The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 104

We hadn't moved from the couch since I got back from seeing my gran. No one interrupted us, no one dropped round, it was just the two of us enjoying each others company. That was until his phone started ringing.

"Peace shattered". He muttered getting to his feet and taking the call in the kitchen. Something he always did and it bugged the hell out of me. It was like I wasn't allowed to hear what he was talking about. Everything always had to be so secretive with him.

Turning off the tv I grabbed my backpack and headed upstairs. I figured he'd be a while because let's face it he always is when he's on the phone.

Dumping my bag on his bed I grabbed a clean towel from his drawers and rummaged through my overnight bag. I was down to my last clean pair of pjs and my last clean pair of panties.

"Why'd you turn the-...oh". He smirked snatching the panties from my hand. "I'd pay good money to see you in these".

"Shut up". I grinned already feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. "I'll need to drop by my grans and pick up more of my stuff-...can you please stop doing that". I went to grab my panties that he was swinging around his finger back.

"I'm keeping these".

"Those are my last clean pair".

"You got dirty ones?". He grinned.

"You're disgusting". I snatched my panties back putting them in my bag. "Who was on the phone?".

"Just Jack giving me an update. You going for a shower?".

"An update on what?".

"Nothing for you to worry about".

"Don't do that". I frowned. "Don't shut me out". I lifted the towel holding it against my chest.

"He was giving me the all clear from his patrol which I'll then pass onto Rocco for the night patrol. Nothing exciting Leah".

"So why not just tell me that?".

"I didn't think it was a big deal". He frowned.

"Okay". I shrugged. "I'm going for a shower. Should we order takeout?". I wondered how long it would take before he remembers he was meant to be taking me to dinner. "Fuck". He sighed. "I was meant to be taking you out for dinner".

"It's not a big deal".

"We can still go?".

"I can't be bothered. I just want to shower and then study a little before bed".


"Perfect". I smiled.

My eyes felt they were going to burst out my head. I had been studying for what felt like days and taking nothing in.

I was done. Pushing my books off the bed they landed on the floor with a thump. I knew this stuff so I had no idea why I was getting myself stressed.

I guess it was normal right?

Getting off the bed I took my dirty dishes and left over pizza downstairs. Jack had dropped by earlier and was still here. The two of them sat in the kitchen a beer in their hand. "Leah". Jack gave me a nod but wouldn't look at me.


"Hey, do any of you want this before I bin it?". I looked at Jake but he was glaring at my bare legs. Yeah I forgot to mention I put on one of his T-shirts instead of my pjs. Call me crazy but I slept better in his clothes.

"I guess not then". I dumped my leftovers in the bin before putting my plate in the sink.

It was just a pair of legs. It's not as if they hadn't seen a pair before. What was the big deal?

"Can you get-...". I turned around only to bump into his chest.

"Can't come down here like that when people are over". Eyes blazing he placed his hands on the counter top trapping me in.

Rolling my eyes a sigh fell from my lips. Was he really pissed because I came down here in only his T-shirt? Everything else was covered. It wasn't like my ass was hanging out. "Roll your eyes one more time princess". His eyes bore into mine the brown disappearing the black setting in.

"I didn't know Jack was still here". I whispered placing my hands on top of his.

"Not that I don't like the view but it's for me to see and me only. I don't want anyone else looking at what's mine". I could hear the rasp in his voice, the change in his tone.

The temptation to roll my eyes was to much so instead I leaned up placing a kiss against his cheek. "It won't happen again I promise". Anything to keep the big bad wolf happy.

"I pride myself on control Leah but when it comes to you I have none. It's hard to control not only me but my wolf also".

He wasn't for letting this go.

"This is going to be my house yeah?". I asked.

"Our house". He frowned.

"Then if I want to come down to my kitchen in just your T-shirt then I should be free to do so". I placed my finger against his lips before he could interrupt. "If I want to walk about our house naked then I shouldn't be worried about anyone being here".

"Babe". His eyes narrowed.

"I get that you're Alpha but this isn't a pack house Jake".

"I'd never turn my pack away".

"I never asked you to but maybe they shouldn't just walk about here freely whenever they want".

"It's always been like that". He frowned. "My house is as much there's as it is mine".

"And what if we were having sex in the kitchen and Jack walked in?". His mom caught us being intimate before. What's to say it wouldn't be someone else.

His body tensed before he smirked. "Could always-...".

"Don't even finish that sentence". I cut him off. "Do you get where I'm coming from?".

"I get it babe".

"They're family Jake and they're always welcome but I don't need the third degree every time I come down with no pants on".

"This". He growled his hand slipping down onto my ass cheek squeezing tight. "Is mine and only mine. No one gets to see what's mine. Understood?". My heart skipped a beat.

"Understand princess?".

"Yes". I whispered watching the black dance in his eyes. His wolf wasn't fully present but he was there.

"Good girl". Placing both hands on my waist he bent his head placing a kiss against my forehead.

I tried to calm my breathing, my heart hammering in my chest. When he went all possessive it did something to me.

Hairs on the back of my neck stood, toes curled, mouth dry. Jake Taylor was sex on a stick and he did things to me I still couldn't explain.

"You okay?". I didn't miss his smirk. He knew the effect he had on me.

"Don't". I whispered aware of his hands slipping from my waist to the tops of my thighs.

"Don't what?". His voice dropped, became husky, he was turned on. Turned on because I was turned on.

"Don't do-...".

"I can smell you". He growled.

Oh god.

"The kitchen, really Jake?". Her voice reached my ears and I wasn't sure if I was relieved or annoyed.

"Alanna". He grit his teeth. "What do you want?".

"I'm on late night patrol. Just wanted a snack before I set off". She sounded confused.

"Couldn't have grabbed a snack at moms?". He wasn't happy she was here.

"But we always come here".

"Yeah that'll be stopping". I felt him tense. "Grab your snack and get out".

"Jake". I hissed. He didn't have to be rude about it.

"Can't have it both ways princess". He loosened his grip but still blocked as he turned around. "You

my vie

guys gotta stop showing up here uninvited".

"Noted. I'll pass the message along". I couldn't see her but I knew by the tone of her voice that she was grinning. "Bye Leah".

"Bye". Chewing my bottom lip I shoved his shoulder once I heard the door close.

"Now you can walk about in nothing". He winked. "Got a dress for prom yet?".

"Exams first then prom".

"Gotta have a dress princess. It's prom". He made a face causing me to laugh.

"Who did you take to prom?". I asked.

"I'm taking you to prom". He kissed my forehead before walking to the fridge. "You want a beer?".

"Yeah but who did you take to your prom?". Why was he avoiding the question?

"Doesn't matter". He took two beers from the fridge passing me one.

"Let me guess Sarah?".

"I didn't go to prom".

"What?". I frowned.

"I had bigger things to focus on than prom. I was training, proving myself. Showing my dad that I was ready to become Alpha".

But he wasn't Alpha.

"I couldn't become Alpha until I found you". He gave me a small smile. "And now I have you".

"Now you have me". I whispered as he closed the distance between us, placing himself between my legs.

"Damn you're beautiful". He cupped

the side of my face his eyes never

leaving mine. "And all mine". Feeling his breath against my lips my eyes closed on there own.

I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to do so much more.

"If I kiss you I won't stop baby".

"Then don't stop". My voice barely a whisper I opened my eyes to find his completely black.

A growl fell from his lips as he gripped my hips pulling me closer. "I want to babe but we can't".

Of course!

Sighing I placed my hands against his chest and shoved slightly. "I need to study".

"You know we can't Leah".

"Are you a virgin Jake?".


"You've had sex before, I've had sex before. So why can't we have sex together?".

"This is different and you know it". His eyes slanted his grip tightening. "For our bond to work we have to wait until the full moon".

"We could have already been mated by now if you hadn't of left me". My tone bitter I pushed his hands off me.

"Hey". He snapped. "I had to leave. I was no good for you. I'd have hurt you in the worst way".

"I'm going to study".

"No". He hissed gripping a hold of

my arm and pulling me back to him. "You think I want to wait, think I don't want to fuck you at every opportunity. You're my mate, I will not treat you like some whore".

My breath caught in my throat.

"I have to do this right with you. I can't fuck it up again. I can't lose you".

"Okay, okay". I pulled my arm from his grasp placing my hands against his chest. "You're not going to lose me Jake but-...".

"I know it's tough babe but we don't have long to wait".

"I know". I sighed. "I'm sorry".

"Soon baby I promise".

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