The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 101

"So is Jake coming for you?". Alanna asked.

We were still sat in the cafeteria drinking coffee. "I haven't messaged him yet. I mean I don't see why I couldn't drive myself to school".

"I think it's cute". She grinned. "He's looking after you".

"Yeah cute". I finished the rest of my coffee before pushing my cup to the side. "How do you really think the exam went?".

She shrugged. "It's done now so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. How are you feeling about the chemistry one?".

"I'm trying not to think about it". I rubbed a hand over my face. "I tried to study the other night and it didn't exactly go so well. I couldn't remember anything".

"That's normal". She laughed. "You doing anything tonight?".

"Other than not wanting to go home". I didn't want to face my gran. I still hadn't processed our last conversation. Selling the house, moving in with George, leaving me on my own.

"You've always got a place to stay Leah".

"Sooner than I thought". I shrugged.

"You'll be mated soon, it'll be better in the long run".

"I just don't know if I'm ready to move in with him. I want to be but what if it's to soon. What if we get under each other's skin and end up hating each other".

A laugh fell from her lips. "All that is normal trust me but it's never to soon when you're meant to be together". Rolling my eyes I dodged out of the way of her hand. "Don't roll your eyes at me Leah. You'll see what I mean when you're mated".

"I'm sure I will". I took out my phone. "Guess I better text him to come get me".

"I could drop you off instead if you want?". She asked.

"Let's go then". I picked up my bags and the books I collected from the library.

"You really that worried about the chemistry exam?". She nodded towards the books.

"Absolutely shitting myself. I need to pass to be able to graduate".

"Have you asked Jake for help?".


"And why not?". She asked as we headed towards her car.

"He's busy". I shrugged.

"And you're full of shit". She smirked. "You don't want to ask him for help do you?".

"No". I chewed the inside of my cheek. "And it's nothing to do with being stubborn. I know he has a lot going on".

"Yeah because I'm sure he'll pass up spending hours alone with you". She rolled her eyes as she unlocked her car. "Shut up". I grinned getting in.

"Does he know I'm bringing you home?". She started the engine pulling out of the school parking lot.

"I'll text him now". And I did. I let him know Alanna was dropping me at his and to see if he was home. He instantly texted back. He was at the training ground.

"He's not home". I locked my phone screen leaving his message on read.

"Then come to my moms with me. Let him know that's where you'll be".

Unlocking my screen I clocked his other message telling me to come to the training ground.

"Can you drop me off at the training ground?". I sighed.

"Sure thing".

Most of the pack was here but what got my back up was seeing Jessica. What reason did she have for being here?

They were all out on the field. All working hard and taking orders. All focused and looked to be in fighting mood.

"Hey baby". He kissed the side of my head as I approached.

"Preparing for something?". I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Yes I was annoyed that she was here. If her abilities were taken from her then she shouldn't be allowed here. "Rocco found a scent on the main border this morning. It might be nothing but we're preparing just incase. They have to be ready for anything".

"And Jessica?". I couldn't help the bitterness in my tone.

"She's a strong she wolf and-...".

"But she's not allowed to shift". I cut him off. "That was her punishment so why is she here".


I took a deep breath. I wasn't going to pick an argument with him but I was going to make sure he knew I was annoyed.

"Give me your keys so I can drive myself home". I held my hand out.

"Jack". He yelled motioning for him to come over.

"I can drive myself home Jake".

never said you couldn't. Jad

over I'm done for the day".

"You got it Alpha".

"I asked for your keys not for you to take me home".

"I'm not arguing with you over this Leah. She's a strong wolf and until I know who the scent belongs to we need everyone on board".

"I'm sure you can manage without her". I slammed the passenger side door behind me knowing it would piss him off.

"Was that really necessary?". He growled starting the car and driving up onto the main road.

"Was what really necessary?". I smiled.

I could feel his glare but chose to ignore it.

"You're so fucking stubborn".

We didn't speak the rest of the ride home. It wasn't until he pulled up outside my house that I looked at him.

"Think you need to sort something's out". He cut the engine.

"No I don't". I crossed my arms over my chest.

"She really wants to see you".

"She seen me last night".

"Leah". He sighed.

"Fine". I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. "But I'll do it by myself. You don't need to be here".

"Yes I do". He moved so fast his arm wrapping around my waist. "I need to be here babe".

The front door opened. My gran and George standing staring at me. Pushing Jake's arm off I took a step away from him. "What's going on?".

"Come inside honey. We need to talk".

So I did. I went inside and listened to what she had to say.

A laugh fell from my lips as I got to my feet. I had been sitting next to Jake his hand holding mine the whole time.

I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe nerves I don't know.

"So you're trying to tell me I'm a werewolf?". Another laugh fell from my lips. "Don't be ridiculous".

"She's not kidding Leah". Jake followed my movement and got to his feet but I kept my distance.

"That's not possible". I whispered. I wasn't a wolf, I couldn't be.

"I wasn't sure at first babe but your scent-...".

"Is human cut him off. "I think I would know if I had a fluffy tail and fangs". My heart was racing, the possibility of being a werewolf frightening.

"Leah, sweetheart, your dad-...".

"No". I frowned. I had never met my dad and my gran refused to talk about him. "This, I-... this isn't real it can't be".

"Please come and sit down". My gran begged.

"So this is what you were talking about last night with Carter and Alanna?". I turned to Jake. "How long have you known?".

"Not long". I didn't miss the look he gave my gran.

"Okay". I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. "So my dads a werewolf?".

"Your dad doesn't matter Leah. This is about you, you need to believe and accept that you are part wolf".

"I-I need some air". Grabbing my bag I headed for the front door Jake hot on my heels.


"Just give me 5 minutes please. I'm okay I promise". It was a lot to process and I still didn't believe it but this was happening.

I was a werewolf. I had so many questions and yet all I wanted was to be alone.

"5 minutes and then I'm coming back out to get you". He kissed the top of my head before leaving me on my own.

Without thinking I got in my car and took off down the street. I needed to be alone, I needed time to let this sink in.

I was eighteen and never once had I felt different. Never once had I felt this other part of me. How was I just finding out about this?

Why had my gran kept this from me?

What was she protecting me from?

I knew one thing and it was I couldn't run from it. Sighing I turned my car around and headed back home.

I needed answers.

I had to understand why.

He was stood outside his phone to his ear, his face like thunder. Parking in the drive I awaited the blow I was about to receive.

"Can't just run away from it".

"I wasn't running". Closing the door behind me I stopped in front of him. "Well I was but I came back. How could I not know about this?". "You didn't accept your wolf which is why the shift hasn't happened yet".

"How could I accept something I knew nothing about?". I frowned.

"Hey". He whispered grabbing my hands in his. "Your wolf is still in there. We just have to bring her out".

"Why didn't she tell me?".

"I don't know babe. You'll need to talk to her".

"I've never met my dad not once and now I have all these questions. How could she not have let me meet him?".

"Hey". He pulled me closer. "Everything is going to be okay. Do you want to go back inside?".

No, no I didn't.

"Can you take me to your house?". I had heard enough for one night. I needed time to process everything I had learned.

I had nothing to say. My head bursting with all this new information. We were sitting in his living room the tv on mute.


"Hm?". I turned to look at him.

"Talk to me". He pleaded.

"I-..I have nothing to say". I couldn't process it. The thought alone made me second guess my whole life, my whole up bringing.

"But we're okay right?".

"We're okay". It wasn't his fault, he didn't know and right now he was all I had. He was the only one I trusted. "Can I have some tea?".

"You hungry?". He got to his feet heading towards the kitchen. "Could order in?".

Food was the last thing on my mind. I was too anxious to eat. The thought alone making my stomach churn.

"Just tea and then I have to study for

a bit". My English exam was tomorrow and it was one I wanted to grade high on. I wanted to rub Mr Gallaghers nose in it.

"You need me to get anything from your house?".

"No they're already in my bag". I took the mug from him. "Thank you".

"I have to nip out for a bit. You be okay until I come back?". He asked.

"This have to do with the scent Rocco found?". I was still annoyed at the Jessica part.

"It does. A few of us are going to track the woods. I can call Alanna to come over and sit with you if you want?".

"No I'll be okay on my own". I was surprised Alanna wasn't going with them.

"I won't be long". He kissed the top of my head before leaving me alone.

I didn't study, didn't even take a book

out my bag. I took my tea and headed straight for his room. Today felt like it was never ending and all I wanted was to curl up in his bed and be on my own.

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