The Alpha Abandoned Bride by Queenlovely

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


“Have you gone mad?”

I was beyond stunned would be an understatement. I couldn’t believe that he’d ask me of that.

To say I w

“M ad? Maybe but the ball is in your court. You want me to help and that’s it. I’d help you if you were my s ex sl ave and if that’s too much for you then you can go ask your baby daddy to help you, don’t you think?”

I wanted to tell him that Tim wasn’t my baby daddy but at the same time, I didn’t see the need to

“Why are you suddenly doing this?”

“Are you going to keep asking? You asked me to stay away and now I’ve seen a reason to stay away. You’ve given one to me and I decided to let you go and now you come to my office to plead with me. I gave you an ultimatum now the ball is in your court and not mine.”

“I can’t. You know what? F uck you so much! To think I wanted to believe those words that came out of your mouth. What am I even saying? I believed you.” I tu rned to leave without glancing back once.

1 clenched my fist as I walked towards the elevator. I didn’t know what to do, Leah was falling and there was nothing I could do to help her.

While in my car, I decided to call Adeline and inform her of wh it had happened.

“He did what!” She shouted on the phone.

“Please don’t scream Adeline,” I said, pulling away my phone from my car.

“He’s a ba stard. How could he ask you for that? What’s his gain? Why does he want that? Oh my goodness! He’s the most disgusting man on e art h” Adeline insulted.

“I don’t know what to say to Leah. I don’t know who we’d go to that can help. I’m thinking of going to speak to one of the biggest investors and see what he’d say about it.” I informed Adeline.

“That’s good Isabel, 1 have work. I’m sorry I can’t stay any longer but I’ll call you as soon as I’m free,” she said before ending the call and I let out a deep sigh

I didn’t know what to think of today. My head was banging already. By the time I reached the office of the biggest investor, I halted on my track.

“It’s fine. It’s just a conversation.” I said to myself.

“Hello, how can I help you?” Mr Bass Secretary asked.

“I want to speak with my Bass.” I replied.

“Do you have an appointment?” She asked.

I shook my head, “No. But you can tell him Isabel Payne wants to see him.”

“I’m sorry I cannot do that. Here we follow the rules strictly and since you don’t have an appointment with Mr Bass then you can’t go in and see him.” She said.

“It’s urgent. He knows me.” I tried to explain.



LUGO Yalla Ludo

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11:11/ Fri, May 10 M

Chapter 25

3 66%


“He knows you don’t mean he wants to see you, if not he’d have informed me in advance but sadly he didn’t so that means



can’t see

“But 1…

“You might want to leave or I’d have to call the secretary,” she warned.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat before walking away. I dialed Mr Bass’s number, hoping that he’d answer and we’d speak but instead, it was the secretary’s phone that rang.

“Hello. Mr Bass Secretary. How can I help you?”

The moment our eyes met, I knew that she was the one and she knew I was the one that called. She immediately ended the call. I didn’t need to embarrass myself anymore and walked away

I didn’t know what to do. I tried speaking with Logan but he asked for something crazy instead and now I couldn’t see Mr.


I went back to Leah. When I went back to the office, she was in tears. It seems it got worse.

“Leah,” I called, walking towards her.

“Leah,” I called again.

“It’s finished. Isabel.” She cried out.

I went towards her and wrapped my arms around her. “It’s going to be fine Leah,” I assured her.

“No. No, it’s not going to be fine. It’s worse already. Everything is gone. It’s over. It’s finished. It’s gone!” She cried out.

I’s not over Leah. It’s not over. We e can turn things around,” I tried to encourage.


“Turn what around!” She exclaimed, pulling away from me.

“How Isabel? Just tell me how. The company had fallen and the investors all pulled out. Darius is nowhere to be seen. My money is gone! It’s all finished. I have nothing else. It’s gone so how are we turning things over!”

I got her frustration and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get where she was coming from. I just wanted to encourage her but it seems it would do nothing, especially in a situation like that.

My heart shattered. Leah and I rose not too long and it seems it is all over with nobody wanting to help.

“I’m…” I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say to her. Instead of swallowed back my words and pulled her close, hoping that she felt my support from the embrace.

I had to drop Leah home and make sure she was asleep before I left. I didn’t want to leave but I had to go back home for my kids and Adeline was working late. My kid’s nanny had to leave early too.

I arrived home, feeling weak and tired. My phone rang that moment. It was Tim. I answered the call.


“Hi. I’m outside. He said.


“I’m currently at your door and I saw you walking in just as I arrived,” he informed me.



Duna Yalla Ludo


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Fri, May

Chapter 25

He could have at least informed me he was coming instead of appearing in front of my house and expecting me to be wowed. With what I was going through, I didn’t want to speak to anyone.

I walked to my door and opened it. Tim was standing outside with a flower bouquet and some chocolate with him.

“Good evening pretty.” He said with a smile on my face.


I honestly didn’t know how to feel at that moment. I simply smiled at him before giving him room to walk into my house.

“I brought you this,” he handed me the flower once I closed the door.

I collected them from his hand with a smile on my face. “Lilies. They are my fav. Thank you.”

It felt relieving to receive my favorite flowers from him and the fact he recalled them made me feel a little warm. My day was hectic but this little gesture helped relieve me.

“This chocolate is for the kids.” He said, melting my heart at how thoughtful he was for the

“Awww. Thanks so much. That’s nice of you.” I said.

“It’s normal, right? I have to do this anyway” He said.

I went to the kid’s room where they were with their nanny.” “You are home. I didn’t even notice.” My twin’s nanny said.

“Yes. Thanks so much for today.” I said to her.

-She said her goodbyes to my kids before leaving. I went to my kids and they hugged me with excitement.

-“How have you been my babies?” I asked them, planting a kiss on their cheek.

“Look like Tim got for you guys.” I said showing them the chocolate.

They were happy to see the box of chocolate.

“What do you say to him?” I said to them.

“Thank you.” They said simultaneously.

“It’s no problem. You both better start getting used to this,” he stated and I didn’t know how exactly I felt after hearing h statement.

I know I permitted him to court me already but it’s starting to feel like he’s rushing things or maybe it’s just in my head. Maybe he just wanted to treat my kids right because that’s the only way he can get the one. I’d only be with someone who cares and loves my kids.

“I was able to put the kids to sleep before heading to the living room with Tim. He did a nice job helping me put the kids to sleep. I discovered that he was a good singer and knew how to make songs.

Thanks,” I said as I settled down on the couch.

“Anytime. I’m glad I was able to make you happy and also the kids. How was your day?” He asked and I sighed.

I wasn’t sure I was ready to talk about today. “It’s… it’s a little stressful but it’s fine.” I said not wanting to let him in on what was going on in my life.

“Why do I feel you said that because you didn’t want to speak to me about how your day was?” He remarked.

“Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong.” I shrugged.



LUSO Yalla Ludo

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11:11 Fri, May 10 MG M.

Chapter 25

“You know it’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it. I’m not forcing. Now don’t make me feel bad,” he said.


“It’s almost over or rather it is, I uttered.

I wasn’t sure why I said it but I did

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Did you see the news or you didn’t?” I asked. Everyone already knows what’s happening unless they haven’t seen the news today.

“I did but I don’t want to listen to that. I want to listen to you. I want you to be the one to tell me. The news can say a lot but that doesn’t make it the truth all the time.” He remarked.

“Well, some of it is the truth,” I replied.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” He asked.

“I honestly don’t know. Leah is broken. Darius ran away. Leah is in a huge debt and the investors are pulling out. I don’t even know. It’s crazy.” I ranted all in one breath, feeling breathless afterward.

He moved closer to me and pulled me towards him. “I’m beside me. It… it’s scary.”

“Shh. It’s going to be fine.” He patted my

trying to stay strong but I just can’t. It’s like everything is falling

“I don’t think it would. I’ve tried speaking to the investors but it seems there’s no hope. They are avoiding us. I don’t even..

“Shhh. You don’t have to worry.” He said.

“Take in a deep breath and exhale. How can I help?” He asked again.

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t think there’s anything you can do The person that can help requested for me to be his…”1 trailed off when I realized what it was that I was about to say.

“What?” He sounded inquisitive.

“Never mind,” I uttered.

“Are you sure? I don’t think that’s going to make me feel calm knowing well that you are struggling with something and there’s nothing that I can do.”

“That’s because you can’t do anything.” I replied.

“You don’t know that,” he retorted.

“Leah is in a huge debt. She can’t pay it off. I can’t… I don’t even know how to help.”

“I may not be able to do that but I can show support. It can’t be

“Why don’t you come and go? It’s already late and I think it’s time I got to bed too,” I cut him off.

I didn’t mean to but he doesn’t see it and I didn’t want to keep having this conversation anymore. I get that he was trying to help but I needed to rest for the night and focus on tomorrow.

Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded my head.

“Alright then. If that’s what you want.” He said.


Lusa Yalla Ludo


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Chapter 25

May 10



got up


“I just want my door.

his feet and I felt bad that I had asked him to leave like that but I had no choice.

to know that I’m here if you need any help. You can trust me, Isabel.” Tim held my hand just as we reached

“Thanks Tim.” I said.

ng on the for afterwards.

He walked out of the door and I closed the door, leaning



LUDE Yalla Ludo

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Fri, May


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