The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 232

“How come?”. She frowned. “It would give you a great start in life Leah”.

“I didn't know my gran had that kind of money. I never went without growing up but it was only ever the two of us and I didn't contribute”.

“Savings maybe?”.

“I guess Ill never know”. Ill never get that answer. ll never get the reason as to why she left.

“Would you want to maybe look for her?” She asked.

“No”. She didn't want to be found. She changed her number, left no explanation as to why she left. There was no point in wasting time looking for her.

“Okay”. She gave me a nod. “Got everything ready for prom?”.

A laugh fell from my lips. I wasn't organised in the slightest. I wanted to go to prom because it was my last but I wasn't all that excited about it.

“I'll take that as a no". She grinned. “I could do your hair and makeup?".

“vd like that".

“Good”. She grabbed her phone a yawn escaping her mouth. “West will be home for twelve. You mind if I head home?”. “Course not". I smiled.

“I'll see you tomorrow Leah and remember you've got this”.

I sat outside for a little longer. The quiet was comforting, peaceful even. I didn't bother tiding away the empty bottles. Jake would get them in the morning.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I headed inside. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. I would need to pick my dress up tomorrow morning and make sure it still its.

Leaving everything to the last minute like always. I didn't bother locking the doors because I knew Jake wouldn't be long.

I turned off all the lights and headed upstairs. Reaching our room I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on clean ps.

I couldn't wait to jump into bed. Placing my phone on the bedside drawers I pulled the covers back and got in.

I loved how the full room smelled like Jake. It brought comfort like no other.

I didn't realise how tired I was until my head hit the pillow. Turning the tv on I put on friends and closed my eyes. I liked it for the background noise.

This was the first time in a while I had went to bed on my own. I wasn't used to him not being beside me. To think a few weeks back I wasn't sure I was ready to move in with him.

Look at us now.

A sigh fell from my lips as I turned onto my side. I couldn't seem to fall asleep, my mind wouldn't turn off. For once though it wasn't because of worry or stress. I was thinking about my future.

I was Luna of our pack and Jake's mate but I wanted to be so much more.

“Overthinking again princess".

A scream fell from my lips as I jumped up in bed. “Don't do that". I should have felt his presence or better yet I should have heard him come in.

My head was miles away.

A chuckle fell from his lips. “I didn’t mean to scare you baby”. He switched the bedside lamp on. “You have a good night?". My heart was still racing.

“Yeah. Did the girls get home safe?” I asked.

“They did". He switched off the lamp before climbing in beside me. “Come here”. He pulled me to him, my head resting against his chest.

“You smell like fresh air". I whispered. “Find anything tonight?”

“All good baby, all good”. He kissed the top of my head. “Did you really have a good night?”.

“I just wasn't feeling it. If 'm honest I'm not feeling anything right now". Most importantly I wasn't feeling myself.

“I hate seeing you like this".

“I promised myself I was going to stop the pity parties and look at me".

“Hey”. His arm around my waist tightened. “It's not a pity party baby. You've been through a lot, you can't help the effect it's taken on you".

“Itll always be a thought in the back of my mind itching to get to the surface but I need to stop. I need to put everything behind me and start looking forward to the future, our future”.

“And you will. These things take time, your gran was a big part of your life. Your life blew up in front of you Leah. No one is going to judge you for the way you act or how you feel. It's a lot to process”.

“I just wish I knew why". I loved listening to his heart beat, I loved the way I felt in his arms.

My safety blanket,

“Know one thing, its her loss because you're fucking amazing’.

The fat tears rolled down my cheeks. He couldn't see them and for that I was grateful. I don't know why I was crying. I guess my emotions got the better of me and it was time to let them out.


“Yeah baby".

“I love you”.

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