The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 An Unexpected Job Application
“You?” Willow’s mouth fell open in surprise.
“That’s right. Haven’t you noticed? Nicholas offended me because he proposed to you in front of me,” Caspian said.
“Even if he offended you, what does that have to do with Southlake Corporation?” Willow asked.
“That’s because the new CEO of Southlake Corporation is me,” Caspian stated seriously.
“How is that even possible? You, the CEO of Southlake Corporation? Can you be a little more believable when you brag?
“That’s complete nonsense, Southlake Corporation is the largest company in the entire Southlake City!”
Willow did not believe a single word that Caspian was saying.
Caspian felt resigned. He was telling the truth, but Willow didn’t believe him at all.
However, he had anticipated this reaction. After all, there was no way Willow would believe him after he had revealed the truth so
Only when he gradually revealed his true abilities would she truly be convinced.
“We can talk about this next time. I’ve just learned some important news today,” Caspian said.
“What is it?” Willow asked.
Caspian didn’t have many connections. How could he receive any important news?
“There’s a vacant position for the project director at Southlake Corporation. They’re looking for new
“The position offers flexible working hours so you don’t need to be in the office every day. I think it’s a suitable job for you. You
can give it a try,” Caspian suggested.
“Oh, I’m aware of the news as well. However, a big company like that offering such a high position would have many experts
competing for it.

“I can only imagine how difficult the recruitment would be. I have no confidence in my abilities,” Willow replied.
“Have more confidence in yourself. You’re an excellent graduate from a top university with years of management experience.
How can you know the outcome when you haven’t even tried?” he encouraged.
“While that may be it, Southlake Corporation would definitely want to hire the best managers. I’m afraid I don’t have the skills for
it.” Willow still lacked confidence.
“We have a slight advantage. I know the new CEO of the company. I’ve already given them a heads-up.”
Seeing that Willow was getting discouraged, he thought of a new method to encourage her to apply.
“What? You’re joking again, right? The new CEO is so mysterious. No one in Southlake City knows his true identity. You’re
definitely making this up!” she said in astonishment.
“The CEO was my deskmate back in school. We have a good relationship with each other,” Caspian explained.
“If that’s the case, how did he suddenly become so wealthy? Did he buy the entire company?” Willow was shocked beyond
“Well, he had a wealthy father. He inherited a vast fortune right a
graduated. However, he doesn’t like to flaunt his wealth, that’s why he’s been keeping his identity hidden,” Caspian replied.
“Are you really telling the truth?” Willow found it hard to believe that Caspian had such a classmate.
“You’ll know whether it’s true or a lie once you try. It’s not like you’ll lose anything even if you don’t succeed, right?” Caspian said.
“Alright then. I’ll give it a try. But if you were lying, I’ll make sure you won’t hear the end of it when I get back!”
Willow didn’t think there was a need for him to deceive her. After all, such an opportunity was hard to come by.
“The recruitment staff will be off duty soon if you wait for too long. Now’s the perfect time to go,” he suggested.
“Okay. Let me get ready,” she replied.

Meanwhile, everyone was disheartened at the Stewart family’s meeting. They thought things would turn around for the family
after signing the contract with Southlake Corporation.
However, the contract had been terminated in just one day.
This sudden change was like a roller coaster ride.
They couldn’t accept it.
“Why did this happen? We just received the project, but it’s already been terminated!”
“What’s the new CEO of Southlake Corporation up to? Why did he terminate our collaboration as soon as he took office?”
“I’m not sure. There was news that Wilson, the project director, was dismissed because he signed a project with us!”
“The reason Wilson was dismissed was because his nephew Richard offended a big figure. This has nothing to do with our
“Even the Archer family’s cooperation was terminated because Mr. Nicholas offended someone. Who could have such a big
“This person is definitely closely related to the new CEO of the company!”
Each of them expressed their opinions one by one.
..on of the project director at
“There’s no use sighing now that we’re facing this situation. The Southlake Corporation is currently vacant. If someone from our
family can take up this position, we won’t have to worry about securing contracts in the future,” Marilyn spoke up.
“Exactly, Grandma is absolutely right. Our family has many talents. We can all try out for the position at the company,” Alicia
“You’re right. I’ll apply for the position right away,” Henry replied.
At the same time, both the Hudson and the Archer families were holding a family meeting.

Richard’s offense against an important figure had led to the direct dismissal of his uncle, Wilson Hudson. They had also lost
Southlake Corporation as a strong business partner. He received a severe scolding from the elders during the meeting.
Richard felt aggrieved. He had only clashed with that good-for-nothing, Caspian recently. He hadn’t offended anyone else other
than Caspian.
Nicholas’ situation was almost identical to Richard’s. He had also received a severe scolding during the family meeting after
offending a mysterious figure. This had caused the entire family to lose millions of dollars.
In the end, both families had come up with a solution. They had decided to send their key family members to apply for the
position of project director at Southlake Corporation.
Willow prepared her resume and headed to Southlake Corporation along with Caspian in the afternoon.
The company had been completely surrounded at the moment. All of the people had come to apply for the position of project
director. Alicia and Henry were also among them.
Just seeing the massive crowd made Willow feel somewhat anxious. It was a difficult challenge with so many candidates vying
for a single position.
“Could your deskmate have simply been good at empty talk?” Willow glanced worriedly at Caspian.
“We have a good relationship. He told me that the position will definitely be yours as long as you perform normally,” Caspian said
Seeing his calm demeanor and resolute tone, Willow chose to believe him.
The vice president of Southlake Corp, Miranda Barton, would be the one to personally conduct the interview.
Caspian had already informed Miranda that no one but Willow should be chosen. She couldn’t arrange for her subordinates to
conduct the interview, so she had to do it herself.
Miranda didn’t want to waste any time after seeing the huge crowd of people. She immediately gestured to the next person when
she realized that the candidate wasn’t Willow.

Even Alicia and Henry had been ushered out the moment they entered.
Although it appeared to be a grand recruitment, it was essentially just a formality.
After all, the recruitment process had been designed specifically for Willow.
“Why are you here too, Willow? Don’t waste your time; they don’t even take us seriously. We were kicked out as soon as we
entered. You shouldn’t waste your time either. Why don’t you go and take a hike!” Henry said.
“Stop with the baseless claims. I just took a look at today’s weather. Your cousin will be the project director,” Caspian said
“Oh, stop that. How can you tell anything from the weather?” Alicia replied irritatedly.
Richard’s uncle had already been dismissed today because of Caspian’s jinx.
“Don’t come crying and begging for your cousin to give you projects when she becomes the project director!” Caspian said.
“Us, begging you for help? Dream on!” Alicia replied.
“Good, looks like you have an unyielding character. Let’s see how it goes,” Caspian said.
After a while, it was finally Willow’s turn for the interview.
She entered with a sense of trepidation.
Willow was a well-known beauty in Southlake City. Miranda easily recognized her with one glance.
After confirming her information, Miranda spoke up. “Congratulations, Ms. Stewart. Our company needs talent like you. You’ve
been hired. If everything is in order, all you need to do is sign and the position of the project director will be yours.”
“What? But I haven’t even said anything yet!” Willow wondered if she had misheard. She hadn’t even introduced herself, yet they
already wanted to hire her.
This outcome felt somewhat surreal. It was as if she had won a massive jackpot! Could it be that the CEO of Southlake
Corporation really knew Caspian?

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