The Alpha Bond

Chapter 9



I’m here for you

Cyrus was like my little brother when we were young. Me being mated with Amara makes me his actual brother-in-law. Plus he’s a good person.

And his mate, Celina, is an amazing person too. I’ve seen and studied the work she does, and it’s fantastic. She leads the werewolf world with care, kindness, and intelligence, providing just decisions.

Both of them make an amazing team and honestly make our world more organized and peaceful. None of them deserves to die. Not after everything they have and are doing for us.

Even if there is the slightest chance of saving them, I’ll try my best to make it possible. I have studied supernatural creatures for a long time and I am positive that I’ve come across these marks before. I just don’t know where. And even though I don’t want to give them or anyone any hope right now, I think I can find a loophole.

“We don’t know much about the marks either. Just that we had them forever. We both have them on the same spot on our neck and it is of the same shape and size.” Celina told me.

“What shape is it?”

“A heart.”

Hmm, interesting. Heart marks are rare and I might have some suspicions on the bond. But I can’t say anything for sure.

“Anything else about your marks or the curse that you missed out on? Every detail can be important.”

“Well, the first time I saw Cyrus’ mark, I felt a sharp pain on my mark as far as I can remember.” Celina said.

That confirms my suspicion. A heart means that it was a love bond. So, Hades knew that they were mates when he linked them.

Not that it matters though, I mean it’s Hades we are talking about. He could have a purpose for this or he might just have done it for fun.

“Okay, anything else?”

“I don’t think so, but if we do remember, we’ll tell you instantly.”

I nodded and we all left for our rooms. I have been sharing a room with Amara.

“Hey, how are you holding up?” I asked as she closed the door.

“I…I don’t know. I mean I love both of them so much. How can I ever live without them?”

I quickly hugged and comforted her. She started crying buried in my chest while I drew lazy circles on her back.

“I’m here for you okay?”

I could feel her pain through the bond. Her head remained tucked in my chest. After some time, she pulled back and wiped her tears.

“Sorry” she said.

“For what?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I got your shirt all wet.”

I smiled. “I would get all my shirts wet if it means I’ll be with you.”

“That was so bad.” She chuckled.

“Hey, it got you smiling, so I guess it worked.”

We laughed for some time and then she grew serious.

“Do you think there is any way to save them?” she asked, hope shown in her eyes.

“I can’t say anything for sure right now. I’m sorry. But I promise you that I’ll try my best to save them.”

She nodded. She put her head on my shoulder and silently sat beside me. I started thinking about the curse again. Something didn’t add up.

“What is it?” she said a few minutes later, probably feeling my emotions through the bond.

“I’m still thinking about the curse. But you don’t need to work yourself over it. I know you are upset, and I’m here for whatever you need.” I said, not wanting to upset her even more with the confusion in my head.

“You are so thoughtful, but I want to help. Tell me what’s on your mind. Maybe, I can help you solve it.”

“Well, I don’t understand why would Hades want them as their slaves. I mean both of them are extremely strong and he can benefit from their powers. However, werewolves are separated from their wolves after death; and that would strip their powers and make them useless for him, right?”

She thought for a while and then answered.

“What if they don’t die? Is it possible for Hades to take them to hell alive?” she asked.

“Wow, I never thought about that. I mean it won’t be possible for a mortal to go to hell alive alone, but maybe Hades has a way; like a secret portal.”

“Maybe. But it still doesn’t make sense that Hades would want them, even with their powers. What could they possibly do that he can’t?”

“Who knows? But I don’t think Hades would’ve made this deal for no reason. He must have a big motive for it. Extending a life span is not easy, even for him.”

“Well, then we need to find out a way to dodge this fast.”

I nodded.

The whole day went by very quickly. We all did some research on the marks. I took the lead and everyone followed what I said.

By the end of the day, we were all exhausted but we didn’t find new leads.

We were in the library, going through books and searching through laptops.

Vanessa and Elliot had already gone half an hour ago to tuck in the girls and rest. Celina too started yawning.

“Guys, we are going to go back now. It is late, you should go too. We will continue our research tomorrow. Also, thank you for putting so much effort for us. You two just met and instead of spending time with each other, you are helping us. It means a lot.” Celina said.

“Hey, you are our Alpha. It is our duty to protect you. Plus, you both are like my family. We’ll do everything we can to help you.” I reassured her.

They both smiled and left. Now it was just me and Amara in the whole library. We worked silently for a while.

“Aaron, look at this. I think I found something.” She said.

I stood up immediately and walked behind her chair. She pointed me to the line she was reading.

I read it and she did indeed find something. It was a paragraph about the love bonds. It said that a love bond can be made to protect one person by bonding his or her life to the person they love.

The bond can only be broken by the person who casted it, or if the people fall out of love entirely.

If the love bond is not broken in time, it may become too strong causing the souls to merge.

A love bond is usually casted with a condition. Once the condition is fulfilled, the bond automatically breaks. The condition is to be fulfilled by the people in the bond or their blood.

I finished reading the pages and Amara silently waited.

I did not realize how close I had come to her until I finished, and now I could feel her steady breaths on my skin. I looked into her eyes and felt the electricity between us.

She sub-consciously closed her eyes and bit her lip. My gaze shifted to her lips as I slowly leaned in. I felt her heat radiating to me when I closed my eyes. My lips touched hers and the world melted away.

This wasn’t the first time I had kissed her but I still felt the electricity like I felt the first time.

“Hey guys, did I leave my phone he.. oh shit sorry.” Celina said coming in again.

We both immediately pulled back at the sound of her voice. I saw Amara blushing as she spoke,

“No, it’s okay. Umm… we actually found something. Do you want to take a look at it?” she said changing the topic.

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