The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 254

“Leah”. He growled.

“I can't help it okay” I crossed my arms over my chest and turned my head away from him. I couldn't be this close to him, not when all I wanted was to climb him like a tree and have my way with him.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to scream.

I wasn't sure I could do this.

“Baby". His voice soft he placed his hand on my knee.

My full body relaxed, the burning on my skin diming. I let out a breath before turning my head to face him.

“I think your heat has started”.

“You think?" I sobbed.

oh god why was I crying?

“Dammit”. He growled causing me to jump. “Shit baby, please don't cry. I hate seeing you upset’.

I wasn't upset. I was sobbing with need. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on visit to read the complete chapters for free. My body needed him. As he rubbed his hand on my knee my eyes closed. His touch helped me and him touching me is exactly what I wanted.

“You're not going to the party”.

My eyes snapped open. I frowned at him. It was a party for us, I couldn't not be there.

“You won't be able to handle it princess”.

“Yes, I will’.

“You're in heat Leah. You think I'm going to let anyone near you?".

I didn't like the tone of his voice. My Alpha was talking, not Jake,

“Ill be okay".

“Ym not having you around unmated males. Your scent will attract them and your need for me will tempt you".

Tempt me?


“You think I'd sleep with someone else?”. I whispered. “You don't trust me enough to think I can't control it?",

“Of course not but baby-.". He removed his hand placing it back on the steering wheel.

“You don’t trust me enough to think I can’t control it?".

“It's not you I don't trust. Your scent will drive them crazy”.

“I'm going to the party, we're going together. Your mom is expecting us”. I could control it and besides the symptoms weren't that bad just yet.

“she'll understand”. His grip on the steering wheel tightened. “But tonight, isn't happening”.

He wasn't budging on his decision. I could already feel how sour his mood was turning. The grip on the steering wheel and the whiteness of his knuckles were a big tell. If it wasn't Jake's way, it was no way.

“50, what I'm housebound for the next five days?”.

“Don't think of it like that. Think of it as one step closer to our bond being complete.

“I already thought it was”. I turned my head away from him staring out the window instead. Hopefully he took the hint that I didn't want to talk about it anymore,

I felt as though I had been stitched right up. Well and truly fucked over with all of this. No one mentioned the important parts. I mean they were all up for telling me how good the s* was but not the parts that I needed to know.

I lay my head against the window and closed my eyes. Hopefully when I woke up, we'd be home.

“Leah”. He nudged my leg.

I chose to ignore him. I had decided I was pissed off. At him, at the world. I wasn't sure. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was making little scenarios up in my head of how this was going to go.

He shrugged it off as if I didn't have a say. Like his decision was the only decision and it didn't matter what I thought. “Baby”. He nudged me again.

“Ym sleeping”.

He chuckled. “We're home”.

“Woo. Home to be locked in my room for the next five days". I opened my eyes, stretching out my arms. My mood had completely changed. I was on such a high last night and this morning and now not so much.

“You're so dramatic Leah”.

I grit my teeth balling my hands into fists. I hated that he was so cool and chilled out where as I felt like a ticking time bomb. One wrong word and I'd go boom.

The last thing I wanted was company. My mood was foul, my attitude not much better. So, when I went inside and heard the music, I was a little taken aback. He said no to the party.

He slipped his arms around my waist pulling me flush against him. “I made a few changes”.

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