The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 130

I walked home.

My feet were burning by the time I reached my house. I didn’t need to tell jake about being expelled, he already knew. He was more pissed because I had decided to walk home.

it wasn't safe because of the rogue wolfs. He was furious, we argued and I hung up on him. Haven't heard from him since. Charlotte had messaged asking me to drop by when I was free. Apparently she had a few things to discuss about the mating ceremony but I wasn't sure if I was over the embarrassment to face her yet.

Dropping the towel from my body I pulled on some clean underwear followed by some sweatpants and Jake's hoodie.

My gran was here when I got home. Lets just say I wasn't her favourite person right now. Mr Gallagher had already phoned her and scheduled a meeting for Friday morning.

A meeting I wasn't to attend which meant I wasn't going to get the chance to defend myself. He would feed my gran shite and make me look like the bad one.

Turning my tv on I grabbed the blanket from the bottom of my bed and sat at my window seat. Today wasn't starting off very well.

“Leah?". She knocked on my door before entering. “Turn that down while I talk to you”. As she took a seat on the edge on my bed I muted the tv.

She had already screamed at me for getting expelled, even tried to ground me. I would take responsibility if I had done something wrong but I didn’t.

“You've never been expelled Leah"...

“I know".

“50 how has this happened?”. Rubbing a hand down her face I noticed how tired she looked. She was beginning to look her age.

“He doesn't like me". I shrugged.


“And what?" I didn't know what she wanted me to say. We didn't see eye to eye but that wasn’t my fault. He had been on my case from day one.

“Leah Wilson". She snapped. “Drop the attitude and tell me why you've been expelled. No one gets thrown out of school because a teacher doesn't like them”,

“That's exactly what happened. He doesn't like me he never has. I stood up for myself and I won't apologise for that". “You've less than 6 months left. What if they don't let you back in?". She asked.

“They can't do that. I didn't do anything wrong”.

“I guess we'll find out Friday. 'm sorry I yelled at you I just want you to finish school".

“And I will. Mr Gallagher needs to remove the stick from his a*s".

“Leah”. she scalded.

“It's true”. I huffed. “And it's not as if I'm not doing the work. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Yes I haven't started my other assignment yet but I did really well with my first one. I'm really good at English but I'm telling you he has something against me".

I was sure of it. His hot and cold attitude. One minute he was giving me a recommendation for Yale and the next he's kicking me out of school.

Crazy right?

“Do you want some lunch?” She asked standing from my bed. I hadn't seen George in a few days. He was normally always with her.

“I need to go to and see Charlotte. Something about this bloody mating ceremony”. Rolling my eyes I turned off my tv. “I don't understand why we need to have a ceremony. It's like shouting to the world that we're about to have sx".

She chuckled shaking her head. “It's not about the sex sweetheart. It's about the Alpha finding his mate”.

“Yeah well the Alpha is about to get knocked out” I still hadn't heard from him and I wasn't messaging him first. No matter how much I wanted to. We argued or should I say he lost his temper but that doesn't mean I don't care. I wanted to know he was safe.

“Be careful its all I ask. Tell Charlotte I'm asking for her and let me know if you're staying there for dinner or coming back here”.

“Where's George?". I asked.

“He's working”. She smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. “Anyway I'll let you get on and I'll see you when you come home". As she closed the door my phone vibrated, Jake had sent me a messaged.


still in a mood witch?"


“Bite me’

He was such an asshole at times but I knew I had seen nothing yet. He was always going to be this way. Over protective and yes maybe even a little overbearing.

“Don’t fucking tempt me princess’

I couldn't hide my grin when his name started to flash on my screen. I knew I had to answer it.


“Your ass would be red raw if I were with you right now". His tone was lower than usual, I knew his teeth were clenched. “You started it"...

“nd now I'm ending it. You should have called me I was still here”.

“I made it home safe, it's not a big deal”. I sighed. I couldn't wait until I could drive my own car.

“Where are you just now?". He asked.

“Ym home but I'm heading over to your moms soon”.

“What are you doing after that?"

“I don't know Jake. Next you'll be wanting to know every time I go to the toilet”.

“Princess”. He growled causing me to roll my eyes. “I just want to make sure you're safe”.

“I know. I whispered.

“When will you realise that I can't be me without you?"

“I don't know Jake".

“Ym never going to change baby. I'l always be this overbearing, overprotective a*****e you may say". He laughed. “I should have taken you with me”...

“Ill be okay I promise”.

“The packs watching over you, don't-.."

“Babysitting me Jake really?”.

“Protecting what is mine when I can’t do it myself”. He growled. “You are their Luna, they will protect you with their life. Ill call you later please tell me you'll answer”.

I didn't like that we constantly bickered but at the same time I didn't like him telling me what to do. I was to independent to just lie down to it.


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