The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 216

I slept and when I woke Jake wasn't beside me. Reaching for my phone I groaned. It was almost I o'clock. I had slept the morning away.

Pushing the covers off I grabbed his hoodie and slipped it over my head. I had already decided I wasn't doing anything today.

I wasn't even planning on getting dressed or showered.

Getting out of bed I headed downstairs. To my surprise Charlotte was sat at the table a coffee in hand and a paper in front of her.

The nerves started to creep in. She could only be here for one reason. My dad.

“Coffee is hot sweetheart. You feeling okay?".

I gota mug and poured myself some. She asked a question I couldn't answer because I wasn't sure if I was okay.

“Come sit, Ill make you some lunch”.

I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to be rude. As I sat down she got to her feet making her way around the kitchen.

“Does my son ever do a food shop?” She sighed. “How do you two survive”.

I shrugged. We had never done a food shop. In fact we had never cooked food here before. Weird.

“What do you say I treat you to lunch in town?”. She asked.

“Ym not really feeling up to it today”. I didn't have the energy to do anything. I wanted to sit myself on the couch and not move unless I had to.

I did find it weird that she hadn't mentioned my gran leaving. I knew everyone would be aware of it now.

“You know I'm here if you need to talk honey. I'm not going to pry because it's none of my business but when you're ready please come to me”.

I took a sip of my coffee giving her a nod. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on visit to read the complete chapters for free. I didn't want to come off as rude but I just couldn't be bothered anymore. I was sick of putting on a front or hiding my feelings when I really wasn't okay.

“Do you have much planned for today?" She asked.

I shook my head. “Not really, I'm just going to stay in and chill out”.

“sounds like a good plan’. She smiled. “Jake told me you went to the training ground the other day”.

“Waste of time". I sighed. “We spent hours out there and got no results”.

“Itll happen Leah, she'll come out when you least expect it. Do you need me to grab you anything when I'm out?”.

I wanted to say wine but thought better of it. “No thank you I'm okay”.

“Okay then sweetie I'm going to leave you to it. If you do need anything and I mean anything just give me a call”. She did something shes never done before. She kissed the top of my head.

“Ill see you later”.

As soon as I heard the front door close I took my coffee into the living room and planted myself in front of the tv. I had no idea where Jake was or anyone else for that matter.

Going through my phone I was scrolling through Facebook when it began to vibrate. I did wonder how long it would take for him to call me.


“Hey baby you okay?”.

I know he worried about me but I wish he was stop asking that. I wish everyone would.


“You sure?”.

“Where are you?". I asked.

“At the training ground. You fancy coming down for a biz".

I didn't but I suppose it was better than sitting about wallowing in self pity. Poor little me, poor little Leah.

“Leah you there?"

“Yeah I'll see you soon”. I didn't give him the chance to reply. Sitting around the house was doing nothing for me anyway. After showering I felt better. I decided to go for a run beforehand and then catch a lift back. I hadn't ran in ages and for me it was a good way to get my frustration out.

I had my air pods in and my phone strapped to my arm. The weather was some what nice. Still cold but the sun was shining. I pushed myself too far. I was doubled over spewing my guts up. It didn't help that I had nothing in my stomach.

Rising my mouth out with water I started my walk to the training ground. It wasn't far but the walk gave me time to catch my breath.

it didn't surprise me when I checked my phone that I had missed calls and a few messages. He probably thought I got lost. I didn't respond, I would see him soon enough.

It took me longer than I thought to get there. Still I didn't get lost and I was quite proud of that. My sense of direction wasn't the best.

As I reached the opening to the training ground my breath caught in my throat. The majority of his pack was in wolf form.

I had never seen so many together like this before. All different colours, all different sizes. I looked around until my eyes landed on the eyes of my mate.

The biggest of them all.

My heartbeat quickened, his size daunting. I wasn't afraid of jake but that didn't mean I didn’t find him intimidating.

As he ran towards me his paws pounding on the soft ground I chewed the inside of my cheek. To this day I still couldn't believe this was real.

I was the same as him, I would soon be running about here in my wolf form. The thought alone terrified me.

As he stopped in front of me our eyes connected.

“Are you going to change back?" I asked.

Nudging my leg he almost knocked me off my feet.

“Hey. I frowned.

Again he nudged.

“Jake”. Did he realise how strong he was?

“He's telling you to go inside”. Jacob chuckled.

“Oh, okay then".

“He'll be there in a second. Help yourself to a warm drink”.

I helped myself to some tea and took a seat in the office. He wasn't here in a second more like half an hour. Strolling through the door in nothing but a pair of shorts.

“Enjoy your run?". He asked.

“I did. Why's everyone turned wolf?",

“Stretching their legs baby”.

I laughed. “Shut up".

He smirked. “We do this every so often. It's good to get everyone together as a pack’.

“Why didn't you wake me?” I frowned.

“I did baby three times. All you keep saying was you're up. By the time I came out the shower you were snoring your little head off".

“I was not”. Take a sip of my tea my smile matched his.

“Can I take you out tonight?"

“Yes, yes you can”.

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