The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 194

And of course he knew about the conversation between me and my gran. Jake Taylor seemed to know everything.

“I wouldn't be against it”. I smiled.

Me moving in with him was going to happen sooner or later. At least he was trying to ease me into it and not forcing me to move in immediately.

“Yeah?". He grinned.

“Yes”. I laughed.

“Good babe that's good”.

“Can I ask you something?" I looked at him over the top of my mug.

He nodded.

“When you picked me up last night did you speak to my gran?".

“Why do you think I brought you here?”. He asked.

“she wants to sell the house” I sighed.

“I know baby but please don’t worry about it. You've always got a place here".

“We haven't even been here 6 months and she wants to move already. Move in with George and leave me to fend for myself”. I was pissed about the whole thing. It had always just been the two of us and now it's like I don't even matter.

“Once we mate-.".

“Ill never see her’. I whispered already feeling the lump form in the back of my throat. “I hardly see her as it is".

“You're never going to be alone, you'll never have to fend for yourself”. He pushed his chair back and got to his feet. “Move in with me".


“It's going to happen sooner or later so why not we make it now?” He took my hand in his placing a kiss on my knuckles. “Okay then”. There was no point in beating around the bush. I knew there was nothing I needed to worry about and at least I wouldn't be going home to an empty house every day.

“Fuck that was easy”. He smirked.

Rolling my eyes I chewed the inside of my cheek. This was the right decision, we were after all made for each other. “Like you said it was going to happen sooner or later”.

“You belong here with me anyway. I was just waiting for the right time". He kissed my forehead. “Let's get you to school’.

We stopped by Starbucks and he bought me a coffee and a chocolate muffin for good luck.

“Do you get to finish after your exam?”. He asked as he pulled into the school car park.

“I do but 'm going to the library after. I need to pick up some books”.

“Text me when you want me to pick you up okay".

“twill”. smiled as he leaned in placing a kiss on my lips.

“Good luck princess”.

“Thanks”. I grinned.

Alanna was waiting for me by the double doors. I wonder if I could question her about this morning.

“Hey girl". She grinned. “You ready for this?".

“Ym confident”. I winked pulling open the door. “Besides it's not maths I'm worried about”.

“Chemistry?” She grinned.

“I tried to study and couldn't get any of the answers right. Its like everything I've learned disappeared”.

“Ym sure it's still in there”.

“My chemistry exam is my last one so I have until Friday to fit in some extra study time”.

“You'll ace it". She winked as we stopped at the assembly hall,

“Girls”. Mr Gallagher nodded. “Phones in here until the end of the exam”. He passed us both a little plastic bag with labels attached so we could write our names on them.

Writing my name on the label I turned my phone onto do not disturb before popping it into the bag and handing it to him. “Good luck”. He smiled as he let us both past.

As I suspected it would be the same in every school desks were lined in rows of 6 at least one metre apart from the next one. “Miss Taylor you're up front and Miss Wilson you're in the second row. Good luck girls".

I wasn't nervous but my stomach was doing summersaults. This was the start of the end. We were so close to finishing, so close to graduating and moving on and I was terrified.

I didn't know what the future held or what was in front of me. I gave up my chance to go to uni, I literally had no plans for after graduation.

“Hey you okay?". Alanna asked.

“Nerves”. I lied.

“You sure?”.

“Yeah”. I smiled. “I'm going to find my seat. I'll see you once we're done”.

I aced it and I know I did. Maths had always been a strong point for me which is why I don't understand how I was terrible at chemistry.

There was half an hour left and I had looked over and checked my answers twice. I wanted coffee but I also didn't want to be the first person to leave.

“Finished Miss Wilson?". Mr Gallagher whispered.

“Yes Mr Gallagher". It wasn't as weird with him anymore although he still made me feel a little uncomfortable.

“Then you can go”. He picked up my paper as I glanced at Alanna. She was still scribbling away. “'m sure Miss Taylor will find you when she’s done”.

Okay then.

Pushing back my chair as quietly as I could I retrieved my phone, left the assembly hall and headed for the library.

The library was empty just as I suspected. Classes were going on, exams in place. Collecting the books I needed I put them in my bag and went for some coffee.

Reaching the cafeteria I went straight for the coffee machine as I rummaged about my back for some money.

“You've got to be kidding me". I sighed dumping my bag on the floor.

“Tough day?"

I jumped when I didn’t hear him approach. “just peachy”. Picking my bag back up I took out my phone ready to text Jake.

“I can buy you coffee Leah”. He put money in the machine pushing for a cappuccino. “How was your exam?”.

“I think I did okay”. I took the coffee from him and walked towards an empty table. “I didn't see you though".

“I was there”. He grinned. “All the way in the back”.

“You do okay?” I asked taking a seat.

“Aced it’. He winked.

Rolling my eyes I took a sip of my cappuccino. “How are you settling in now?”. Rocco and the remainder of his pack had been with our pack for over a month now.

“Better than expected. He has me on late night runs.

“Better than early morning”. I smiled. “How's reign getting on. I don't see her at school much”.

“she likes to keep herself to herself but she's fine. As for not coming to school I can't exactly force her”.

“She doesn’t want to go?" I frowned.

“she’s smart”. He smirked. “She's not worried about school. She wants to work and make money so she can leave”.


He shrugged. “I don't interfere with her. She's my sister and rll always protect her but she does as she pleases. Besides I'm not worried about her grades”.

Okay then.

“That was harder that I expected”. Alanna groaned as she took the seat beside me. “Or am I just stupid?”.

“Just stupid”. Rocco grinned.

She glared at him. “How's the late night patrols going?”.

“Better than early mornings”. He winked getting to his feet. “I'll see you ladies later”.

“I hate that guy”. She muttered.

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