The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 219

I didn't say it back.

I wished I had but I couldn't get the words out. Jake was already gone by the time I got out of bed and I hadn't heard from him.

Dumping my cup in the sink I cursed myself. I should have told him just how much I love him, just how much I was in love with him.

When my phone began vibrating in my back pocket I quickly pulled it out thinking it would be Jake, so when an unknown number flashed on my screen I frowned.



“Hello?” I said again.

still nothing.

“Gran is that you?"

Then the call disconnected


Phone still in my hand I clicked on my grans name bringing it to my ear. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. A sigh fell from my lips when I heard the automated message. Just as I suspected, her phone was no longer in use.

So that meant she didn't want me to contact her. Hearing a knock on the front door I made my way through the house. Probably Lana for our lunch date.

“Hey". I frowned. “Jack?”.

“You and the boss man fighting again?”.

“No-... come in why don't you” I closed the door as he pushed passed me. “Jake isn't here”.

“He's at the training ground Leah and you can just imagine the mood he's in".

“And that's my fault?”.

He ran a hand down his face. “Is there ever a day where you two don't fight?".

“Not that's it's any of your business but we're not fighting. Why are you here?”. They all knew how short tempered he was, if they couldn't handle him then that wasn't my issue.

I wasn't always going to fix his mood even if this time I did cause it. Surely he knew how I felt about him without saying it out loud?

“I need to grab some stuff but do us all a favour and fix whatever the hell is causing his mood”,

I wasn't going to do that just for their benefit. I would talk to him in private and when we were alone. I was giving him space to blow off steam and calm down.

I was sick of people involving themselves in our relationship. Surely they could handle his mood by now because I bet before I came here is was much worse.


“Oh hey”. I checked my phone for the time. “You're early for once”. I smiled.

“You okay, you looked miles away".

“Fine let's just go get some coffee”. I'm sure Jack was capable of showing himself out.

She decided we were taking her car. Petes parents bought it for her as a gift. A mating gift.

Ridiculous right?

“Okay you haven't said a word since we got in the car. What's going on?".

“Jake told me he loved me last night".

She squealed. “Shut up, shut up. This is big, amazing actually. Wait". She frowned. “Why aren't you happy?"

“Because I didn't say it back and now he's being a prick to everyone. I'm to blame for his foul mood. Jack dropped by to remind me of that".

“Wait why didn't you say it back?”.

“I couldn't get the words out. It was like I couldn't speak”.

“50 you don't love him back?”.

“Ym so in love with him my heart hurts every time I see him. I'm such an idiot". I groaned. “This is just the icing on the cake to everything else that's going on’.

“Can I ask what happened when you didn't say it back?”.

“He left the room not uttering another word. I woke this morning and he was already gone. I'm not even sure he slept in the bed and I haven't heard from him since”.

“Ouch. Maybe best you give him time too cool off".

“That's what I'm doing but he’s in some mood and knowing Jake he'll be taking it out on all the wrong people. I bet he's working the pack to the bone”.

She shrugged. “Best he take it out on them than you. I don't care if he's an Alpha. You're my best friend and I'm pretty sure I could take him".

I rolled my eyes while grinning at her. “'m terrified he thinks Ill reject him or better yet that I don't love him. We've been in a really good place recently and I don't want to ruin it"

“Call him, text him, do what you need to do to shift your mood. Don't feel guilty for not saying it back. It happens”.

“Yd much rather have the conversation face to face”. I unclipped my seatbelt as she pulled up outside the coffee shop. “Besides he probably wouldn't even answer”.

“C'mon I'll treat you to a muffin”.

Lana placed our order as I found us a seat. I wanted to call him but at the same time I didn't. I knew we'd end up arguing and right now my head wasn't in the right place.

My coffee and muffin were placed in front of me. “Did you call him?” She asked taking the seat across from me.

I chewed the inside of my cheek.

“Just call him already. Kiss and make up, he'll forget all about it".

“He won't Lana. This is too big to forget about it”. I pushed my muffin to the side. I didn't have an appetite and my stomach was in knots. It had been since last night.

“Then go find him and tell him just how much you love him’.

“Ym letting him cool off remember”.

“Yeah and it's making you miserable”.

“Is not’. I pulled my phone from my bag, Alanna’s name flashing on my screen. “Great”. I sighed turning so she could see. “Answer it".


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