The Alpha And Luna’s Final Fate (The Alpha Series Book 5)

The Alpha And Luna’s Final Fate: Chapter 17

Even though we are all exhausted, we have made it to the small village.

‘This must be Mystic Pride?’ I ask.

‘It is,’ Maia replies.

Werewolves and humans exit their houses and race toward us to help as soon as they see their Queen, Maia, is with us.

‘My Queen, what has happened?’ A lady asks.

‘I come baring the most unfortunate news to you all, but first, my friends and I need food, water and rest,’ Maia says to them.

‘And wine…’ Sir Hugo adds.

We all turn to him, raising an eyebrow.

The people of Mystic Pride face back to Maia for confirmation. Surprisingly she nods.

They all bow and lead us under a large wooden pavilion with wooden tables and chairs. Bowls of fruit, bread and cheeses are brought out to us with jugs of wine and water that are kindly poured into our chalices. A boy carries a basket with wool inside and passes it to me.

‘It’s for your pet to rest in,’ he says.

‘Thank you, that’s so kind of you,’ I say to him, accepting the basket.

I place it by my feet and place Reaper, asleep against my chest, into the basket. With my hands now free, I scoff down as much food and drink as possible.

Alec brings the basket onto his lap and scratches Reaper’s head to wake him. His eyes open, and he slowly rolls onto his feet. He flinches as he spreads his wings. Only one fully extends. The other wing is limp. As Alec picks him up, I rip the bottom of my dress and use it to bandage his broken wing against his side to keep it in place to heal properly.

‘Reaper, you were so brave taking on all those dragons like that,’ I say to him.

‘No, it was stupid, not brave!’ Alec says.

‘Alec!’ I’m trying to make Reaper feel better, not worse!’ I growl.

Reaper mind-links us, ‘I sensed something was up there. I wanted to see what it was so I could warn you all. I didn’t expect dozens of dragons to be up there and then pursue me,’ he explains.

‘I’m so glad you’re okay now, Reaper,’ I say and pat him on the head.

Reaper hops back into the basket and nestles in, and Alex reaches over the table and takes some meat off the wooden board. He pulls it apart, shreds it into thin pieces, and hand-feeds Reaper.

I nudge Alec in the ribs, ‘Look at you, Alec, you were just as worried as I was that Reaper was hurt,’ I say to him.

‘Maybe just a little worried,’ he confesses.

Reaper caws and grabs the last piece of meat from Alec’s hand.

I turn my attention to Maia with an idea.

‘Queen Maia, we can make a portal here so we can go straight to Wolfwell, Moon Crest Castle or Emerald Island when needed,’ I say to her.

‘That’s a good idea! One of us should port to Moon Crest Castle to see if the pack warriors are still alive and if Damon, Magnus and the others have been taken there,’ she says, with hope in her voice.

‘I’ll go, my Queen,’ Sir Hugo says and stands.

‘No, I’ll go,’ I say now, standing. ‘These monsters need to be fought against with magic, Sir Hugo. Unfortunately, this is something you lack. If you are caught sneaking around, you may be at a disadvantage and unable to escape,’ I say to him.

‘I’m the greatest and strongest knight in all of Mysteria. I think I have a good chance of escaping if needed,’ he retorts.

Maia stands, ‘You can go together and keep each other safe,’ she says.

Sir Hugo and I stare at each other in silence and then nod in agreeance.

A woman serves us a tray of dried meats.

‘What’s your name?’ Maia asks.

‘Sarah, my Queen,’ she says and bows.

‘Sarah, gather everyone here immediately so I can inform you all of what has happened,’ she says to her.

Sarah again bows and dashes towards the huts and little cottages gathering the townspeople.

Around eighty people with their children gather around the pavilion.

‘Great danger is here, spreading through Mysteria. A God of monsters, Thypon has entered through the veil during the solstice bringing with him an army of deadly creatures. You must be alert at all times. Assign posts to keep watch. At first sight of any of those creatures, you need to leave immediately. Go through the forest as far as you can until you can go no further. Stay hidden, stay safe. They have taken your King, and we will do everything we can to save him and everyone else that has been taken. As your Queen, I would like to announce my friends standing by my side will now be known as the guardians of Mysteria, a legion of warriors who will help defeat Thypon and save your King!’ she says. The people of Mystic Pride cheer.

We all look at one another in shock and surprise. Even Ember is pointing her finger at herself. Maia nods at her and then conjures gold emblems and pins them near our left shoulders. It’s a gold circle with feathered wings extending over the ring’s sides.

Lilac, Fern, Ria, Ela and Yiselda smile and courtesy at the crowd. Kadva and Sir Hugo bow, and Ember attempts a curtsy but falls on her face. She stands up and laughs, patting down the dust from her dress. ‘I’m all goo-‘ before she finishes her sentences, dirt, twigs and leaves fly around her, and as it dissipates, we find a little red fox in her place.

‘Oh, Dear!’ Maia cries, ‘She hasn’t been a fox since the last war! Does this mean the broken spell is again in place because we are now at war?’ she asks.

I look at Yiselda, who is lost in thought. I clear my throat to get her attention. She looks up at Maia and me.

‘Yes, that’s very possible and very likely,’ Yiselda answers.

The supernatural children in the crowd suddenly fall to the ground and snore. Quinn gasps and waves a hand around herself, casting a protection spell. A purple bubble the same colour as her hair forms around her and then pops. She sighs with relief and doesn’t fall asleep like the others.

The villagers gasp, lift the children into their arms and try to wake them.

‘It’s no use,’ Yiselda says, stepping closer to them. ‘I can say with confidence that the spell is back in place. All the children are resting and will remain asleep until the war ends.’

‘Ember will remain a fox too, won’t she?’ Maia asks.

Yiselda nods.

Maia kneels and cuddles Ember, and then May’s Fennec fox, Sabre, dashes over to Ember and nudges her with her nose. Ember turns and nudges her back. Seconds later, they run around the village chasing each other.

‘Well, at least Ember doesn’t seem to mind being a fox,’ I shrug.

Alec raises his eyebrow at me.

I ignore him and walk over to a large flat stone on the ground. Then look over at the nearby cottage with pots beside a wooden bench. I pick up the pot with red paint inside it. There’s red dust around the rim. The paint must have been made from red rock, ground into fine dust and mixed with water to make red paint.

Returning to the flat stone, I dip my finger in the pot and paint a large red five-pointed star. As soon as it’s dry, I collect five rocks and place them at each point.

‘Done,’ I say, rubbing the dust off my hands. ‘Sir Hugo, are you ready to go?’ I ask.

He nods, and Alec walks over to me.

‘I’m coming with you,’ he says.

‘We are more likely to be seen if more of us go,’ I point out.

‘True, but you’re my Blood Flame, and I love you. It’s my job to keep you safe. Not Sir Hugo’s,’ he says, sending a glare his way.

I place my hands on Alec’s chest to calm him down. ‘Alec, I need you to keep an eye on Reaper. I promise I won’t be long,’ I assure him.

His eyes narrow at Sir Hugo, ‘If you let any harm come to her, I will personally kill you,’ he warns.

Sir Hugo rolls his eyes at Alec, ‘For a Vampire King, you’re so over dramatic,’ he laughs.

‘What did you say?’ Alec growls, stepping toward him, but I jump in front of him, cup his face and kiss him. Alec places his hands over mine and entwines his fingers through mine.

‘Behave, Alec, like the sweet king I know you are,’ I smirk.

His fangs elongate, and he playfully nips my neck.

‘I’ll hunger for your return,’ he smirks back.

‘I’m sure you will,’ I say, patting his cheek.

Maia hugs Sir Hugo and then me, ‘The moment you’re in any danger, you must come back through the portal without being seen,’ she says.

I nod, ‘I will,’ I assure her.

‘I’ll go first, count to twenty, and if I haven’t come back, then it’s safe for you to come through,’ I say to Sir Hugo.

‘Okay, let’s do this,’ he says, sheathing his sword and then cracking his knuckles.

As I step into the portal, I give Alec a nervous look as I’m worried about what I’ll find when I step through. I pray as I’ve never prayed before, in my mind to the Moon Goddess that Magnus is okay as I disappear into the portal.

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