The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 221



“Boss know you're here?".

“He doesn't".

“He wouldn't like you being in here”.

“50 you've said before. Look I'm just having a drink with my cousin. I'm not causing any bother”.

“ve heard he ain't in the best of moods today”.

“Are you telling me to leave?" I asked.

“Everything alright?". Carter asked placing our drinks on the table.

“she shouldn't be in here. He doesn't like her being in this part of town”.

“she needed a break Derek’.

“Finish your drinks and then get her home. I don't need him coming down here and wrecking the place”.

I glanced at Carter. He was staring right at me. I didn't want to cause any trouble. That was the last thing I needed right now. “Let's just go". I got to my feet. “Always a pleasure Derek’.

“I don’t want to go home”.

“We don't have to but I'd recommend you maybe try and phone him. He'll be worried”.

I snorted. “I'm pretty sure Derek covered that part. I can’t pee without someone telling Jake”.

“You are his mate Leah. He'll always want to make sure you're safe”.

“He won't answer".

“Humour me".

“Fine”. I sighed.

I tried and what do you know it went straight to voicemail. “Told you”. Riding back into town in a comfortable silence I kept my gaze on the views we passed.

“What you thinking about bear?”

“Nothing. Can we go to the beach?”.

“Where do you think I was headed. I know how to cheer you up”. He winked.

Carter took me to the beach but stayed in the car.

I cried, for the first time in days I broke down and sobbed my heart out. I missed my gran, I missed her presence, I missed the comfort I felt around her.

I couldn't come to terms with her leaving me, abandoning me. We had been through so much together, she was the only parent I had.

She gave me advice when I needed it. Made me feel better when I was poorly. Heck she even taught me how to throw a good right hook.

A part of me felt empty and I was afraid it was always going to feel like that. Rubbing at my eyes I lifted my shoes before getting to my feet.

I never thought moving here would turn out like this.

Taking a few steps until I felt the coolness against my feet I stared out into the ocean. It always brought me peace being out here. The calmness of the waves soothing.

It gave me the timeout I needed. No worries, no stress, just the peace and quiet. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Taking out my phone so I could snap a picture my mouth became dry when his name flashed on my screen.

I knew I had to answer it. Maybe there was a chance he would in fact be worried and we didn't need him sending out a search party.


“Where are you beautiful?”.

He sounded calm which made me a little nervous because I wasn't sure if it was the calm before the storm.

“At the beach. I needed a time out".

“You coming home soon?”. He asked.

“In a little bit". I chewed the inside of my cheek. I really missed him today. I didn't like not seeing him or speaking to him. “You doing okay?".

“I'm okay Jake".

“Okay baby I'll see you when you're home”.

My heart was racing.

Ending the call I held up my phone taking a quick snap before putting it back in my pocket. Reaching the car I removed the sand from my feet the best I could before getting in.

“Feel better?”. Carter asked starting the engine.

“Alittle but I still don't want to go home yet”. I wasn't afraid to face Jake and he wasn't the reason why I didn't want to go home.

“Could always come back to grans. We could hang out there for a bit. Watch movies, eat junk food, we can do whatever you want”.

“Order Chinese food and watch crappy tv?”. I smiled.

“Whatever you want bear”.

I appreciated Carter so much for today. It didn't quite take my mind off everything but it helped. He didn't push me on things I didn't want to talk about. He didn’t ask me to fix things with Jake.

He was just there for me.

As he pulled into the drive way I noticed Alanna’s car parked further up.

“She moves fast”. I teased.

“Just the way I like". He smirked.

“You're disgusting”. I unclipped my seatbelt and got out

“Head inside I'll go pick up the food".

I wasn't sure how this was going to go after the last time we spoke. She did seem pretty worked up about Jake. Opening the front door I made my way into the living room.

“Peace offering?”. She held up the bottle of wine.

“We're good”. I smiled.

“should we crack the seal anyway?".

“Go for it".

“Ym sorry about snapping earlier. Jake's a pain but still worry. His wolf is very powerful’.

I grabbed two glasses sitting them on the kitchen island. “He seems to be in a better mood". I took the wine from her filling them up.

“That's all down to my mom”.

“What calmed him down before?”. I asked walking back into the living room and sitting on the couch.

“You really want to know?" She sat on the chair by the window kicking off her shoes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Something told me I wasn't going to like the answer.

“He would go out, get blind drunk and bang anything insight”.

“I guess that would get all his frustrations out”. I took a sip of my wine. “Talking about being blind drunk. I thought werewolves didn't get hangovers?”

“Depends on how much we drink”.

“Right”. We fell into a comfortable silence but it wasn't awkward. Reaching for the remote I turned on the tv for some background noise.

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