and then he dropped me off.

“A guy?". He frowned.

“Yes a guy because no girl wants to be friends with me because of you". I snapped. I could feel myself getting worked up. It had been a weird day and I really didn’t need this.

I was emotional, I was exhausted and yeah I think my period was definitely due.

“Girls don't like that you've for some reason took a liking to me. You need to stop and you need to go. I can't last 6 months in that school without any friends Jake.

He wasn't saying anything. He actually looked sad. I was sad, I was upset that coming here and going to a new school was so hard. I had never not fitted in, I was a good girl, a good friend and no one was willing to give me a chance.

“They don't even know me and they still don't like me”. I whispered. I could feel the lone tear rolling down my cheek.

“You have Alanna and Lacey”. He stated.

“Yes when they come to school but do you know how lonely it is to be there on your own, to have to sit at lunch by yourself. Having no one to talk too. I can’t do that Jake so please just keep your distance”. Grabbing my soda I walked around the island so I could avoid him.

He didn't try and grab me he just let me walk away.

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