The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 163

Unless he wanted me to catch him?

No, that didn't make any sense. “F**K”. I cursed thumping my good hand off my steering wheel.

I wish I could shut my brain off.

Was it possible to love and hate him at the same time? I wanted to stay mad at him. In my head I hated him but I couldn't deny how strong my feelings for him actually were.

The butterflies that erupted at the bare thought of him. Not to mention the tightening in my stomach or how nervous he still made me.

Those feelings were never going to go away. Taking a sip of my coffee I started my engine making my way home. Detention could wait another day. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Turning the radio on I turned the volume up full. Rihanna ~ Love on the brain blasting throughout my car. Screaming the chorus at the top of my lungs I pulled onto the highway my foot firmly on the gas.

I didn't hear my phone ring, didn't see his name flashing on my screen. It wasn't until I turned the corner to my street and saw him standing outside my house. Leaning against his truck his head buried in his phone.

He wasn't going to stop until we talked.

Pulling up behind his truck seeing as he was blocking my drive I cut my engine. Maybe it was better to just hash it out now and get it over with.

He was on me as soon as I stepped out the car.

“Get in the truck”.

“Jake I'm-..".

“We need to talk so get in the fucking truck Leah".

“You can't-...".

A feral growl ripped from his mouth. A sound I had never heard before, a shiver rocked through my body as the hair on the back of my neck stood.

I was shaking on the inside, the dominance radiating from him, his eyes black. I knew arguing with him wasn't an option right now.

He slammed the door shut as soon as I got in. He wasn't playing fair. Using his wolf as a weapon. He knew I had no choice but to submit. Crossing my arms over my chest I refused to look at him. He started his truck and took off down the street, it was awkward. We had been driving for at least an hour not a word spoken between us.

“Be pissed all you want. We need to talk and you damn well know it".

“Whatever”. I continued to look out the window and he continued to drive us god knows where. He was going about this the wrong way.

He was forcing me to talk to him when I wasn't ready. What did he think this was going to solve? Forcing me to do anything was only going to cause me to retaliate.

“No not whatever. You've been mad at me long enough. We need to sort this”.

“Whatever you say Jake because that's how this works isn't it. I've just to follow your lead and do what you tell me.


“Then what's this all about?" I laughed. “You forced me into your truck and are driving me god knows where. I didn’t get to say no. You used your wolf, your power to make me submit”

“What-.. No that's not-..".

“You did. I wasn't ready to confront this right now but I guess I have no choice”.

“You wouldn't talk to me Leah and I couldn't take it anymore”.

“You caused this not me. You hurt me in the worst way possible. Do I not have the right to be angry about this?” I asked. He turned off at the junction going up a slip road. I hadn't been this far out of town before. I didn't recognise anything. “What if it was me?” I asked. “What if you caught me in some club with a guys hands up my skirt?”

His hands tightened on the steering wheel.

“Trust me princess he wouldn't be breathing”. His teeth were clenched his knuckles white.

“Why that girl, what was so special about her?" I guess we were talking about it after all.

“l was drunk and she was there”.

“So that makes it okay?". I frowned.

“Nothing about what I did was okay Leah. I'm trying to make it right but I can't do that if you won't let me".

The car was slowly coming to a stop. We were in a wooded area with tall trees and lots of greenery. I noticed a log cabin sitting on its own.

He brought me to a log cabin?

“Why did you bring me here?”. It was beautiful I must admit, it looked peaceful but to bring me here when we weren't really on good terms was a waste.

“Because we need to talk and out here no one can bother us”.

“50 once again it doesn’t matter what I want’. I had a life outside of him but he didn't realise that. I still had school and not to mention detention with Mr Gallagher.

“Of course it matters what you want. What more can I do for you to forgive me?”.

“How about you listen to me for once. Stop pushing your way in for me to forgive you. I need time to think and process what you did”. Running my hand down my face a sigh fell from my lips. “You can't just whisk me away and expect me to be okay with it",

“Noted”. He unclipped his seatbelt and got out.

I knew he was pissed but he wasn't the only one. People make mistakes in relationships I get that but our relationship was different. He was made for me and I was made for him.

He shouldn't have had the urge to be with someone else. Heck I didn't. Thinking about being with someone else gave me the ick.

Taking my phone out I groaned when I noticed I had no signal. Of course this would happen to me. Unclipping my seatbelt got out and walked the short distance to the cabin. The clothes sitting outside by the door told me he had shifted.

He was here somewhere I just didn't know where.

I don't know how he went about it but he did. He had packed a bag for me. Even had the nerve to pack me a bikini.

I found a bottle of wine in the fridge and was currently sitting in the hot tub out back. He hadn't returned yet and I had nothing better to do.

I wish he brought me here on better terms. I didn't want to stay mad at him but I didn't want to be a push over, I didn’t want him to see me as weak. That he could do anything and I would just accept it.

Fighting was exhausting and I didn't have the energy to keep it up. But the stubbornness inside me couldn't let go of what he had done.

“Aren't you a sight for sore eyes”.

I didn't say anything.

“Tell me what I can do to make this better". He slowly made his way towards me.

“Leave”. I smiled.

“We're never going to be the same are we?".

“I don't know Jake you tell me”. took a sip of my wine my eyes never leaving his. “Tell me, what did that girl have that I don't?”.

“I told you I was drunk and she was there".

“50 if I get drunk and let's say Rocco is there-.."

“Don't you finish that fucking sentence”.

“Does that make you mad?”. I asked.

“You know it does”. He growled.

“Then how do you think I feel?". I was more upset that mad but he didn't need to know that.

“Do you not want to be with me anymore?”.

I didn't expect him to say that. I wanted to be with him, I was falling in love with him and he was slowing claiming my heart. “Are you going to reject me?".

“What, no". I frowned.

“Then let me fucking fix this please”.

“You broke my trust Jake". My head was all over the place but I didn't want to fight anymore. I knew he was the one for me and that's what it came down to. “But I'm willing to work through this and try again”.


“Yeah but if you hurt me again we're done. I will reject you". He had to know I was being deadly serious. I wouldn't give him another chance.

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