The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 192

“You two seem to be getting along really well”. She grinned passing me a mug of tea.

We were out the back sitting on the decking. The rain had stopped, the air mild and fresh.

“We are”. I smiled. “It feels different”

“In a good way?”

“I didn't realise how much I needed him".

“Until he left?”.

“Yeah, I thought because we didn't mate the feelings would just go away".

“Doesn't work like that". She smiled. “Can I be honest with you?”.

I gave her a nod as I sipped on my tea.

“Not everyone finds their mate Leah. I didn't think I was going to find Carter”.

“But you did".

“Yeah”. She laughed. “But there is always that feeling inside. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. The longing feeling like something is missing. When you meet the person you're destined to be with everything else falls into place”.

“Mine hasn't been that easy”. I laughed.

“You're mated to an Alpha. It was never going to be an easy ride”.

“Don't remind me". I rolled my eyes taking another sip of my tea.

“But things are good now right?”.

“Yeah”. I smiled. “For now".

“It's nice to see you happy. My brother hasn't exactly made it easy for you".

“Wasn't all his fault”. Yes he was difficult at times but so was I.

“Maybe not but it mostly was. At least he's finally becoming the person he needs too”.

“Meaning?”. I frowned.

“Oh come on Leah. He isn't exactly the easiest to get along with and his temper”. She made a face. “I'm surprised my dad didn't beat his ass”.

“We're both just as bad as each other".

“A perfect match”. She winked.

“Made for each other” I rolled my eyes as my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Taking it out my grans name was flashing on the screen.



“Hey sweetheart I'm I0 minutes out. I'm going to pick up takeout. Are you home?"

“I'm not but I'll meet you there”.

“Okay honey. I have something to talk to you about”.

“Okay I'l see you soon”. I ended the call and glanced at Alanna.

“Everything okay?” She asked.

“I have to go home". I glanced at the time. “Gran wants to have dinner and talk to me about something”.

“You're coming back though right?”. She walked me down the back path and out front to my car.

“Yeah I'll be back. Can you let Jake know I went home to see my gran’.

“sure thing. I'll see you soon”.

I jumped in my car and drove the short distance home. Parking in the driveway I cut my engine and went inside.

Kicking off my shoes I hung up my jacket and went into the living room. I switched on the lights and turned on the heating. It was freezing.

I didn't wait long before my gran got home,

“Oh good you're here". She smiled as she walked into the kitchen placing the food on the counter. “Get some plates will you. I got Chinese”.

I did as she asked pulling two plates from the cupboard. “Is George coming?”". I asked.

“Not tonight honey". She fixed the food onto the two plates while I went about sorting some drinks for us.

I felt like I hadn't seen her in ages even though it was just the other day. We rarely spent any time together anymore. “Eat”. She ordered.

I took a seat at the table and started eating. “Did you enjoy being away?". I asked.

“I did sweetheart. How's the hand, how's school. You finish up this week don't you?". She asked.

“My hands fine and yes I have the last of my exams this week’. Even thinking about them turned my stomach. I wasn't sure I was ready to sit them.

“And what about Yale?".

The dreaded question.

“I'm not going”.

“And that's your decision?” She finally sat down opposite me and started her dinner.

“Yes I don't want to leave”.

“Okay. As long as it's your decision”.

“It is". I had already decided I was staying and I wasn't going to change my mind again. My life was here and Jake was here. “50 what's your plans for after you graduate?” She asked.

“I can get my degree online”.

“And you'll be living at home?"

Eh? What was she getting at asking that?

“I see Lana has moved her stuff out. Did you know?”".

“I haven't seen Lana for a few days. Gran what's this all about?". I put my fork down.

“You'll mate soon, you'll move out"

“I'm not moving out”. I frowned.

“You will as soon as your mated. jake won't have it any other way”.

“But I'm not mated yet”.

“Ym thinking of selling the house”.

“Wait what?" I felt the lump appear in the back of my throat.

“That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You'll be moving out soon and George wants me to move in with him”. “George lives way out of town”. I'd see her less than I do now.

“It's a thirty minute drive Leah it's not that far. We'll see each other on weekends”.

“Where's all this coming from?”. I didn’t want to move out, I wasn't ready to.

“You had made the decision to go to Yale so I had made the decision to move in with George. This house is to big just for me”.

“But I'm not going”.

“Yes because Jake came back and-..".

“That's not fair”. I whispered. “You know I never asked for any of this and you were the one that wanted to move here”. “Ym not doing it out of badness sweetheart and besides the money I get from the house will go into your savings account”. “But I'm not ready to move out” It had always just been me and my gran. This was a big step and it was happening sooner than I ever thought. “I'm eighteen”.

“Yes honey but you will be. As soon as you mate you'll feel ready”.

“How soon is this happening”.

“It goes on the market Friday”.

I couldn't believe this and I couldn't sit here any longer. I scraped my chair back and got to my feet. “Ym staying with Jake tonight or do you want me to pack all of my stuff the now and take it with me”. I regretted the words as soon as I said them. “Sorry”.

“I get that it's scary sweetheart but this is the beginning of something good for you and you deserve every last bit of it. want you to be happy so please just go and be happy”.

“I don't want you to leave”.

“Ym not going far honey and we'll see each other all the time".

I didn't believe that. I hardly seen her just now. “Okay well 'm going to pack a bag”.

“You've hardly touched your dinner”.

“Not really hungry”. The tears didn’t fall until I was closing the door to my bedroom.

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