The Alpha Bond

Chapter 55

Song rec- You belong with me, Taylor Swift



Shall we?

It’s been two days since I came back and it’s been amazing. Cyra asked my Mom to move into the castle but when she declined Cyra settled at moving her close to the castle. Except for the new regal face Cyra now has, she is exactly the same. She’s still the sassy, confident, gorgeous, Taylor Swift-obsessed girl I fell for. She is still my Cyra.

Today is the day of Violet’s wedding and I haven’t seen Cyra since yesterday night. Have you ever heard the saying that the bride and groom should not meet the day before the wedding? Well, they applied it to the bride’s maid too and her brothers and Dad were completely in support of this. Have I mentioned they’re protective as hell? From what I learned, it took Kabir 2 weeks to take Violet on a date, so I’m still off easy, mainly because Cyra is stubborn as hell and we had already spent a lot of time together earlier.

Anyway, currently I’m with Kabir and the twins in his room, just passing the time until it’s evening. Violet and Kabir are having a fusion wedding of the Christian and Hindu styles. So, like most Indian weddings, the wedding would be held at night. While all the work is being done by the servants and the parents, and our girls are busy getting ready or something like that, we have absolutely nothing to do. Kabir’s cousins will directly come to the wedding.

“This is annoying! I haven’t seen Violet in so long that my wolf isn’t letting me do anything in peace,” Kabir groaned.

“While I don’t have a wolf, I feel you, bro,” I replied.

“I get that it’s way too boring to just sit here but it’s not like we can do anything to see the girls,” Alex said.

Kabir and I looked at each other with a smirk.

“Or can we?” I said.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Aiden asked.

“Let’s sneak up to their room,” Kabir said.

“I want to say no but I’m way too bored here,” Alex said.

“Alex!” Aiden shouted.

“C’mon Aiden!” he groaned.

They both had a silent fight for a few seconds before Aiden finally gave up.

“Fine, but we sneak in and then out, no dirty business!” he said.

We nodded happily and our mission began. Alex and Aiden led us to the room the girls were supposed to be in. We were sneaking through different hallways, making sure absolutely no one saw us.

“They’re in that room over there. You two go, we’ll make sure no one comes in,” Alex said and we nodded.

“This is still a bad idea,” Aiden groaned but we ignored him.

Kabir and I walked to the room and knocked. We could hear Violet’s and Cyra’s giggles as footsteps approached us. A smile graced our lips as the door opened.

“About time! I was wondering when you two would finally give up,” Celina, Cyra’s mother said opening the door.

We both looked at each other sheepishly before turning back to her. Why didn’t I think they’d be in the room? Maybe because my brain stopped working properly while my heart ached to see her. We tried to think of an excuse but came up with nothing.

“You two can stop trying to make excuses because this is way too obvious. You don’t just stumble onto your mate’s room when you aren’t supposed to see her,” Aunt Vanessa said.

“While Cyrus would never admit this, you are very much like him Damon. Remember when they tried to do this too? But they got caught too quickly. Congrats boys, you reached the room, but sadly you still can’t see the bride,” Aunt Amara continued.

“Cyra isn’t even the bride! Why can’t I see her?” I groaned.

“Patience love boys, you’ll see them in a few hours,” Aunt Vanessa said while the other two ladies waved at us while we turned back with a frown on our faces.

“Did you see them?” Alex asked when he saw us coming.

“Nope, mom and the aunts caught us,” Kabir replied.

“See, I told you,” Aiden rolled his eyes.

“C’mon, let’s go back. I guess we can start getting ready to pass the time,” Kabir said.

I sighed but followed the other back into the room we were given. Alex even took out some DVDs of their childhood and told us different embarrassing stories about our girls. Still, time went agonising slow and we were practically begging lord for the wedding to start by the time actually came. First, the wedding ceremony will happen in the church and after that, we’ll all go to the banquet for the Indian version of the wedding. Honestly, I loved the idea of the fusion wedding and it’s going to be amazing.

We reached the church quickly since it was really close and waited at the end of the aisle for Violet and Cyra. Am I speed telling you this, well I can’t help but skip over the boring details of waiting to meet Cyra. I mean c’mon, five years should be enough!

As the music began, I snapped out of my thoughts because I knew Cyra was about to enter. When she stepped in, I forgot how to breathe. She was in a lavender ball gown, holding pink flowers. She walked in gracefully with a smile on her pink lush lips. Her makeup was nothing too much but made her look even more perfect than she was. Her hair were flowing in waves behind her back with little flowers in them. Her eyes met mine and her smile widened.

Her eyes roamed down my body taking me in and I felt her gaze tingling every part of my body. Nothing existed when I looked at her. She gracefully, and very slowly might I add, walked over to us and stood beside my side. Her rosy smell filled my senses and I took it all in. At some point, Violet entered and the wedding ceremony had started. Yet all my focus was on Cyra. She held my hand and I relished the sparks.

“Missed me?” she asked.

“You have no idea! Did you?” I asked.

“I didn’t really have the time to miss you,” she chuckled.

“Oh really? Then why did you beg me to let them come in when they sneaked into your room?” Cyra’s mom chuckled from behind.

Cyra’s cheeks turned pink and I laughed softly. We stayed quiet for the rest of the ceremony. We were still holding each other’s hands, relishing the sparks, as we watched the wedding take place. After the vows and the kiss, we all went upstairs where the next part of the wedding had to take place.

Everything was already set and it looked absolutely beautiful. Kabir’s family took over now and they were commanding people there to do different things. The priest was already sitting with all the supplies in the front of the room. While Violet and Kabir went there, we roamed the banquet admiring it since we were free of all the tasks now, at least of what I now.

“So, what did you do without me?” Cyra asked me.

“Passed time, that went agonising slow, watched your DVDs, talked….” I said.

“Watched my DVDs? The ones from our childhood?” she cut me off.

“Yeah, they were actually pretty hilarious. I didn’t know you were so obsessed with ‘Let it go’,” I laughed.

“It was a phase, okay! Alex and Aiden are so going down when they find their mates,” she snapped and I laughed even more.

“So, what do we do now?” I asked.

“After plotting a perfect revenge, we have to steal Jiju’s shoes and eat and enjoy and dance,” she replied.

“Steal Kabir’s shoes?” I asked amused.

“Yeah it’s an Indian wedding tradition, the bride’s family steals the groom’s shoes and then we get paid to get the shoes back. The groom’s family tries to protect the shoes. Alex, Aiden, and I have been plotting for this since we got to know about it. So, my partner in crime, are you in?” she asked extending her arm.

“We went from stealing keys that unlock the most severely hidden potions to stealing shoes, but with you, I’m always in,” I replied and kissed her hand.

She giggled and told me their plan. We kept an eye on the shoes while eating and roaming here and there to not seem suspicious. As soon as Violet and Kabir sat down after removing their shoes, Cyra took some water bottles and went to them, and offered the bottles. While doing so, she slyly slipped on Kabir’s shoes. Since her gown was already touching the floor and covering her feet, no one could see what shoes she was wearing. She had already removed her shoes earlier and given them to me. Alex and Aiden had the job of distracting Kabir’s cousins who were supposed to protect the shoes. Cyra slipped in and out swiftly without anyone noticing the missing shoes. After she stepped out, she walked towards me giggling.

“Now that our mission is complete, let’s dance! Where are my shoes?” she exclaimed.

I gave her shoes, which were literally shoes instead of heels like other girls, and she slipped them on while I hid the shoes in a bag and handed them to Alex.

A lot of people were already on the dance floor but we didn’t even see them while dancing as our focus was completely on each other. Cyra’s body moved completely in sync with mine, just like before. Her sweet giggles and perfect twirl made me fall in love with her a little more….

“Hi princess, may I have this dance,” a guy interrupted my thoughts. His flirty eyes were looking at Cyra and that made my blood heat up with an emotion I rarely ever felt.

“No, she cannot. Now if you’ll excuse us, you’re in our way,” I replied for her.

“I am asking her, not you. Shall we beautiful?” he continued.

“YOU..” I started but Cyra cut me off.

“No thank you, I’m perfectly fine with my mate. And I suggest you leave before we ruin the environment of the wedding,” she replied smiling.

“Mate? Oh yeah, sorry,” I mumbled with wide eyes and stepped out of the dance floor.

Cyra then turned towards me with a smirk,

“Jealous, are we?” she said.

“I’m as jealous of him as you were of Val when you first met her,” I replied and she choked on her saliva.

“Let’s just dance,” she replied blushing and I smirked.

We continued dancing and having fun the rest of the night before returning to our home in the morning.


Damn that was a big chapter! I just wanted to finish Violet's wedding in one chapter. Ps; if I wrote anything wrong about the wedding ceremony or any of their traditions, pardon that mistake. I wrote this chapter solely based on my information on wedding, which may not be completely right.

Either way, I hope you like the chapter.

Fun story, so it was my uncle's wedding and so we were technically supposed to protect the shoes. However, since that had already been done by my uncle's friends, me and my cousins decided to steal my aunt's sandals, cause equality. My aunt's cousins found out about our plan and they hid the sandals. It took us all night to finally get those sandal with extensive planning and a lot of effort. After that, when we asked for money, instead of getting the shoes back, my uncle held my aunt in his hands and took her to the car. It was so fun, but we did not get any money.

Anyone else with fun wedding memories? I'd love to read em.

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