The Alpha Abandoned Bride by Queenlovely

Chapter 30

Chapter 30


I was beyond speechless. Nothing seemed to make sense to me at that moment. I wasn’t dating Tim yet and all I did was give him the chance to court me yet he was acting like he owned me already.

“Is…. are you being serious?” I questioned frantically.

In my own house, he was questioning me and speaking rudely to me. It was as if the sweet man I knew was no longer there. He was long gone. I never thought he had this side of me but who was I kidding? That’s humans for you.

“You heard me right. I will not tolerate you acting as you please now that I’m in your life. You’d have to listen to me for this relationship to work.” He stated sternly.

It was as if I was begging for him to be in a relationship with me and just the other night I had asked him to leave, he left without speaking much but now he was the complete opposite.

Did something happen or was he perhaps hexed? That doesn’t seem possible.

“Leave my house,” I uttered, not wanting to hold this conversation anymore.

I just got

home and all I needed was rest but instead, I’m met with a man who I’m not even dating yet.

“Wow. So now you want me to leave your house? Alright, I will do that but I want you to know that I will be back.” He said.

He then moved forward to pick up his stuff from the couch and left. I heaved a sigh of relief from his absence. I wondered what gave him the authority to think he could speak to me that way. Thankfully he showed this side of him so it made it easy for me to not want him anymore.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Groaning. I stretched my arms to reach for my phone.

“Good morning. Isabel Payne on the phone.”

“Isabel! Good news!” Leah exclaimed on the phone. I immediately sat up, wondering what the good news could be because Leah’s voice was as energetic as it should be.

“Good news? What is it?” I asked inquisitively.

“You will not believe this. I’m so happy that I’m close to tears. This morning. I don’t know what happened but Mr. Smith called and he’s ready to help us. What am I even saying? He has belped us already!” She voiced out excitedly, speaking so


I was happy about the news but I was surprised too. Why would he help? Was it because I slept with him? The thought of that didn’t sit well with me.

“That’s good news,” I uttered, a little bland.

“You don’t seem happy,” Leah said.

“No, I am. I’m just too happy that I do not know how to process I lied.

“I am so excited Isabel, you don’t even know how happy I am. I don’t know what you did but what you did helped and now I’m so happy!”

She sounded excited and I was too but not without thinking of the situation. The fact Logan helped after he slept with me. made me feel like I sold my body to him.




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Fri, May

Chapter 30

I already said I wasn’t going to regret what I did because I liked it but hearing this made me feel some type of way.

“Please come to the office as soon as possible. We had some arrangements to make and some adjustments and we also needed our chef back to make food. Anyways come to the office first then we will talk from there,” she said before ending the call.

I got off the bed and headed towards my children’s room.

“Good morning babies.” I kissed Emma on her forehead. She was still sleeping. Seeing her sleep made me feel happy and at


I went over to Ethan and kissed him too. I couldn’t leave without getting them dressed and ready for today.

Lilian won’t be coming to work today and Adeline was busy too so I had to take my kids to school with me.

“Wake up honey. You have to get prepared for today,” I said to Ethan as I softly woke him up.

“Where are we going to mom?” He asked sleepily.

“We are going to mom place of work. Don’t you want to go with mummy?” I asked him.

“Yes, I want to.” He replied. I carried him with me so I could undress him and get him prepared for today. Once I was done with him. I did the same for Emma.

Once they were set, I went to take my bath and got prepared for the day. I took the kids with me to my car and headed off to work. I wasn’t sure of what to expect for today!

When I reached my workplace, I took my kids with me and headed toward the building.

“You came right on time,” Leah said to me before darting her eyes towards my kids.

“Aww. Emma and Ethan are here. I’ve missed you both so much Leah bent in front of them, placing a kiss on their cheek each.

“How have met favorite twins been doing? Did you miss me?” She asked and they nodded their head in response.

“That’s good then because I missed you both. Once I’m settled, ld take you both to go buy some ice cream, is that okay with you both?” She mentioned and they squealed in excitement.

“Come babies. Come take a seat and play with your toys. Mummy will be back soon so make sure you don’t move okay?” 1 said to them both.

They nodded their head and just before I left, I placed a kiss on their check.

Leah filled me in on the plans and Logan’s plans too. It turned out a lot of debt had been settled and instead of paying it back, Logan became an investor so it was like him investing in a business he was sure of and expecting to gain.

“There’s going to be a festival happening this week and we are to take charge of the food. We have to make sure that we do well to bring in more customers and I’ll be attending a press meeting later today,” Leah explained.

She has been speaking nonstop and I was quite surprised because a lot has happened this morning. Last night she was in tears and last night I wasn’t sure of what would happen when I woke up to all of this.

I didn’t want to accept that sleeping with Logan made this happen because it would make me feel bad for sleeping with him and enjoying it.

“I need you to get ready because there will be a lot to deal with this week and for Darius, the police asked me to come later. It seems they already got a hint,” Leah added.



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11:12 Fri, May

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Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

“Yes! That’s great. I promise you that you won’t regret it. Tonight by seven. Get ready and I will be there to pick you up. The


“Seven won’t work because I’d be leaving late today. How about even forty-five?” I suggested.

“That’s time. Perfect! Anything the lady wants, I’m up for it.” He replied.

“Okay then. Seventh forty-five it is.” I confirmed.

“Thanks once again for giving me a chance. You won’t regret it. le said once again.

“Alright then,” I replied.

“See you later.” He said.

“See you later,” I replied before ending the call.

I was looking forward to tonight and seeing how it goes. I honestly had no expectations but I looked forward to having a great night with him.

Later that day, I went back home. I first of all got my kids prepared first before going to take my bath.

Shortly, Adeline walked into my home. “I haven’t seen you in ages! I have missed you so much,” Adeline sighed, pulling me closer for a hug.

I patted her back, chuckling a little. “I’ve missed you too baby girl. How has it been with work and before I forgot, what was it that you said you’d tell me in person when we see.”

“Will you relax girl?” She chuckled.

“I will tell you what that is but first of all, what’s tonight about? seems Tim is ready to take this relationship further and I will be shipping hard!”

Adeline walked away to go meet my kids. “My lovely babies. I’ve missed you both so much!” She pulled Ethan by the nose and he giggled.

“I’ve missed you, Adeline, Emma said to her.

“Awww.” Adeline cooed.

“I’ve missed you too pretty Emma. You grow pretty every day like the princess that you are,” Adeline complimented.

“Thank you,” Emma replied.

“Your dress is lovely and you look good as always Ethan,” Adeline said.

I watched as she interacted with my kids. They love her just as much as she loves them and they are always happy speaking to her. I feel contented whenever I stare at my kids.

They’ve grown so much and pretty too and it still baffles me how fast they’ve grown because one minute they were so little in my arms but now they are growing.

“You are so pretty, I’m so glad to have you as my best friend. Why do you look so beautiful effortlessly? Tim is gonna be stunned.” Adeline complimented and 1 blushed.

“Thank you.”

“And speaking of Tim, he should be here in fifty minutes. I have to get ready but be sure that I haven’t forgotten and when I



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Chapter 30

come back, that’s the first news that I want to hear, okay!” I reminded her.

“You are so gonna love what I did for you,” she said, making me curious.

“Did for me?” I curled my lips to the side.

“Yes. What I did for you.” She gave me a proud smile making me inquisitive.

“Now I’m curious to know what it is that you did,” I remarked.

“You will know. I told you I’d tell you. Don’t worry I’d do that. Let’s focus on tonight’s outing with your new boyfriend.” She said.

“He’s not my boyfriend yet,” I replied.

“Soon he will be and you know that too. I mean he’s not making all of this effort to be your friend and he already said that he wanted you before so brace yourself because after one or two more dates, he’s going to ask you to be his and that’s the start of a relationship! I am so excited, it feels like I’m in a relationship.” Adeline squealed.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Stop being iner dramatic.

“Oh come on. I’m not being dramatic and you are just being shy She retorted.

I looked out through the window and saw that Tim was there.

“And the Prince Charming is here!” Adeline said in a sing-like tone.

“Can you stop acting like a child for once?” I chided.

“I am the same age as Ethan and Emma, have you forgotten?” She replied, laughing out loud.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled. I’m not usually one to be nervous but I was this night. I didn’t know why but I was.

I opened the door to see Tim dressed in a casual shirt but he still looked good and a bouquet with him and a box chocolate.

“You look stunning!” He said, sounding almost breathless.

“Thank you.” I blushed.

He handed me the flowers. I took them from him. “Thanks”

I also took the box of chocolate and handed it to Adeline because we were leaving and I couldn’t take it with me.

“Shall we?” He asked.

“We shall,” I replied, taking the hands of my kids as I walked out of my house.I’m.




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