The Aldean Chronicles: Spotlight (Part 2)

Chapter 2

I move around on my seat, causing my pantyhose to go even higher. I'm well aware of the cameras facing our box, so I can't do anything about it. I squirm again, it only gets worse.

"Stop that." Kat laughs.

I laugh too. "It's really uncomfortable."

"Power through." She seethes.

"Today is such a beautiful day, we couldn't have asked for better weather as we start our annual games." One of the pundits says from her glass box, it's currently overlooking the bottom field.

This is the biggest stadium I've ever been in. The building is old, built in 1892, the year the tenth Milton's match was held. It's made out of stony gravel and is two and a half storeys high. The building has been renovated many times, one of the most recent renovations made provisions for the Pundits box. Unlike the arena in school, this one provides cushioned seats. The chairs are arranged in a circle, they look down at the spacious green field. The field is divided into two main sections, in each section are three divisions.

The first is called the free zone, you won't be penalized for anything that happens there, you will also not be awarded a point. It's in the middle of the field and it borders your opponent's.

The second division is called the Remedial Zone, it's the biggest. In this zone, you can be penalized and awarded points.

The third is the Death zone. Under no circumstances can your opponent battle you in that zone. If you fall in your death Zone, you are automatically eliminated.

If no one falls in their death zones after three minutes, the game immediately ends and the buzzer goes off. The person with the most points win. Points are awarded for hits, cuts, and style. It's more complicated than normal combat. Some cases call for that though, in the highly unlikely event that there's a tie (points will have to match for that to happen), the board will decide on what to do. The board is made up of past winners. Uncle Max would have been on it, but he's stuck in Malone.

Ryppers have only been spotted three times since the attack. They were quickly removed before serious damage was done. Only one other Illyrian country has recorded an attack, Ferona. The rest are as safe as ever.

"To kickstart our processions, everyone please let's welcome Lady Lilian Harrington." There's some applause.

Lilian stands up from her seat and walks past the gate to the field. We're so close to the front, we might actually get sprayed with blood.

An attendant hands Lilian a microphone. "Good morning, Aldean, welcome to the 138th Annual Milton's match." More applause. "I will be reading a letter from Liege Henry Milton a month before the games were established. This letter was addressed to His Majesty, King Alfred.

'The morale of my men is low, their families have been killed and their homes destroyed. They fear they are not strong enough to defeat our foe. The wise philosopher, Sigrid, once said that once morale is gone, the battle is already lost.

I ask permission to carry out some games. To remind the men that they are Aldean, and Aldeans are strength personified. I wish to remind them who they are. No Rypper invasion can stop them, they need to know they are stronger than the creatures of evil magic.

Thank you for your time, Your Majesty.

Your Humble Servant, Liege Henry Milton.'"

Lilian sighs, her smile is still plastered on her face. "Of course, Liege Milton did die two months after the games in a Rypper attack. But his legacy lives on in this game. It's to remind ourselves that we need not fear, and that we're strong enough to overcome anything. I think this message is more important in these troubling times. So please, enjoy the games and remember that though Ryppers may be lurking in the shadows, we are strong enough to overpower them."

Silence follows the speech.

"Sebastian, remind me to never let your wife deliver the opening speech to anything again," Aunt Freya says.

Seb doesn't drop his smile. "You should have seen the unedited version, I did the best I could." They clap softly.

Lilian comes back, she looks very pleased with herself. Aunt Freya goes to officially start the game. The applause is deafening.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming. I am honored to be here." She starts. "I won't say anything, I know you all can't wait for the festivities to begin. So without further ado, The Milton's Match."

More applause and cheers. The first group of fighters comes out, it's the under-21 category. There are eight sections and four candidates in each, this will be a long day.

The first group is the air elementals. It's the first time I'm seeing them fight. Air elementals are the least likely to use their powers for violence. These are brutal though. They create tornadoes, fling their opponents around and one even tried to draw the air out of the other's lungs. I will never piss off an air elemental again.

After this is the archers, this makes me the most tense. I don't want them missing their shot and sending an arrow through my head. After them are the water elementals, I get splashed.

Aunt Freya laughs as her new designer purse gets hit. "It's my fault for bringing it." She whispers.

"I'm bored," I tell Grey. "How do you do this every year?"

"I don't, I'm not paying attention to anything going on."

"What are you doing?"

"I made up a game, I'll pick a spectator and make up a backstory for them."

"I'll join, beats Aquaman over there."


"Doesn't matter," I say.

"Okay, the first candidate. Man in black suit, red and yellow pocket tie." He challenges.

"Easy, he's an eccentric millionaire."

"He's one of the attendants for the arena." He corrects.

"I'll get the next one." We play a few more rounds till Grey picks a terrible candidate.

"Yellow pine striped suit."

I grimace. "Looking at him is painful. Next, please."

Kat sighs audibly. "And there he is." There's a smile slowly forming on her face.

"Who?" I ask.

"Dillon." I follow her gaze to a tall brunette. It's time for the Fire elementals, I didn't know the single swordsmen had finished their fight. He gets into position at the center of the field. His opponent is a girl, I recognize her from school. She's a blue Rose member, she'll be starting her fifth year in a few months.

Their fight begins. I force myself to pay attention. The girl, Leah, sends a powerful burst of flames at him. Dillon doesn't move or counter, he stands in place. The flames disappear and he looks unharmed. Leah moves forward and crosses into his Remedial Zone. She hits him repeatedly, but he doesn't block her. She's up 14 points and there are thirty seconds left in the game.

She takes a deep breath and delivers her final blow. Dillon walks through the flames, completely unbothered. She keeps shooting but nothing happens to him.

"How is he doing that?" I whisper.

"It's an old move, really complex," Kat whispers back. "Your fire can't harm you, but others can. If you can create a barrier strong enough to withstand your opponents, you'll be fine."

Dillon continues advancing, his pace is slow. I check the clock, only ten seconds left. The girl looks scared, I don't blame her. She stumbles back to her Freezone. She musters her remaining strength and sends out an incredible burst. Dillon tears through it with his powers.

She runs further into her penalty zone. Dill doesn't relent, if anything he makes his flames hotter. Leah glances at the clock, three seconds left. Dill goes straight for her face, she ducks down. He uses his free hand and flames her bended knees. She falls on her back and lands in the Death Zone. The buzzer goes off, signaling the end of the game, she lost.

The cheers are wild.

"That was brutal." Seb looks uncomfortable. "I expect this from the adults, but they're still kids."

"Dillon Oisin will be advancing to the next round. He will face Vance Costar in five days, and one of them will walk away with the 138th Milton's Match medal for under 21 Fire." The pundit announces.

Dillon looks around the arena with a blank expression. He courtesies to the Queen when he passes our side.

"Dill." Kat whispers. His face breaks into a smile when he sees her. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." He mouths back. He leaves through the competitor's door and isn't seen again. Leah wobbles out of the field and the other fire elemental matches happen, they aren't as intense as the first. When they're done, the double swordsmen begin their match. After them are the Earth elementals, then finally, the axe throwers.

"I'm glad that's over." My aunt says as people empty the stadium. "I have a meeting in an hour, I was scared I'll miss it."

"I have a meeting too, at the House of Assembly," Seb says. "With Representative Byron, it was supposed to be tomorrow. But I'm busy then, meeting with Secretary David and a few council members."

"I have to review the prospective students on the waiting list. It will take weeks." Lilian says. "What about you three?"

We're still seating in our seats, we'll be taking pictures with some of the fighters.

"I'm picking Myles up from the airport," Kat says. "I told you this days ago."

"Equestrian championships, the semi-finals. Going with Caroline and Tristan." I reply.

"Charity event at the new Children's Hospital," Grey replies.

"Why are you going to that?" Seb looks confused. "You don't need to."

"I want to." He insists. I give him a look, and he shrugs. He just wants to meet Nina, a girl he likes.

"As far as we're all at the palace next tomorrow evening for dinner." My aunt says as today's contestants walk up to us.

I stand up from my seat and walk into the main field. I strike up a conversation with Leah.

"Your fight was amazing, I could not look away."

She winces. "My greatest defeat."

"It's not your fault, that guy, Dillon was ruthless."

"Still lost." She frowns.

"Hey." Someone says in my ear. I feel tingly all over, not just because of how close he is to me. But because of his voice.

I turn back and come face to face with Tristan. "Hey, you." He smiles. "What are you doing here?"

"Supporting family." He replies. He looks over my head and nods. "There he is."

"Tristan." A new voice says. Dillon appears beside us. He looks a lot like his cousin, they have the same face but different eyes. Tristan's is a chilly blue, Dillon's is Jade green. "Princess Cassandra." He says to me.

I turn to Tristan. "Friend?" He nods. "Well then call me Cass."

"Of course." He smiles. "So am I meeting a Princess or my cousin's girlfriend? Cause if it's the latter, I won't be the nicest. If you break his heart, you've made an enemy for life."

I shake my head. "I won't do that. I just saw you rip your opponent to shreds, you're so strong."

"Thank you, I learned all that in Calais."

"Well, it's impressive." I compliment.

"Babe." Kat walks up to us. "Oh, I missed you so much." She hugs Dillon. "How dare you move to a different country?"

"I missed you too." He says. "How've you been? How's 'he who would not be mentioned?'"

"You get me." She sighs and pulls away. "He's alright, I guess. I'll have to see him at the end of summer."

"The commemoration ceremony?" He asks and she nods. "That's still months away."

"Yeah, I have to spend two months dreading it."

"You'll live."

Her smile returns. "So, will you be joining me tomorrow? I'm picking up Myles."

"I love to, but I can't. I promised Tristan I'll follow him to a horse event."

"You invited him to that?" I ask Tristan.

He shrugs. "You're bringing a cousin, I thought I'd do the same."

I spot Seb and walk toward him. "You're still here."

"Yeah." He yawns. "Freya's talking to the board, we'll leave in a few minutes." He watches my former group. "What are you doing later today?"

"I'm meeting with Keri at Lena's, planning my summer wardrobe. Then Keri and I will go over the preparations for the stupid basketball game." I sigh. "Then I'll break my legs so I don't have to play."

He laughs. "I'm terrible at basketball too. Just let the professionals handle it, touch the ball once in a while and stay on the bench as much as you can."

"Thanks." Aunt Freya walks out with a woman in a business suit and spends five minutes taking pictures with some candidates. She and Seb take their leave after that.

I get into a black SUV by myself. Two guards sit in front and three more are following in the car behind.

There's a knock on my window. I open the door and Tristan slides in beside me. "You didn't say goodbye."

"Sorry, I'm in a rush. Lena is going to kill me, I'm so late."

"You can't spare a minute." He kisses me.

I pull away and laugh. "Tristan," I whisper, the glass partition is up and the guards can't see or hear us. I still feel uncomfortable.

"Who cares?" He kisses me again.

"I have to go, I'll see you later." I push him away.

"See you later." He kisses my cheek and reaches for the handle. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will. Have fun at your family dinner."

He groans. "You had to remind me." He's having dinner with his parents, some cousins, and Dill's parents. They're staying till Milton's match is over, then they'll all go to Sanders to their main family home. He leaves the car and I adjust my hair.

I bring the partition down slightly and say. "I'm ready, thank you."

I settle in my seat and read the links Keri sent, the articles mentioning me. They aren't good, but they aren't bad either. There are pictures of me chatting with Grey and Kat.

I search for more articles about today's events. Most of them are praising Dillon, his fight was today's highlight.

Half an hour later, the car pulls up in front of Lena's aesthetically pleasing boutique. "You're late." She says when I walk in.

"Had to take pictures after the event. Sorry."

"You're late." Keri comes through a door that leads to the back. "We have to be quick, I've already selected the clothes. Just let us know which ones are loose and where."

She drags me to the fitting room at the back. I try on so many dresses. I also get some skirts, shirts and dress pants. I select some shoes and purses, they're getting delivered to the house tomorrow.

After this, Keri and I go to the biggest wellness center in the Capitol. That's where we're having the basketball game, it's a few days away.

While we're setting up, I ask Keri a question. "What can you tell me about Caroline?"

"Your cousin." She hisses. "She's...a lot."

"In what way?"

"In every way, she always wants to be the centre of attention. She's a little rude, very overdramatic."

"I'm going out with her tomorrow. Well, her and Tristan and Dillon."

"That's nice." She checks her tablet. "How come I'm just finding out about this?"

"I invited Tristan, he invited Dillon."

"Oh, well photographers will already be there. Don't let them take anything incriminating, especially of you and Tristan."

"Yeah, sure whatever."

"I'm serious Cassandra, we learned our lesson with Kat. Don't let the public know what's going on in your love life."

I think about her words. The media shredded Kat for years. If she was in any intimate position with another guy, they accused her of cheating. They examined and tracked her sex life and did everything they could to make her look bad. And she was 15 when they started dating, too young in the public's eye.

"I won't."

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