The Alpha Bond

Chapter 26




Imp A/n; Hey guys! It’s me, the one and only.

Okay, so now we are going to do a time skip cause Cyra is 14 right now and I want her to be a little older when the mission takes place. I’m just doing this for the sake of increasing her age without confusing everyone but nothing changed in the book. If you want, you might as well just think of this as a time skip of a few months.

I’m skipping two years but as a reader just keep in mind that this was the sole purpose of the time skip and all she had been doing was training and learning about hell. She still has no clue about her mission except bits and pieces here and there. She has also grown close to Persephone and Hades but that’s it. She has not met any new people or done anything significant during the time skip. Okay, now enjoy :)

Today is my father’s 42nd. It’s been two years since I’ve been here. While I miss my family dearly, it hasn’t been all that bad, down here. Hades and Persephone have become sort of parent figures, not replacing my parents, but like those teachers or neighbors you grow very close to but less formal.

It’s also been two years since all I’ve done is train and study. It’s interesting to unravel a whole new world, but at the same time is boring. I have been waiting and waiting, to learn something about my mission, but Hades never tells me anything. It’s annoying, then I annoy him, then he gets annoyed but still doesn’t give anything up. This works for most of the other things though.

Once, I even convinced him to let me send and receive a letter to my family telling them that I was alright. Of course, he proofread it to make sure I didn’t tell them anything I wasn’t supposed to, but he let me do that. I’ve read their letter every single week since I got it because it was pages long and you can’t read it every day.

Anyway, enough of this emo stuff. I’ve done that plenty of times. Let’s come to the main point. Hades told me yesterday that he has a surprise for me today. I have a strong gut feeling that he’ll tell me something about my mission, and let me get one thing straight, my gut is never wrong. I have something like spidey-senses; Cyra-senses.

Anyway, I got dressed quickly in my usual outfit and went downstairs to the dining hall. By the way, if you think that by two years I would have learned all the passages in the palace, you are very wrong. My map skills suck. However, I know enough to get around and make my way to the place I want to go…..somehow.

“Morning Persephone, Hades! Now, what’s my surprise?” I say, entering the room.

I see three figures in the room, and they turn around and face me. My eyes meet the violet ones of the mystery third guy, and I am startled by their deepness, just for a second.

“Cyra, this is your surprise, your partner. He’ll travel with you on your mission.” Hades said, bringing me back to the world.

“Huh? Partner?” I ask.

“Accomplice, companion, associate….” He answered.

“I know what a partner means!”

Yes, Hades did not change in these two years.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Damon.” He spoke in his deep voice. Damon; it has a ring to it.

“Cyra” I replied.

“You made an earthling my partner?” he turned to Hades.

It’s like something just clicked in me and brought me back to my senses. It’s like I had almost been…. never mind.

My eyes roamed down his body, taking him in. He was leaning on the table. He was well-built with golden brown hair and violet eyes. He was tall, like 6’2, but did not seem intimidating. Don’t get me wrong, he looked scary, but I did not find that threatening.

“Damon, don’t mock her, she may be an earthling, but she’s strong. I don’t want blood before the mission. Am I clear?” Hades said before I could reply.

“As you wish, Hades,” he bowed down a little, giving this a dramatic effect.

“Drama-queen,” I muttered under my breath.

“What? You don’t bow down to him?” he asked, genuinely surprised.

“Of course you don’t,” he scoffed and left the room.

“Well, that happened,” I said a minute after he left.

“He’s not so bad, seriously. He just needs time to come around. After that, I’m sure you both will be friends,” Persephone said.

Friends? We’ll see…

“Anyways, today I’ll brief you about your mission. You’ll leave the day after tomorrow.” Hades stated.

“Eat before that. Breakfast is ready!” Persephone stated, and we sat down to eat.

My wolf has been oddly quiet. It’s like she’s trying to figure something out. I wonder what….we’ll find out soon enough.

After eating, Hades took me to his office. We sat down, and he began.

“So, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for; for two years. Let me tell you about your mission…”

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