The Alpha and his Mate

Chapter 39

Annabelle’s PoV

It had been a week since everything went down with Alpha Parker and Alpha Matthew and things were slowly starting to get back to normal.

The packs that had come to help Jax out had all gone their separate ways, minus the odd few people who had found their mates amongst the mass gathering of wolves. It was actually a really good idea to get loads of packs together into one territory. It helped solidify trust and treaties between each other and also expanded our social circles, helping us find our mates more easily. I think it’s something I might bring up with Jax, something that we could do each year that everyone was welcome to, no matter what pack you belonged to.

My parents had decided to come back with us and stay with me in Jax’s territory which I was beyond happy about. It was weird at first, the idea of having that parental figure who would look after you, but I quickly got used to it. It was something I had craved for most of my life and I was finally lucky enough to experience it.

Mum was trying to help me get to grips with this Moon Goddess link I had, but she said she honestly didn’t know too much herself. She was only the messenger for a few years before she was taken and held captive, giving her no time to research her gifts and practice them.

Apparently it was the choice of the Moon Goddess when to pass down the responsibility onto the next generation. The only catch was the chosen one had to have found their mate to withstand the amount of strain the link could take on their wolf. Hence why I didn’t become messenger until after I had met Jax. Once I had met him the Goddess shifted the gift as fast as she could over to me, wanting my mum to not had the burden of the link when she was in such a terrible situation.

The Elders had arrived a day after we had all gotten home and sorted, although I had been asleep the whole time due to the strain my body had been under from hosting the Goddess in my body. They had originally been angered by the fact that Jake had gone against their word and not waited for them to arrive before he formed his attack. They quickly cooled off though when Jax finished explaining to them what would have happened had they waited another day for them to get here.

The one thing I wish I was awake for though was when they took Matthew away. After he had come to from the ceremony, he had found himself in Jax’s cells, under the same conditions he had forced upon me and the rest of the pack that he had captured and imprisoned. He wouldn’t stop screaming and shouting every time he moved, causing the silver to shift on his skin and burn his flesh. Jax handed him over to the Elders as soon as they arrived, stating that he couldn’t stand the sound of his screams anymore.

I had originally asked him why he had handing Matthew over to the Elders in the first place, convinced he would’ve wanted to conduct his own form of cruel punishment which would have no doubt resulted in his death. His reply though was only a small smile with an evil glint in his eye. I had later learnt from Hannah that being in the Elders prisons was a fate worse than death, something that prisoners feared more than anything else.

Things with me and Jax are going amazingly, he’s as caring and as devoted to me as when I first stumbled into his life. If I was being honest, I kind of wished he wouldn’t treat me so delicately, he acted as if I was a snowflake and the world was a giant flame ready to melt me at any second. As much as I loved him it did get tiring sometimes.

I’m hoping today was going to be the day that things start to progress in our relationship. It was the Luna ceremony today, the day I will officially be welcomed into the pack and given the honour of becoming their Luna.

To say that I was a mixture of both excitement and nervous would be an understatement.

I stared at myself in the mirror as I watched my mum put the last finishing touches to my hair, placing delicate white flowers into my long, curly blond locks.

“You look stunning Honey” my mum smiled at me through the reflection of the mirror, her eyes glazing over with tears as she looked me over. “I never thought I’d get a chance to see you again, let alone be there for the day you perform the Luna ceremony with your new mate and pack”.

I smiled back at her as she kissed the top of my head, my voice too thick with emotion to even try to voice the words I wanted to describe just how happy it makes me that my parents were here for this.

“I love you mum” I whispered as I tried to hold back my own tears, not wanting to ruin the makeup Hannah had spent all morning doing.

“No no no none of that” Hannah ordered as she fluttered around the room, making sure we had everything we needed before going down the stairs. She had taken one look at me and instantly started fretting about my mascara, claiming that it wasn’t waterproof and wouldn’t be able to withstand even the smallest droplet of water. “We don’t have time to redo your makeup Anna, please don’t cry otherwise we’ll be late” she begged.

I rolled my eyes at her as a smile slipped onto my face. This was my life now, I had people who actually cared about me and I couldn’t be happier with how my life had turned out. I’d go through the hell I went through at the Leftens house ten times over if it meant I could have this waiting at the end for me.

“Come on, come on it’s time to get going, I’ve got your shoes, your mum has your garland for around your neck and you have... well you, so come on!” She yelled, bouncing on her toes in excitement.

I laughed at Hannah’s enthusiasm before taking her hand in mine as she lead me out of mine and Jax’s room and down the stairs, towards the garden where the ceremony was taking place.

My heart started to race as my eyes locked onto the closed back door. I knew that on the other side of that door hundreds of people were sitting and waiting to catch a glimpse of me and bestow their trust and faith onto me as their new Luna.

No pressure or anything.

Just as I started to feel my hands clam up and a cold sweat begin to break out across the nape of my neck, I felt a presence behind me that instantly calmed my nerves. Jax.

I could feel his heat radiating through the back of my dress and I quickly turned around in his arms and held onto him for dear life. He was my comfort and my safe place in all of this mayhem and right now I needed that comfort.

“You look absolutely beautiful my little mate; I really did get lucky when the Moon Goddess gave me to you” he whispered as he breathed into my hair. His scent was surrounding me as he held me in his arms, and I couldn’t help but bury myself further into his chest.

“I think I’m the lucky one in this pairing Jax, no way would I have been able to survive any of this without you” I managed to get out seeing as my face was smushed into his chest.

I smiled as I felt his deep chuckle vibrate in his chest “Well then I think on this occasion we may just have to agree to disagree... agreed?”

I laughed quietly with him before nodding my head “agreed”.

“Right two minutes love birds!” We heard Hannah shout from outside through the open window.

“I think she’s more excited about this than we are” I laughed, observing through the open window Hannah running back and forth, making sure everything was exactly where it should be for the ceremony to begin.

Jax laughed too before taking my face in my hands and tilting my face up so I could look into his eyes.

“Nobody is more excited than I am for this moment my little mate, to finally call you my own. I love you with all my heart and with everything that I have, and I can’t wait to tell the whole world that you are mine and I am yours... forever”.

I stood there stunned. It wasn’t just his words that made me tear up in that moment, it was the look he was giving me as we stared into each other’s eyes. Like I was the air he breathed, the sun in his universe, like I was the one thing in his life that he truly couldn’t live without.

I don’t know if it was his words, or his expression or the situation we were in, but before I could over think it too much, I reached up onto my tip toes and pressed my lips to his.

He froze for a second, taken completely off guard by my actions and I panicked, thinking I had done something wrong, but I instantly relaxed as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and drew me in close. Our bodies were flush together, fitting perfectly, and I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect place or person to share my first kiss with.


Oh my god guys I cant believe it is all finished with! Thank you to each and every one of you, without you I would definitely not have finished this story!

Much love to everyone and I hope to see you in the sequel and my other stories

P.S please go and review this book on Goodreads! It helps other people find my book ☺️💕

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