The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 205

“You going to tell me or have I to guess?". She looped her arm through mine as we walked inside.

it was full. Bodies everywhere, music blaring, drinks flowing. Usually hearing the music snapped me out of my mood but I couldn't see that happening tonight.

“Your brothers a jackass".

“Tell me something I don't know".

“I don't want to talk about it" I didn't want to talk about him. I didn’t even want to think about him.

“Then can you maybe straighten your face a little?”. We reached a booth a groan falling from my lips. The usual crowd. Holly, jessica wait Jack was here and Lacey?

“Hey girl". Lacey grinned as she pulled me in for a hug.

“Where have you been?” I asked taking a seat next to her.

“Sick but I'm better now. How are you, how's living together?”

veah I was going to need a drink.

“still at each others throats?". She smirked.

“Don't even ask”. I grabbed the bottle from the ice bucket and poured myself a glass.

“I'm guessing it's not great?”.

“Like I said don't ask and why is she staring at me?”. I wasn't in the mood for her pettiness tonight and quite frankly I couldn't be bothered listening to her bullshit.

Jessica was never going to accept that I was Jakes mate and she wasn't. It was the same shit every time we bumped into each other.

“Leah” Lacey gasped placing her hand on my arm. “Your eyes are blue".

“Yeah I know". I frowned.

“No like ice blue”.

“What?” I grabbed my phone from my purse and turned on the camera. Sure as hell they were bright icy blue. I wasn't sure what was going on.

“someone's wolf has finally made an appearance. jack.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I didn't feel any different. It wasn't like I could feel her.

“You've triggered her". Jack continued. “The eyes are just the start. You'll feel her presence soon”.

“But how?". I asked.

“You fighting with Jake?".

My face must have said it all because he threw his head back and laughed. “Aggression is a good way to bring her out”. “Ym not aggressive and we're not fighting”. Well not really fighting. Just another disagreement.

“Well something's done the trick”. He grinned. “It's about time she showed face. Can already tell she's going to be a bitch’ “Hey”. I made a face.

“Jack’. Lacey warned as she placed her hand on his leg. “Don't do anything to trigger her more".

Trigger her more?

My mood was already sour and now this. How can you trigger a wolf to come out? I mean how did I trigger mine? “Whoops”. The coldness against my legs knocked me out of my thoughts.

“What the hell?" I yelled.

“I wouldn't". Lacey got to her feet. “Not tonight Jessica”.

of course.

“You're right”. She smiled. “I should have aimed higher”.

it happened so quickly, my hand shot out wrapping around her throat.

I squeezed tight.


I could feel my wolf within me. I could feel her trying to scrape her way to the surface. My eyes focused on Jessica's I smirked. “Jack do something”. Lacey yelled.

A snarl fell from my lips as I turned my head my eyes landing on Jacks.

“Yeah I ain't getting involved”. Jack held his hands up. “she’s an Alpha alight". It was a whisper but I heard it.

I turned my focus back to Jessica. Squirming against my grip, eyes watering at how tight I was squeezing. I was done with her. Done with everything she threw at me.

I was her Alpha and it was about time she learned that.

I loosened my grip and watched as she fell to the ground gasping for air.

I felt the power radiating through my body and something inside snapped.

I liked it. I liked what I was feeling.

jessica forgotten about I glanced at the people around the table and smiled. “Anyone else?" I asked.


“Leah”. I felt the hand on my arm. “What was that?".


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