The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 268

I must admit she had balls.

Balls of steel because if charlotte was looking at me the way she was looking at Jessica I would have hightailed it out of here with my tail between my legs.

I didn't move, I watched. I wanted to see who would approach her. She may be part of our pack, but she was not welcome here. Maybe my first job as Luna would be to kick her a*s to the kerb.

She had caused nothing but bother. No matter how many warnings she had gotten it didn't stop her. She still had it in her head that she had a chance with Jake.

Over my dead body.

I wanted to know why she had been let off the hook so many times. Her punishments never stuck, and nothing was ever said about it. Did she have some sort of hold over the pack? Maybe over Jacob? Surely not.

I couldn't see Jake's dad being threatened by a teenage girl. But I was curious. I chewed the inside of my cheek my eyes never leaving her as she sauntered her way through my gathering.

Well, that was until Rylee stood in front of her.

Rylee was not one to be messed with.

jake of course, was nowhere to be seen. Probably off drinking whiskey with jack and Carter. He was never here to witness how toxic she really is. I don't know what he ever seen in her.

I got to my feet. I should be the one dealing with this. I had to show her once and for all that this was over.

“Don't”. Alanna placed her hand on my shoulder. “This is what she wants and you're better than that".

I grit my teeth, my wolf stirring inside. I only ever really felt her when I was angry or sensed danger. But let me tell you she was clawing at my skin to get out.

“Why is she here and why is no one throwing her out?"

“Rylee is handling it". Her grip tightened; she knew my wolf was at the surface.

“I should be the one handling it”. snapped.

“Control your wolf Leah’,

If there was one thing, I was sick of it was people trying to control me and tell me what to do. If my wolf wanted to come out, then so be it. Maybe it was time they met her. Maybe then they would see I wasn't one to be messed with.

My heart was racing, I couldn't stop my leg from shaking.

And then my full body relaxed as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

“she’s being dealt with, but you need to calm down’.

Again, with the telling me to calm down. I didn’t want to calm down. I wanted to go over there and rip her throat out with my teeth. She deserved nothing less.

I got to my feet shrugging his hands off me. “You get rid of her, or I will". I knew my eyes flashed blue, strangely enough I felt it. Tonight, was the most I had felt my wolfs presence.

And she was pissed.

I was pissed that no one was doing anything. She should have been put out the second she came through the door.

“Calm your wolf down now”.

His tone would have scared me before, it would have been enough to settle her but not this time. She wasn't backing down. “Fine, I'll do it myself”.

He latched onto my arm attempted to pull me back but something inside me snapped, and I snarled.

veah, she was pissed alright.

“Don't”. I hissed. “I can’t even with you right now”.

And then I heard it. The loud pitched scream before the cry came. I turned to witness Rylee with her hand stuck up in jessicas hair dragging her out.

My night now completely ruined I moved my hand out of his reach as he went to grab it. “I want to go home".

“Then let's go”.

The limo took us home. Neither one of us spoke a word. I'm pretty sure he knew I was pissed. He should have let me handle her. As the limo pulled up outside our house, I wasted no time in getting out.

My shoes were off before I reached the front door.

Of course, I didn't have a key to get inside. He was slowly walking up the driveway but what pissed me off even more was the fact his head was buried in his phone. I stepped to the side but as soon as he opened the door I headed straight upstairs. He didn't follow.

Good, that was good.

Or so I thought until I remembered my dress had a zip.

I tried everything to get the damn zip down. Even tried a coat hanger and got nowhere. He hadn't come upstairs yet probably sat out back nursing a whiskey.

I had to get this damn dress off.

A sigh fell from my lips as I pulled open the bedroom door and made my way downstairs. Just as I thought, he was sitting out the back.

“I need you to unzip-.."

“Jessica is out of the pack’.

My mouth fell open as I stared at him.

“She's out now come here”.

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