The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 240

I shower and got dressed.

Pulling my hair into a messy bun I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I hadn't been using them much. I preferred contacts but sometimes my eyes got really dry.

I had another message from Lana when I checked my phone. She had sent me the message I sent her last night.

“Friends don't quit’

No we don't.

She was pulling at my strings and it was working. I couldn't just discard her. I couldn't see years of friendship be flushed away.

It was worth more than that. But still what she said really got to me and I wasn't quite ready to hear what she had to say. I hit reply.

“I don't want to talk to you right now’

Putting my phone away I grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs.

jake was home.

“Hey baby".

“Where's Alanna?".

“Outside in your car”. He rolled his eyes. “Did you eat?".

“Do we have any painkillers?". My head was still throbbing. I thought the shower would have helped but I guess not

“You sick?”. He rummaged about the kitchen until he produced a packet of pills.

“Ym not sick”. I smiled. “Just a sore head".

He popped two out and poured me some water. “You still okay to leave early afternoon?”.

I took the pills swallowing them down with the water. “Yeah. We're going to pick up our gowns and then go for coffee”. “Okay baby". He slipped his arms around my waist pulling me against him. “You doing okay?".

I knew he was referring to last night.

“She wants to talk”.

“And what do you want?".

“Not today”. I turned around in his arms. “Today isn't about Lana”.

“What's today about?". He smirked.

“Me”. I grinned before placing a kiss on his lips.

His grip tightened.

“Just you". He brushed his nose against mine.

“Us”. My voice was barely a whisper.

Feeling his lips against mine my eyes closed. The butterflies erupted in my stomach, that feeling of home settling in.

He was my home.

As he pulled back I opened my eyes smiling. My heart was beating so fast. I didn't feel nervous anymore just excited. “You and me princess”.

“You and-.. The sound of my car horn being tooted cut me off. “Did she just.". I sighed.

A chuckle fell from his lips. “That's Alanna for you. Patience of a saint’. He rolled his eyes before kissing my forehead. “Go before she-..".

Another toot.

I didn't want to be anywhere else but here with him.

Stealing a few more kisses I finally left after the forth toot.

“Took you long enough”. She huffed.

“Was busy”. I grinned clipping my seatbelt into place.

“Yeah I bet". She grinned reversing out of the drive and onto the street.

“Remember you're driving my car”. I held onto the door handle as she sped off down the road.

“You're safe”. She winked turning up the stereo.

A laugh fell from my lips. Despite the throbbing headache I was feeling really good. I was happy, I felt happy.

Like a weight had been lifted.

As she pulled into the school parking lot I could already feel the stares of the few people that were hanging around.

For once I didn't care.

I turned the music up louder.

“Yes girl”. Alanna yelled. “Someone's getting sex tonight’.

Shaking my head I couldn't hide my grin. See happy. I couldn't shake this happy feeling. Catching sight of Lacey I turned the music down and undid my seat belt.

jack had dropped her off.

“Aww”. Alanna huffed.

“Come on”. I got out of my car.

“How are we feeling?" Lacey grinned. “Big day for you".

“Excited. I'm ready for it to happen”.

“Just do what comes naturally”. She linked her arm through mine.

“This isn't my first time”. I frowned.

“It is with Jake".

“Thanks Lace. I wasn't feeling nervous but I am now". I couldn't let all of my before thoughts cloud my vision.

Tonight was going to be the best night of our life's.

I was enough for him.

“Being nervous is natural. It's your first time with Jake. I was nervous with Jack”.

“same with me". Alanna added.

“so 'm allowed to be a little nervous then?”

“Eh yes". Alanna looped her arm through my free one. “The minute you get your clothes off the nerves will disappear”. “Ill take your word for it"

“Can you guys believe we graduate on Friday”. Lacey squealed. “I mean school is finally over”.

“Leah, can we talk?"

How did she know I would be here?

“You don't have to if you don't want to”. Alanna whispered.

“Pick up my gown for me and I'll meet you by the car. I couldn't not talk to her. It wasn't in my nature to be rude and she was my best friend.

Well she was supposed to be.

“Okay”. Both Alanna and Lacey headed inside.

It was awkward. Through our full friendship it had only ever been awkward once. Do I start the conversation?

“Big day for you today”. She smiled

I frowned. I was confused by that. She couldn't help but bad mouth Jake last night and yet she starts the conversation wanting to talk about us mating.

“Is something going on with you?" I asked.

“I was drunk Leah. I didn’t mean what I said".

“You've been drunk before”. I crossed my arms over my chest. Being drunk wasn't an excuse and I wasn't letting her use it. “I suck at being your best friend".

She wasn't getting to use that either. I wanted to know why she said all those horrible things. Why she said that about Jake. “If you're not going to tell me the truth then we have nothing left to talk about”. After everything I had been through I was done with the lies and excuses.

Why couldn't people just tell the truth?

No bullshit, no lame excuses.

If she meant what she said then I'd rather she just told me and be done with it. If she wanted to throw our friendship away then who was I to stop her?

“My moms sick”.


“She wants me to go home”.

Lana and her mom didn't have the best relationship. With all the alcohol abuse and the new boyfriends she didn't have time for her.

Lana didn't fit into her lifestyle. Partly the reason why my gran took her in and took care of her.

“Do you want to go home?". I asked.

“My mom stopped being my mom the minute she picked up that bottle of vodka. I was 5 Leah. A child that didn't have a clue. I was always an inconvenience, always in the way".

My heart hurt for her.

“she wasn't a mom to me". She wiped the tears from her cheeks. I pulled her to me wrapping her up in my arms as she sobbed.

“It's going to be okay”. I whispered.

“Ym so sorry Leah. I didn't mean anything I said. If it wasn't for you and your gran I'd probably be dead”.

The thought of Lana not being in my life hurt. I wouldn't let that happen. She was my ride or die, my sister, my best friend. “Last night-..."

“We don’t need to talk about that right now. Does Pete know?" I asked.

“We've been arguing since last night”. She sighed. “I'm taking this out on all the wrong people”.

“Hey”. I whispered. “Ym going to call Pete and you're going to tell him what's going on”.

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