The Alpha Bond

Chapter 40

Song rec- You are in love




I watched as Cyra’s wolf stared at the orb. She’s been looking at it for a few minutes like she’s in a trance. It’s scaring me to see her like that. Suddenly, her fur started to glow and I was awe-stuck. She is so pretty, I don’t even have words to describe her.

Soon the light became so bright, it blinded me, but only for a few seconds. After that, the light disappeared completely and so did the orb. I saw Cyra shift back to her human and fall down. Out of instinct, I pulled her into my arm right before she fell.

“No! Earthling, please open your eyes. Cyra, stop, don’t leave me, please. I love you!” I cried as she went limp in my arms.

I checked her pulse and let out a breath of relief when I felt it. it was weak, but it was there. She is strong, she would survive this, I hope.

I grabbed her bag in one hand and carried her to the other side of the orb that seemed to be slowly forming again. I laid her down and made her drink water to regain her energy. I don’t know what else to do! Actually, maybe I do.

C’mon, I can do this. I can heal her. After all, I am a half-god.

I took her hands in mine and focused them. They were soft, cold and so small compared to mine. I let out a deep breath and felt my energy flow through my hands to hers. A soft glow appeared as I did that. Her pulse started to grow stronger. I think it’s working!

After I had healed her enough, I let her sleep. She always looks so peaceful while she does. I ran my hands through her gorgeous silky hair; I couldn’t stop myself. The thought of losing her scared me so much. I love her. I can’t believe I fell in love with her but then again, how could I not. I lay down beside her, falling to sleep with her sweet smell around me.

~Two days later~

It’s been two whole fucking days! Two days of hoping that she would wake up! Two days of praying that she wouldn’t die! I would kill Hades if she died because of his stupid mission!

All I’ve done these two days is stare at her, waiting for her to wake up or trying something to wake her up. It’s tormenting to just stand here, watching her lay like that. I miss her voice, her eyes, her sarcastic comments when she called me ‘Hellion’, her smile, her laugh, her dimples. I miss her so much. She is right in front of me but she isn’t.

“Cyra, please wake up,” I said for the millionth time, with the same hope that she would somehow hear me and wake up.

Tears began to flow down my cheeks. I don’t even know where they come from anymore. Aren’t we supposed to have a definite amount of water in our bodies?

Then, I felt all my prayers were answered. I saw her move. I saw her eyes open.

“Cyra,” I whispered.

“Damon?” she whispered back, her voice cracking.

I immediately got her water and helped her drink it. she had sat down now.

“How long have I been out?” She said.

“Two days,” I answered.

“Two, wait, have you been crying?” she looked at me and engulfed me in a hug.

I felt sparks fly as soon as she touched me. She gasped and let go.

“Mate,” she said with a huge smile on her face.

No. This cannot happen. I love her with all my heart, but she deserves so much better than me. She can’t be with me. She has to reject me.

“You have to reject me,” I told her.

Her smile suddenly dropped and tears formed in her eyes. I hate that I did that.

“Why? Do you not like me that much? I thought when we kissed you…” She spoke in her broken voice.

“No, Cyra, it’s not that. This is just too complicated. You are a princess, you need a prince. You need someone to rule by your side. We can’t be together. We just won’t work together. You deserve so much more than me!” I ranted.

“Damon, I don’t care about what I deserve. I choose you. I love you. And it’s okay if you can’t say it back, but…” She said and that made my heart flutter.

Before she could continue, I smashed my lips into hers. She was surprised but responded quickly. After a few seconds, I stopped and leaned my forehead against hers.

“I love you too,” I said and she smiled.

“I need to tell you something before though,” I became serious.

“Okay? It’s not something like you have a wife or a child though, right?” she asked worried and I laughed a little.

“No, it’s about who I really am. And for the record, I have never even touched a woman like that. I had my first kiss with you,” I confessed and her face lit up.

“We both were each other’s firsts!” she giggled.

“Really? I thought guys would be head over heels for you since you’re so beautiful and that too a princess,” I said.

“Maybe in their head, but in real life they stayed far away. I’m pretty sure that had something to do with the men in my house though. My father and uncles may be really outgoing and fun, but they can be really protective when it comes to me and V. Not that I mind, I respected the mate bond and would’ve never done something with any other guy than my mate. Well, that was until you, but you are my mate so it’s fine,” she explained.

“Okay now back to the topic, I’m a half god, half mortal. Remember when I told you that I was a mistake, a fling? Well, that fling was between Hades and my mother, a human. He never intended for that to happen but it did. I never really dug that deep into it because that would just prove how much of a mistake I really was. Until the age of 5, I lived with my mother on Earth. Hades wanted to do nothing with me. But on my 5th birthday, my powers started to show. I ruined my birthday party by mistake. The next day, Hades took me to hell, away from my mother. He trained me but never treated me as his own son. I slowly started hating him. Persephone tried to be a mother to me, but I could never really accept her. It’s not her fault, it’s Hades but I just couldn’t be kind to her. Hades started making me run errands for him. I had no choice but to obey. On one of my first missions, I met Val. She took care of me and taught me a lot of things. She became the only person I could actually talk to. This however is my last mission. Hades promised me to let me go back to Earth after this one. I have control over all my powers, which are not many since I’m only a half-god.” I explained and she listened attentively.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that alone,” she whispered and pulled me into a hug.

We stayed like that for a while, just in each other’s arms.

“So, my dear mate, let’s finish this mission so we can go back to Earth together and get our happily ever after,” she said smiling and holding out her hand.


Damn! Damon is a half-god! Did you saw that one coming? Also, they both are mates, yay! I mean I'm sure that was very obvious but they finally know it now and acknowledge their long existing feelings.

This chapter was so fun! Eeeeeppppp!

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