The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 224

“Easy princess I'm not going to hurt you".

I couldn't help the small growl that slipped past my lips as he began to approach me. I knew he wouldn't hurt me and yet I still bared my teeth.

“You sure are beautiful”. He whispered.

A whine fell from my lips before I took a step towards him. I wanted to change back. Reaching his hand out I leaned my head against it closing my eyes.

“Only you can make the change back Leah. Think of your human form, your human traits. It'll help".

That's exactly what I did or at least tried to. This was my first ever time trying to change back. I didn’t have a clue what-..". “Hey baby".

His voice broke through my thoughts. How did I manage to-.. a gasp fell from my lips when I realised I was lying on the cold wet ground naked.

I scrambled to my feet grabbing the hoodie he was holding for me. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. I couldn't get it on fast enough. How embarrassing was this whole situation.

“Come inside and dry off. Ill get you clean clothes”.

“What happened to my clothes?” I frowned following him inside.

“If we don't take or clothes off before we shift they end up shredded. You want some coffee?”.

So Alanna made me ruin a perfectly good pair of jeans.


“Yes please”. I took a seat on the couch that was in the office. I felt weird. Everything seemed different. Even now in my human form I could hear and see better than ever before.

“You okay?". I took the cup of coffee from him.

“I don't know". That was the truth. I wasn't sure if I was okay. It all felt so strange.

“It'll take some time before it feels normal’. He smiled.

“I have four legs and a tail. I don't think itll ever feel normal”.

A chuckle fell from his lips. “It has its advantages but we'll take it as it comes. This is all new to you, it's a learning process”. “I'll take your word for it". I took a sip of my coffee. I could feel his eyes bore into the side of my head.

“I am curious on how she got you to shift though”.

And there it was. Was he mad that he wasn't the one to do it, or was he really just curious?

“Oh she didn't tell you?"

“What did she do?" His face hardened, his features changing.

“Calm down macho man. No need to brake bones over it".

“Haha you're funny”. He glared.

“I know" I smirked

“But seriously what did she do?".

“she pissed me off that's what she did but it worked so it doesn't really matter”. He didn't need to know what she said. It would only cause him to punish her and there was no need for that.

“If you say so”. He took his phone from his jean pocket. “Jacks here with clean clothes. You can change and then we'll head home.

That's the best thing he's said since he got here. I was sore, my bones were sore and let's not forget how hungry I was. Alanna dragged me out here so damn early you're lucky I got the chance to pee.

As he disappeared outside I realised then that I didn't have my phone. Said phone was in my jeans that I had on.

just my bloody luck.


I took the bag from him frowning when I opened it. “These are your clothes”. How was I expected to wear his clothes when I knew they wouldn't fit,

“You think I was letting Jack rake through your panty drawer. Absolutely fucking not"

I rolled my eyes. Always playing the protective sometimes overbearing Alpha. “Of course not because that would be such a sin’.

“Watch your mouth princess”.

pulling the clothes from the bag I headed for the bathroom. The quicker I got changed the quicker I got to go home, eat and possibly take a nap.

This werewolf stuff was tiring.

He was waiting for me by the door.

“You ready?”.

“I have no shoes”.

“Guess I'll just have to carry you then’. It was the smirk for me. That playful smirk and those big beautiful brown eyes.

I knew there and then I would do anything for him.

My heart fluttered the heat spreading across my cheeks.

I was so screwed.

swallowing the lump in my throat I dropped my gaze to the floor. Now wasn't the time for inappropriate thoughts.

“You coming princess?”

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