The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 188

“What the hell was that?". He asked cutting me off.

“What?". I frowned.

“You know what". He grabbed my hand leading me outside to his truck

I guess I wasn't getting cake.

“I wasn't going to let you shout at her”. I unlocked the door before throwing him his keys.

“l wouldn't have.

“Yeah right". I rolled my eyes. “The poor girl was nearly crying”. I clipped my seatbelt into place.

“Ym not that bad". He glared. “But don't do that again”. He started the engine before pulling away from the side of the road. “Do what?"

“No one answers for me, don't make me look stupid Leah”.

Was he being serious right now?

Folding my arms over my chest I shook my head. Me make him look stupid? I so badly wanted to punch his face in.

it wasn't taking long for us to fall back into old habits.

“Can't have people thinking I've gone soft’. He laughed.

“Yeah, soft".

We didn't speak the rest of the drive home. I could already feel the tension between us. It wasn't my intention to make him look stupid.

Did I make him look stupid?

I thought it would be easier if I answered Reign. I knew how he felt deep down about them being here. He didn't like it but he was coming to terms with them staying.

“You're anxious again baby”.

“Just tired”. I turned my head so he couldn't see my face. I wasn't anxious, I was annoyed at what he said.

“You still want to come over?”.

“Maybe later. Can you drop me off home please?”.

“Okay what's wrong?". He turned into our street slowing down as he neared my house.

“Nothings wrong I just want to shower and change my clothes. And my gran will be home soon so it's best I'm here when she arrives”.

“Can I see you later?”.

“I have to study”.

“Okay cut the bullshit Leah. What the f**s going on?". He drove up my driveway stopping behind my car.

“My exams start this week. It's not bullshit”. He knew this was my last week, my most important week.

“Then I guess I'l see you when you can fit me in".

Rolling my eyes I unclipped my seatbelt. “Ill give you a text later”.

He didn't say anything so I took that as my queue to get out. It's not that I didn’t want to spend time with him I just wanted him to know I was annoyed.

I didn't lie to him. I was sat in my room with my laptop and every book I had open on my bed. My gran had called early. She was staying with George over the weekend but assured me she would be back Monday.

Great isn't it. My gran had a better love life than me. Reading over my chemistry notes I pushed my book off the bed until it hit the floor.

I was stumped. I couldn't seem to take anything in. I knew it but every time I read a question I couldn't think of the answer. The nerves were eating away at me. This was the exam I feared the most. Grabbing my phone I went onto my contacts tapping Alanna’s name. Hitting the FaceTime button I hoped she answered.

I needed to clear my brain and take 5 minutes.

“Hey girl".

“Where are you?” I frowned. I didn't recognise her surroundings.

“In the forest”. She rolled her eyes. “I swear if we weren't related I'd have strung him up by now”.

She had lost me.

“He has everyone running these bloody woods. I thought he had changed. Wishful thinking”. She sighed.


“Because he's an asshole”. She laughed. “Seriously though, are you two okay".

Chewing my bottom lip I made a face. “'m annoyed at him okay”.

“I knew it". She grinned. “Every time you two argue he comes down on us like a ton of bricks. Care to share?”.

“No”. She would just find it silly. I for one didn’t and I had every right to be annoyed with him.

“We're out here all night aren't we?".

“That's up to your brother not me”.

She groaned before wiping her forehead. “If you love me, if you love any of us you'll text him and sort this shit out. Great it's started to rain”.

“Deja Vu".


“Remember the last time I texted him trying to get you out of morning runs?". I asked. “He left the next day”.

“Fine”. She sighed. “Leave your best friend out in the rain in the freezing cold”.

“Don't you dare try and make me feel bad Alanna’.

“Kidding baby”. She laughed. “He's coming so I have to gor...

“Alanna”. I heard him growl.

“Bye love you".

A laugh fell from my lips. It was true what she said. He worked them to the bone when he was pissed off. Phone still in hand I tapped his name bringing it to my ear.

It rang a few times before going to voicemail. Just as I suspected. Ending the call I fell back against my headboard.

I wasn't letting us fall back into old habits. This time was going to be different. I should have told him how he made me feel, we could have talked it out.

I would not go back to the way we used to be.

Changing out of my pjs I pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Wrapping my hair up into a bun I grabbed my jacket and my phone before heading downstairs.

The were in the forest which I'm assuming was behind the training ground. Grabbing my car keys I left the house hurrying to my car.

Alanna wasn't wrong when she said it had started to rain. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Clipping my seatbelt in place I started my engine reversing out my drive and headed for the training ground.

My nerves were shattered. I couldn't stop thinking about the last time I drove here. How he acted, how he made me feel. But things were different this time, he was different. He wasn't going to tell me to leave. We were in this together. What I liked about the training ground was it wasn't that far from home.

His truck was parked, being the only car outside the gate. I just hoped the gate wasn't locked. Parking next to him I geared myself up before heading inside.

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