The Alpha and His Contract Luna

Chapter 18. I can't let you mark her


"You may now kiss the bride”

The words that I have dreaded to hear since this day started. I don't do kisses. Never have, never will. Don’t get me wrong, I'm not a virgin. I fuck, but that's the extent of it. My mouth doesn't go anywhere near women or their body parts. Kissing Red on the cheek is the furthest I've gone with having my mouth on any woman. Miranda included.

The joyful guests cheer on, wanting Red and I to give them a show. A show that’s not going to fucking happen. I stare at her. Her eyes are wide in panic and mouth is open. As if she has been caught like a deer in headlights. She doesn't know what to do. She stares back at me waiting for my signal.

Wrapping one arm around her waist and the other at the back of her head. I swing her around so that my back is facing the guest. From this angle, I've blocked their view and that suits me just fine. I dip my head. Instead of kissing her lips, I kiss her neck. With how short she is and how tall I am. People won't be able to tell that I haven't kissed her like I should. Their happy cheer confirms that they believe in the farce.

A tremor travels through her entire body. Making me frown. I don't like that. Because it means she’s reacting to the kiss.

“Red” I murmur in warning. Making her jump a little. Her eyes turn to look at me in something close to guilt. Or is it an apology?

“Sorry” she murmurs. Her eyes shifting nervously.

A part of me thinks this is a bad fucking idea. Lauren seems like the type to fall in love easily. To give her heart readily. In this case it's stupid because she would just be hurt. Again. My heart can't beat ever again. It's already dead.

Red and I turn to face each other. We were surrounded by family and also my pack members.

John starts and incantation but I don’t pay much attention. I've done this before and it has not ended well. Remembering what that bitch Miranda did makes me want to hunt her down and rip out her fucking heart. I wasn't going to do that though. No, I was going to bid my time. Destroy her slowly by slowly. Until there was nothing of her left.

She might thing that she got away scot free but she was fucking wrong. She was going to rue the day she met me.

“Make a cut on your palms and join them together” elder John instructs. Bringing me back to the present.

We do as we're told. Lauren stares at me unsure before placing her palm in mine. The sheer current that passes through as is new. I didn't feel anything like this during my mating ceremony with Miranda. I clamp my teeth hard. Deciding to ignore whatever it is I just felt.

Looking at Red I see that she felt the same damn thing. Her wide eyes that were frozen in surprise were a clear give away.

John continues with the incantations. Facing the full moon. Praying to the moon goddess that our union would be blessed. I inwardly snort at that. Our union will be anything but blessed. It was just a means to an end for both of us.

“It's now done. You may now mark her as yours. Let the goddess and your pack witness as you join your soul to hers. As she becomes yours and you become hers. As you become one”

I let go of Red's hand and wrap my arm around her tiny waist. Bringing her close to me. With my other hand I move her hair out of the way. Then nibble at the area that was going to bear my mark. I feel her shiver. Just as I was about to sink my fangs. I hear gasps then an annoying voice.

“I can't let you mark her Seb” Miranda's voice cuts in. It's grating and annoying as fuck. I groan “You've got to be fucking kidding me!” Red shouts. Pissed off.

“Leave” I command. Pinning her with a cold glare.

If it wasn't for the fact I wanted the bitch to suffer. I would have already ended her pathetic life a long time ago.

“No! I refuse to let you mark her.” the fear I had seen inside her eyes moments ago is now gone. Determination taking its place.

"Arrggh” Lauren screams before stalking towards Claire.

She grabs the phone Claire was probably taking pictures before dialing a number.

"You have ten seconds to come get your fucking mate before I rip her head from her shoulders” she growls into the phone. Her posture stiff and eyes glowing.

I smirk. Things were about to get interesting.

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