The Alpha Abandoned Bride by Queenlovely

Chapter 16

Chapter 16




“Why are you one minute late?” Jade asked as I came in to stand in front of her with the other maid.

“I had to dry the clothes before L… I didn’t finish my sentence before a slap landed on my cheek.

“How dare you come a minute late after I asked for you to be here as soon as you can?” She remarked.

A drop of tears slipped down my cheek. Tm so sorry.”

“Be sorry for yourself, she replied.

“You will learn how to be on time after I punish you. Guards!” She called.

I went on my knees and began to beg. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” I pleaded.

“If you don’t start to treat me right as I should, when will you? I will be the Luna of the pack and this is how you will treat me so I have to discipline every one of you before that time. Once Prince Logan comes back, we will get married so I have to teach you all in advance,” she stated.

“Take her to the dark room,” Jade said to the guards as they came into the room.

My eyes widened upon hearing where it was they’d take me to.

“Please forgive me. I won’t do it again,” I pleaded as the guards dragged me away.

I knew exactly where they were taking me and I didn’t want to find myself there. I’ve never been there before but I’ve b told stories of the dark rooms and how traumatizing it could be

“Please don’t take me there. Please don’t take me. I won’t do it again,” I cried but the guards didn’t listen to my plea.

Not like I could blame them after all they were just doing as told As I cried, I suddenly felt a strange smell or would I say pull towards something or someone.

The further I was been taken by the guards, the more the smell became strong, invading my senses. I felt a strange connection and a strong pull.

My wolf jumped in excitement. My wolf barely spoke. My wolf was barely alive and was weak but it felt it dance in joy.

A man appeared, walking towards us. I couldn’t see his face because the ray of the sun obstructed it but the further we got close, the more his face became clear.

“Mate.” My wolf voiced out the moment the man came in front of me.

“Mate.” I think that was what I also heard the man say.

It couldn’t be, could it? I thought to myself but it wasn’t false. The man standing in front of me was my mate and he was just as surprised as I was to hear the word.

The sudden pull and strange connection made sense to me.

“Prince Logan,” the guards called, bowing their heads in respect and taking me by surprise.


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11:10 Fri, May 10 M

Chapter 16

Did Prince Logan just call me mate and did my mate acknowledge that I am truly his mate?

1 bow my head in respect too before swallowing the invisible lump that formed in my throat.

The guards attempted to take me away but Prince Logan stopped them.

“Let her go.” he ordered and they did as told. They walked away shortly leaving Prince Logan and me.

“Who are you?” He asked.


Prince Logan has been away from the pack for a long time. Nobody knew when he was going to come back. I have never seen the face of Prince Logan but I’ve heard of him and I never dreamed that my mate would turn out to be someone like him.

“My name is Isabel,” I answered.

I didn’t see the need to continue introducing myself after all, he would be able to tell that I was an omega werewolf and he’d reject me.

I didn’t know why my gate had decided to give me to someone like him knowing well he’d reject me for royalty.

“Hi, Isabel. I’m Logan, he introduced himself, taking me by surprise and I lifted my face to look at him.


If I could have prevented my fate, I would have. As I recalled how I got to find my mate, it made me hurt.

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me back to reality.

“Hello. Isabel speaking”

“Hi Isabel, it’s Tim.” I heard Tim’s voice on the line.

“Oh hi, Tim. I wasn’t expecting your call.”

“Are you busy now?” “Tim asked.

I ran my finger through my hair as I thought of what I should say to him. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go out because I just had rough day and I needed to gather my thoughts.

“Not really,” I bit on my bottom lips.

“Do you want to meet up, like do you want to take a walk?” Tim asked.

“A walk? Where are you?” I asked, surprised by his words.

“I’m outside your house,” he replied.

I got off the bed to look out through the window and there Tim was, standing by his car.

“I will be down in a minute,” I replied before ending the call.

It was past nine in the evening and my kids were already asleep, I couldn’t help but wonder how to tell them who their father

is when they ask in the future because I knew they’d ask but I already vowed four years ago to never let Logan know of them.




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1:10 Fri, May TU

Chapter 16

“I have to be honest, I was a little nervous when I came and I wasn’t expecting to come out but now that you are here, I am happy. Tim said.

“So you drove here just to take a walk? Is something bothering you?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Not really. I just want to feel like you came to my mind. If you don’t want to, that’s fine,” he said.

“It’s fine.” I shook my head.

“So, where are we walking to?”

You are the one who lives around here so you should be the one to know,” he replied and I chuckled lightly in realization.

It started awkwardly at first but soon we began to engage in conversations. I started to feel at case from talking to him.

It was mind-relieving and felt so natural.

Why don’t we get some ice cream and sit in the park?” Tim suggested.

“That’s not a bad idea,” I replied.

We got ice cream and some snacks and went to the pack to sit and continue our conversation.

“When I was twenty-two, I lost my virginity and I didn’t even know how.”

I chuckled at Tim’s statement. “How?”

“It’s funny to me too because I didn’t know how. I woke up and found myself on the bed naked. I don’t know if I was the one who f ucked the lady or she f ucked or how she looked like,” he explained and I laughed out loud.

“That’s so funny. So you went to a club, had fun, and didn’t even emember the person you spoke to or how you found yourself in the hotel? That is one funny story.”

“I don’t talk much about it because it doesn’t even make sense to me to talk more of other people,” he remarked.

“Honestly you shouldn’t.” I held my stomach from laughing too much.

“I never got to ask. How old are you?” Tim asked.

“I’m twenty-five,” I answered.

“Wow. That’s young. I wasn’t expecting that and also you are successful. That’s so great.

“How old are you?”

“I’m twenty-nine years old and I’ve only been in one relationship, he remarked and 1 chuckled lightly.

He deliberately said his last words to make a joke and I honestly couldn’t help but laugh.

“Thope I’m not intruding but you’ve only been in one relationship in your life, right? If so then we are similar,” he sighed.

“For me it’s different,” I stated.

He doesn’t know that I’m a werewolf. It made me a little worried to know how he’d react if he found out what my true identity was.

“How?” He asked.



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11:10 Fri, May 10

Chapter 16

I picked up my phone from beside me to check the time. “It’s past midnight and I have something to do carly in the morning tomorrow, why don’t we leave now?”

“Past twelve? That’s fast? I wasn’t expecting the time to move that fast.”

1 got up from where I sat and dusted my skirt. “Tonight was great and it’s all thanks to you, I appreciate it,”


“I’m glad you came out and I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was nice too and thanks for making my night awesome,” he replied.

We walked back to my house, singing a song on the way. It felt nice to feel this way.

As soon as we reached his car, I was surrounded by another car and someone standing beside it.

It was Logan. What was he doing here and how did he find my house address?

“Is that your twin’s father?” Tim asked, almost in a whisper.






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LUDO Yalla Ludo

Fri, May 10




“What are you doing here?”

“Hi.” Logan said and I rolled my eyes, I didn’t care for courtesy and all I cared about was his purpose.

“How are you?” He asked.

“Seriously?” I was trying my best not to raise my voice.

“You have to leave,” I stated firmly.

“Can we talk?” He asked and I scoffed in disbelief.

“I asked you to leave didn’t I? Why do you think I’d want to talk to you after what you’ve done to me? Leave Logan,” I demanded.

“All I want is for you to speak to me. At least give me a chance. Let us talk,” he pleaded.

what made you

“And why should I do that? I’ve already made it clear to you before that I do not want to speak to you, so w think that if you come back now I’d consider that?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“Please give me a chance Isabel. I’m pleading. I just want to make things right.”

“And how right could you make it Logan? You are four years late don’t you get it? And even if you came two weeks later or – even a day later. I wouldn’t have considered you,” I chided.

If he had come a day later, maybe I might have given him a listening ear because I still held onto him even when he broke my heart and rejected me. I prayed for him to come back but he never did and 1 gave up, vowing to never let him know

about the twins.

“A lot happened. I know I hurt you and I shouldn’t have but I want you in my life. I want to right the wrong, he said and 1 scoffed.

“What’s wrong? What about Jade? You can’t just act on your own you know and nothing revolves around you. I already told you where it is that I stand on this matter and it’s best that you accept and leave okay. I don’t want to have this conversation with you.” I stated firmly.

I turned to leave but he held me by the arm preventing me from leaving.

“Let me go,” I pulled my arms from his hold.


“Leave her be man,” “Tim interjected taking me by surprise.

“And who are you to tell me what to do?” Logan retorted.

“I don’t have to tell you who I am but the lady asked for you to leave her so you should. You can’t keep pestering her and invading her privacy okay? I won’t stand back and watch you force her when she asks you to leave. Tim said, standing in front of Logan with me behind him.

I was surprised by his confidence and how he spoke.

“You can’t tell

me to go. She’s the one I have business with and not you so I’d advise you mind your business and don’t get



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