The Alpha Bond

Chapter 11




~Two days later~

We all waved to Amara and Aaron as they left for their vacation. Cyrus and I had decided to give them this as a thank you and because they seriously deserve it.

I can’t let them waste their precious time on us when they are supposed to be spending time together. Hence, we planned the vacation.

I remember Amara telling me about Hawaii being her dream vacation that she wanted to go to with her mate, and this was perfect. Being an Alpha, also really helps in these situations to get things done on such short notice.

After they left, I interlocked my fingers with Cyrus and walked back inside. With all my pending alpha duties due to the ball and the stress from this curse, this was a stressful week.

We had finally completed most of our work and had a few moments to breathe. Cyra ran towards us and hugged Cyrus.

“Daddy, are you free?”

“For you? Always sweet-heart”

“Would you like to come and play with my new dolls? Uncle Aaron got them for me and Violet, and they are adorable! You’ll love them. One is really similar to the one you always play with…” She continued explaining the features of her dolls while dragging Cyrus away to her room.

I laughed at how Cyrus was discussing dolls with our daughter like he would with any official matter. I followed them to her room.

They were still discussing dolls when Cyrus opened the door. Suddenly I saw water balloons fall on his head as the door opened, making him wet head to toe.

“Got you!” Cyra and Violet shouted while laughing their hearts out.

“Oh, come here both of you!” he exclaimed while running behind them as they ran away from him, still laughing.

I chuckled at the scene of my brave Alpha warrior running after two little girls for pranking him.

When he finally caught them, he started tickling both of them.

“Mommy…….mommy…….please!” Cyra exclaimed as I walked up to her and saved her from Cyrus.

“That’s cheating!” he pouted.

We all played like that for the rest of the day. Finally, Cyra was asleep, on Cyrus’ chest on the sofa in front of the TV, where they were watching Frozen for the millionth time.

I admired the view of my daughter and mate sleeping together peacefully before joining them.

We spent the next few days doing as much research and spending time with Cyra as possible. However, even after a lot of effort, we couldn’t find any possible solution to the problem at hand.

Hades seemed to have crafted the perfect deal with zero loopholes that we could use to get out.

I sighed. This is almost hopeless. But then my eyes find a picture; a picture of me, Cyrus, and Cyra in our arms. We are all so happy. I want these happy moments together. I want both of us to see Cyra grow up into the amazing leader she will be. I have to do my best, even if it seems hopeless, for her.

I took the papers Aaron had prepared for us from the secret drawer in Cyrus’ desk and began examining them again.


I may be going a little too fast, but I really don’t know any other way to do this.

So, I’m skipping ten years and getting straight to the point. Tell me what you think about it, and if you guys want I’ll try writing chapters in between.


~Ten years later~

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is Cyrus’ birthday; his 40th birthday. It’s the day we’ve been dreading for all these years. Tomorrow Hades will come to claim one of us. Time flies by so quickly when you are enjoying it. This last year, we spent together to the fullest, making as many memories as possible.

Even after tons and tons of research and effort, we couldn’t find anything. All of us tried so hard, but there is no way out now. I guess we’ll just have to accept our fate.

If you’re wondering, we still haven’t made a decision on who’s going to go with Hades. I know we have to, but none of us wants the other to go. We cannot find a solution.

As for Cyra, she doesn’t know yet. We both know that makes us terrible parents, but we just can’t find it in our hearts to tell her. I know she’s big and mature enough to know, but how do we tell our daughter that tomorrow she’ll lose a parent?

I really hope that we figure this out somehow. If not, may the moon goddess give us enough strength to go through this.


As I wrote the last word, a tear fell down on the page.

“Mommy!” I heard Cyra running, and quickly wiped my tears and pasted on a smile before turning to her.

“Mom, do you have the gift ready? I need it to put it in place for tomorrow’s surprise.” She said.

My amazing little daughter. She’s fourteen years old now, and I can’t believe how much she’s grown. She’s responsible, smart, and caring but also strong and assertive. Atleast, we’ll be leaving our wolf kingdom in strong, capable hands.

I smiled at her and handed over the gift I have for Cyrus. It was a pendant with a picture of the three of us in it to help him remember us no matter what happens.

“Thank you, Mom. I’ll go now, Vi is already waiting for me.” She kissed my cheek and left.

I took a deep breath and went outside to meet Cyrus.

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