The Alpha Abandoned Bride by Queenlovely

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


I knocked on the door of Leah’s office before going in.

“Leah, can I speak to you?” I already made up my mind to speak to her and quit. I expected her to be angry but I was also ready to let her know what was up today so she would see from my personal and let me go.

“Good thing you are here. I was just about to call you.” Leah stood up from her seat and began to pack making me frantic.

“We are in a big problem and it calls for Emergency. I honestly didn’t expect this to happen but I will be honest with you. I lied.”

I creased the skin between my brows. “What do you mean?”

“I should have been honest with you from the start. I knew everything that had been happening but I lied. But first, we are going bankrupt.” She revealed and I gasped.

“Bankrupt? What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how it’s happening or what’s happening but last night I received a call and it seems we are in a huge debt. I don’t understand how and when I check it seems true and the investors are pulling out.” She revealed.

“Oh, my goodness. This isn’t good at all. How come? Where is the financial secretary and how come there is a huge debt?” I questioned still not sure of the situation.

– “I can’t reach him. I haven’t been able to reach him. A huge amount of money is missing and I’m starting to lose my mind. I

was on my way to his place before you came in. I don’t even know what’s happening.”

“We can go now. I will follow you,” I said to her.

For some reason, it didn’t make sense that money was missing we were in debt and the financial secretary’s phone wasn’t going through.


got into the car and she began to drive. All through the ride, we said nothing to each other. I was worried and I could tell she was too as she kept driving. I was also curious to know what it was that she was trying to tell me when we were in her


We reached the financial secretary’s home. We walked to his apartment and knocked. We knocked again when we got no response and kept knocking.

“Darius, are you home?” I called and knocked again but no response still.

I didn’t want to confirm my intuition because it was telling me that the financial secretary had a hand to do with this and he has gone missing.

“Oh my goodness! F uck! Darius!” Leah uttered. She was pis sed and unhappy. I could tell she was impatient too.

“Hi Darius’ neighbor came just that moment.

“Hi. Have you seen Darius today?” Leah asked.

“Darius? He left last night. He packed his stuff and left with a big van yesterday,” she replied,

My eyes widened in shock and realization dawned on me. My intuition was right. Because it made no sense why he’d leave when he had his work here.



LUO Yalla Ludo


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Chapter 23

“What? I’m confused. What are you trying to say? Darius left?”

“Yes, he did last night. I was also surprised myself. He was in a haste.” She answered.

“Did he tell you where it was that he was going?” I asked.

She shook my head. “I didn’t ask because I had something to do too. Okay then. I will leave you guys. She replied before walking away.

“F uck! F uck! F uck! I knew something was fishy! I knew it yet I closed my eyes until it happened! F uck!” Leah cursed.

I could tell she frustrated she was because I was too. I didn’t understand it at all. What did he do and why did he do it? I’ve always known something was up about Darius but I never expected him to do this and worse at this time. Leah had taken years to be where she is now and all of this falling right in front of her eyes would make her go into depression.

“I will find him and I vow to end him.” Leah cried out.

“It’s going to be fine Leah. We will find him. We are going to find him.” I assured her.


“You are kidding right?” Adeline asked but I shook my head.

“I wish I was but it seems the situation is getting out of hand. The news is already on the media and they are saying a lot without knowing the full story behind it.”

Thuffed. “I knew something was off about Darius but I didn’t know it was that bad and I don’t know what to do. Everyone is withdrawing and it’s driving Leah crazy. I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling.”

“I can’t even imagine too. She must be going through a lot. Darius is a so n of a bit ch and I hope he’s located before things get out of hand because we can never tell what might happen,” Adeline said.

“The investors are withdrawing and if she’s unable to do the needful, she might get jailed. I can’t… I don’t even know,” tears filled my eyes with the thought of what could happen to Leah.

“I don’t even know what to do Adeline. The business is going down and there’s a lot to be said. It hasn’t been up to a year since she came out to the spotlight. It hasn’t been up to a year since she made her restaurant one of the best and now she has to go through this. This is like falling from grace to grass and who knows” tears streamed down my cheek.

Adeline pulled me closer to her. “Let’s relax first and not think too much. We can’t conclude for now. Something can be done. I know something can be done so wait a little.”

“I just hope so but for some reason, I am scared Adeline. I don’t even know what to do.” I cried.

“Mummy, what’s wrong?” I heard the soft voice of my little princess and quickly wiped my tears.

She was sleeping when I left her in the room and it surprised me to see her because if Emma slept, she doesn’t wake up until the next morning but the case wasn’t for Ethan.

“Hi my princess, come here,” I opened my arms for her and she came.

1 carried her and placed her on my lap, planting kisses all over her face and she began to giggle. She’s a very sensitive child and gets tickled easily.

My phone began to ring that minute. It was Leah.

“Isabel. It’s getting worse. Isabel, it’s getting worse.” Leah cried out.



Yalla Ludo


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11:11 Fri, May 10 MGM.

Chapter 23

“What’s happening Leah? Keep calm and explain to me.”

“It’s a lot that I can handle. All investors keep calling and the news on the media isn’t helping. I don’t know what to do. I need them this time but it seems none is willing to stick by.” She explained.

I heaved a deep sigh. “Don’t worry about it, Leah. Tomorrow I will go over and speak to them. Don’t worry, we will figure this out together.” I assured her.

“That’s it even the case. Some companies I had projects with and signed deals with want to terminate and if they do, I have to refund the money. I..

“What! This is more f ucked up than I thought,” I said through my teeth.

“I don’t think I can anymore. I swear by the time I set my eyes on Darius, I will rip him apart.”

I hardly slept. I was bothered with the whole problem and I was also surprised that Logan didn’t call to ask why I didn’t come for work. I already planned to quit and if it wasn’t for what was happening with Leah I’d have told her about it but now wasn’t the time for that and I needed to do the most important.

I went to Leah. I needed to check on her and to know the current situation.

“I’m not fine you know. I’d be lying if I said I was but I’m not.” She complained bitterly.

“I keep receiving calls that I don’t answer them anymore because I know what’s going to happen and just before you came, Mr. Smith came and he wants the contract terminated which meant we’d have to refund.” She informed me.


To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Logan came personally to terminate the contract. The same man who spent millions to make sure I worked for him. Why did he do so if he knew he’d terminate? It doesn’t make sense for him to do so because of what’s happening.

“He wants to terminate the contract?” I asked again, wanting to be sure I heard well.

“He left some minutes before you came. I don’t know what to do. It’s over Isabel. It’s over.” She cried.

“You said he left some minutes ago right?” I asked and she nodded her head.

I turned on my heels and ran. I needed to speak to him.



LUSO Yalla Ludo


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