The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 34

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 34

Turning my key in the door I went inside and locked it behind me. Turning on the light I slipped my jacket and boots off and went to find a dry towel.

I hadn't heard from my gran since she left, my stomach was in knots because of how bad the weather was. What if she was stuck somewhere? Drying out my hair I stripped out of my wet clothes and put them straight into the washing machine.

Taking my phone out of my bag I checked to see if she had sent any messages or at least tried to phone. Nothing!! Putting the kettle on to boil I took fresh pjs from the laundry pile and quickly put them all.

I could hear the rain battering off the window. The wind had began to pick up. All in all I was glad I was back home and safe. Emptying some hot chocolate into a mug I filled it to the top with boiling water before adding a little milk.

She would be home soon.

An hour had passed and she still wasn't home. I had put the vampire diaries on but couldn't concentrate. The weather was making me worry, what if she had been in an accident? Dialling her number I put the phone to my ear.

No answer!

Now I was freaking out a little. Phone in hand I started to pace the living room jumping slightly when it started to vibrate. She was calling me.


"Are you home?". She asked.

"Yes, where are you?".

"Listen honey I don't think I'm going to make it home tonight. There has been an accident and they've shut the road off, we can't get in".

An accident?

"Are you safe? The weather is really bad. I seen on the news they think a storm is coming. Don't you go outside Leah".

"I'm safe gran, I'm home. Are you safe, is George with you?". I asked.

"We're both safe. I hate that I'm not home with you. Will you be okay? Maybe phone Alanna and go stay with her?". She suggested. "I'm okay I'll see you tomorrow just stay safe".

"I don't want you to be alone when the weather is this bad Leah. Could you please phone Alanna or even Charlotte".

"Gran I'm fine...hello?".... I was losing her, the connection poor. "Hello, can you hear me?".


"I'm here".


The line went dead.

I wasn't going to stay with Alanna. I was perfectly fine in my own home. I would ride the storm out with some hot Cheetos and the Salvatore brothers.

I had brought my duvet down stairs, turned off all the lights and was curled on the sofa. I was completely ignoring the fact that it felt like my house would blow away.

I was warm, comfortable and safe.

It was late but I wasn't tired. My phone signal had completely gone, all connections down. My wifi down, so no more Netflix. I was sitting in my living room on my own in the dark.

I wonder if Mr hotshot was still having his party.

Pushing the covers off I flicked on the lamp squeezing my eyes shut at the brightness. Walking into the kitchen I opened the fridge, I wasn't really hungry but I was bored and always had room for snacks. I wondered if I could still get take out?

Rolling my eyes at that ridiculous idea I took out some chicken dropping it when I heard voices outside my back garden.

It was late and I was here on my own with no cell reception.

"She's probably sleeping".

"Nah I can see some light".


"I need to make sure she's alright". He snapped.

Was he referring to me?

"Yeah because sneaking around someone's house in the middle of the night is sane".

Who was with him?

"Shut up". He hissed. "She didn't reply to my last message".

I didn't get it.

"Probably because she's sleeping-..."

Sighing I walked to my back door and pulled it open, I gasped, he was so close. "Wwhat are you guys doing out there, the weather is crazy".

"Checking in Leah, you good?". Jack? I couldn't see anything because Jake was blocking my view.

"I have no internet or cell reception but I'll live. Seriously you should get out of the rain". It was wild and windy.

"We're used to it. Is your gran not home?".

Why was he standing all the way back there. Placing my hand on Jakes side I pushed him slightly so I could see. The way he tensed didn't go un-noticed. "There was an accident and they shut the road off but I'm good. Go home, get out of the rain".

"Jack head home I won't be long. Make sure the rest of the territory is secure".

"You got it Alpha"...

Alpha? I thought his dad was Alpha!

This was the first time I had seen him since it happened. Not realising I was still touching him I removed my hand and crossed my arms over my chest.

I felt at ease for the first time tonight. Being in his presence was safe, I felt safe.

"Do you want to come in?". I asked sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. His head snapped up his eyes landing on mine. I couldn't look away. My heart was beating so fast. I wanted to be with him, I wanted to be close to him.

His eyes, they had changed. They were darker, more feral.

"Jake". My voice was barely a whisper.

Moving away from me he closed his eyes running his hands through his hair. "Give me a minute babe". My heart thudded in my chest. He looked to be in pain, he seemed to be struggling.

"A-are you okay?". Taking a few steps back I swallowed the lump that appeared in the back of my throat. I didn't know what to do.

"Always princess". Walking towards me he slipped his arms around my waist burying his head in the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply. "Your scent". He growled. "You've no idea what you do to me. You're fucking perfect".

I couldn't breathe.

"Fuck you're beautiful". Pulling back he brushed his nose against mine.

"I-I..." For once I had no words. I couldn't speak, couldn't think. He had took over everything. My thoughts, my senses. "Jake". I whispered feeling his arms loosen. "I can hear how fast your heart is beating". He whispered brushing the loose strands of hair off my face. "I can smell your fear baby, I'd never hurt you".

I knew he wouldn't but I couldn't help it. I was scared, nervous and maybe even a little excited. He was here, I was in his arms.

Was this what I wanted?

I wasn't sure but it felt right. Him being here felt right.

"Come inside out the rain". Stepping back I instantly missed his touch, I missed the closeness.

As I heard the back door close I put the kettle on grabbing two mugs.

"We need to talk babe".

"I know, do you want coffee?".

"I'll be up all night". He grinned.

Shrugging I put his mug away and filled up my own. High chance of me sleeping tonight anyway. I was wide awake and my gran wasn't here. I hadn't slept in the house on my own before. Taking a seat at the kitchen island I waited for him to begin. I had so many questions, so many things I wanted to know.

"Have you ever heard of werewolf's?". He asked sitting across from me.


"I know what a wolf is Jake". Rolling my eyes I took a sip of my coffee. "But what you turned into-.." I couldn't finish my sentence. I had never seen anything like it.

"Werewolf". He corrected. "Not wolf princess".

Same thing!!

"Can you change wherever you want?". I asked.


"Do you have any triggers?".


"When- when you changed, you changed because of me. I made you angry".

"You made us angry. I have excellent control over him but with you it's difficult”.


"We're one Leah, but he can take over, he can take control and when he does it's not pretty".

"How?". I whispered.

"Let's just say he's very protective of you. We both are".

"Once he takes control is it easy to get back?". I asked.

"Depends on why he takes over". Slipping off the stool he walked towards me. "Burning rage, frustration, of course anger and sometimes even arousal". Scratching the back of his head I noticed the light shade of pink spread over his cheeks.

He was embarrassed.

"So all of you can change into werewolf's?".


"Everyone I know here is a werewolf". I was talking more to myself than Jake.

"Not everyone". He broke through my thoughts making me look at him. "Your little friend Ryan is human".

"Why do you have to say it like that?". I asked. "Because I can fucking smell him on you. I can't stand it. You should only smell like me". He growled teeth clenched.

"What does that even mean?".

"You're fucking mine that's what it means". Closing the gap between us he grabbed hold of my chin. "You can have friends baby just as long as they know you belong to me".

Pushing his hand off I got to my feet. He was being ridiculous, I wasn't a piece of meat he could just claim.

"This caveman act doesn't suit you". Grabbing my cup I emptied the remains into the sink.

"It's not an act baby. Trust me when I say you're mine. The more you run the more we chase". He smirked. "Ryan is just my friend". I sighed. It was getting late and I didn't want to argue with him. Yawning I rubbed at my eyes. "It's late Jake".

"We're not done yet Leah".

"I'm tired". It was still wild outside so I was guessing school was off. "And I think I've learnt enough for tonight". I thought it would have been different around him. I thought I'd maybe be a little more cautious or at least afraid but I wasn't.

"There's so much more princess".

Another yawn escaped my mouth, my eyes growing heavy. "Yeah and it's nearly 1am". I was shattered from being up so early. "There's always tomorrow".

"You think I'm leaving you on your own when's it's like that outside?". Shaking his head he moved so fast. His hands rested on my hips, his breath fanning my face.

He couldn't stay here, my gran would have a heart attack.

"You can't stay here Jake. My gran isn't home and she wouldn't approve". I could see her face now, eighteen or not I wouldn't see outside for a while if I let him stay. "She wouldn't even know I was here". He whispered brushing his nose against mine.


"You can't". Shaking my head I placed my hand against his chest. I needed air. I couldn't handle him being this close to me.

"But I could".

"Jake". I sighed.

"I just want to make sure you're safe. You won't even know I'm here".

He wasn't giving up but I was too tired to argue.

"Fine but you're sleeping on the floor".

True to his word he took the floor.

I couldn't sleep.

I could feel him staring, watching me as if I were his prey. The wind had picked up whistling through the night sky, the rain battering off my windows.

Huffing loudly I sat up. I couldn't let him sleep on the floor, it didn't sit well with me. I also wasn't sure if I wanted him to sleep beside me. I didn't know if I could handle the closeness.

I didn't want to end up doing something I might regret.

"What's wrong princess?".

"I can't sleep". I huffed.

"You feeling okay?". He asked.

"Just get in the damn bed Jake". Laying back down I turned onto my side.

I didn't need to tell him twice.

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