The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 199

I was nervous and very anxious. I needed to know why she kept it from me but I was afraid of the answer.

What if my dad wasn't a good man?

What if he done something bad for my gran to keep me from him? I should be more bothered about why she didn't tell me I was a werewolf but I wasn't.

I wanted to know why I didn't know who my dad was. They were both connected. I wouldn't be a wolf if it wasn't for my dad. Pulling up outside the coffee shop I turned off my engine and grabbed my phone from my bag. Dialling her number I hit the loudspeaker button and waited for her to answer.

“Hey sweetheart”.

“Hey I'm outside the coffee shop. Do you still want to meet?"

“Of course I'l be there soon”.

“Okay I'l see you soon”.

I didn't go into the coffee shop until I saw her pull in behind me. She was alone which was good. As much as I liked George I don't think this conversation had anything to do with him.

Unclipping my seatbelt I got out locking my car behind me. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Winter was definitely coming, the temperature had dropped and it wouldn't be long before we had snow.

I felt awkward and I shouldn't. We had always been open and honest with each other never having anything to hide. Now it was different and I could feel it.

“Hungry?". she asked as I followed her inside.

“Not really but if you're having something-...".

“If you're not hungry then I'm not going to force you to eat something. Cappuccino?” She asked as we reached a booth in the back

it was pretty dead not a lot of people around but then again it wasn't lunch time rush hour yet.

“Eh yeah”. I took a seat her sitting opposite me.

“50 how was your exam?” She wasn't looking at me, to busy digging around in her purse until she pulled out her credit card. “I think I failed”.


“No really”. I placed my phone on the table in front of me. “I didn't think it was going to be that hard and I was one of the first to finish. What if I missed something?”.

“I highly doubt that Leah. You're a smart girl and I'm sure you did fine. How's Jake doing?".

“Busy”. Which wasn't a lie. He was wrapped up in finding out about the scent that was found on the territory. “But good". “And how is it staying over there?” She asked.

was this small talk? Were my gran and I having small talk? Was this to avoid talking about the reason we were really here? “It's fine”. My phone buzzed but I chose to ignore it. “It's only been one night’.

“I see”. As the waitress took our order I was surprised it wasn't Reign. Poor girl was always working.

“Ym sure we'll be at each others throats sooner or later”. I had never lived with a guy before. Not permanently anyway. Yes I would stay with Tommy on weekends but this was different. This was Jake.

“That's what it's all about”. I saw the hint of a smile and couldn't hold back my own.

This was my gran.

“Let me guess the making up part is the best?" I laughed

She laughed along with me before placing her hand on top of mine. “I've missed this Leah. I miss you sweetheart",

“Me too”. I whispered.

“I've decided not to sell the house”,

“You have?".

“I have".

“Can I ask why?".

“I thought it was for the best. I thought you'd be better off living with Jake. You'd be protected living with him".

“Protected from what?". I asked.

She shrugged. “I just worry Leah. I worry about you all the time”.

As the waitress placed our coffees down I picked mine up and took a sip. Nothing beats hot coffee on a cold day.

“I think it's time I told you about your dad”.

Now that she was going to tell me I wasn't sure I wanted to know. What if he wasn't a good man?

“Is he a good person?” I asked.

“Jack Grayson was a delightful young man next in line for Alpha. She smiled.

My full body relaxed.


“Alpha?” I frowned.

“He was crazy about your mom. Treated her like a princess, very protective of what was his".

“They were mates”. I smiled.

She gave me a nod. “She was besotted with him as he was with her. Their relationship moved fast, they mated on the first full moon and shortly after your mom fell pregnant with you".

“They definitely didn’t waste any time”. I laughed.

“We all knew they were made for each other. The minute your dad met your mom he couldn't stay away”.

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