The Alpha Bond

Chapter 38

wow, you are catching up to me....I should start writing faster................

*Looks at the readers listening*

Oh, um, hi all my dear lovely readers! What's up? So, this chapter is dedicated to @Ruth Adkins. Tysm for your responses to my book!

Anyways let's continue........................




Da key

Due to the ball, the security in this part of the palace was really low. Most of the guards were stationed at the gates and the ballroom. We were able to sneak out so easily only because of Val’s advices. She apparently knew the castle like the back of her hand.

We reached the point where there was supposed to be a secret passage that lead to the secret chambers. We quickly swept our hands through the walls looking for it.

While doing so, my mind kept going back to the kiss we had. It was amazing! It was everything I dreamed of my first kiss and more. It felt magical to have my lips against his as his arms snaked around my waist. His arms felt like the place I belonged in.


His lowered his face towards mine as we drowned in each other’s eyes. Ever since I woke up today, the attraction between us has amplified. And now, right when he was about to kiss me, I knew he felt it just as much as I did.

“Sorry,” he said suddenly pulling back.


“Don’t be,” I whispered.

He looked at me with confusion. How much clear do I have to be? I liked him so fucking much even if I knew that we would never work out.

“Damon, do I have to be more clear? For god’s sake, kiss me!” I whispered.

“It’s impossible” said my brain.

“It’s risky” said my experience.

“It’s pointless” said my reason.

Yet, it felt completely natural when I smashed my lips into his.

*Flashback over*

“Hey, I think I found something,” Damon said bringing me back.

I turned towards him and felt the wall. There was a bulge in the wall. We quickly worked to open or move or do something to that bulge. Eventually, a keypad opened up.

Bad news, we did not know the password.

Good news, at least it was only numbers.

“Any idea of what the password could be?” I asked.

“Nope, but at least it’s only numbers,” he said and I chuckled.

“I literally thought the same thing!” I said and he chuckled as well.

“So, what should we do now?” he asked.

I observed the keypad like the answer would magically appear if I stare at it hard enough; kind of reminded me of my exams.

Suddenly, I saw something glow on four of the keys. It looked like fingerprints.

“Do you see that?” I asked.

“No, what are you talking about?” he asked.

“I can see the fingerprints on keys 1, 3, 5 and 7 glow,” I answered.

“This must be one of your alpha powers!” he exclaimed.

“It is? My mom never told me about it,” I said.

“Maybe because she didn’t know. After the alpha bloodline declined, many powers and abilities of alphas were forgotten. Since your abilities were heightened by Hades, your intense focus must have caused them to spark.” He answered.

“Okay, so we know the digits but we still don’t know the order of the numbers,” I stated.

“Since it’s four digits, it could be a year. That, or it could be just a random combination.”

We thought for some time before it clicked. I knew I had seen those numbers somewhere, I just couldn’t pinpoint where.

“The year the queen of vamps was crowned in hell!” I exclaimed.

“How in the world do you know that?” he asked shocked.

“Hades made me study a lot of useless information. Turns out, it isn’t as useless as it seemed!” I replied.

“So what is the year?” he asked.

“1573, should I try it?” I answered.

“Sure, go ahead,” he answered.

I took a deep breath before entering it. Nothing happened for a few seconds but then the gate opened. I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“The queen would be notified about this in a few minutes so we better hurry,” he said and we rushed inside after wearing the cloak Val gave us.

The insides of chamber were amazing! It was filled with extremely old but beautiful artefacts. We quickly went through all them to look for the key. Since Val had only been here once, she was not sure of the exact location so we had to look for it ourselves.

In the center of the room was the crown, and let me tell you, it was gorgeous. It was kept in a glass case on a cushion. I could see why Val was drawn to it so much. I walked to it and gazed at it. It is said to be made up of the blood of the first vampire. At the centre of the crown though, I could see something but I’m not sure what it is. Could it be the key?

“Damon, look at this,” I called to him.

“Did you find it?”


He looked at the crown and gazed at the key.

“Yup, that’s definitely the key,” he confirmed.

“How do we get it out?” I asked.

“Grab the key when the barrier disappears,” he said.

“Why will the barrier disapp…” I started but stopped when it actually did and quickly grabbed the key.

I saw Damon’s eyes glowing but they stopped after I took the key out and the barrier reappeared.

“How did you--” I asked.

There was some rustle behind us.

“We need to leave,” he said and we quietly slipped out.

Guards were coming in from the door looking around but they thankfully couldn’t see us because of the cloak.

We walked exactly the way we came, got my skirt from the closet, and entered the ball again. From there, we left the palace before the queen realized that the key was gone and locked the palace down.

We only stopped when we exited the vamp lands, adrenaline pumping through our veins at the thought of almost being caught.

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