The Aldean Chronicles: Hidden

Chapter 26

I wake up the next morning haven barely slept. I called my parents last night and told them the news. I left out the part where my aunt threatened me into staying in Aldean and instead said that I'm staying here voluntarily and will be home as soon as possible.

I wasn't able to get back to most of my missed calls and texts. I ignore Tristan completely, I don't know what to say to him. A designer comes in the morning with clothes for me to try on. We settle on a purple dress, it stops at my knees, has shortsleeves and a high neckline. The dress is plain, a bejeweled brooch is pinned to my right. The outfit is paired with silver heels.

Kat kept running me through how I should act and things I should say during the interview. Grey took my phone, claiming that it's best if I don't know what people are saying about me. I spend the rest of the afternoon talking to Keri, she had previously spoken to Lani and they have agreed on what questions to ask me tonight.

My knees are bouncing up and down the whole car ride to the studio. "Promise me you won't do that during the interview," Dent says. He's seating opposite me.

"I won't." I sigh out. "I'm so nervous." I let out a nervous laugh to accompany it. "How long is this interview?"

"Not too long. You'll be fine." He promises.

"Everything has been rehearsed beforehand. There will even be note cards behind the camera the entire time in case you forget your responses." Kat assures me. "You'll be fine."

We arrive at the studio and there are flashes on either side of the gate. We drive in and bodyguards usher us in. "Why didn't you tell me there'll be paparazzi here?" I ask, my heart is racing.

"Didn't want to worry you," Kat says walking quickly towards the main studio. We're led to a big room filled with cameras and big screens. A little scene has been set up at the far end of the room. Two armchairs are facing each other with nothing in between. The background is made up of yellow and green wallpaper and there's a lamp behind the chair closest to the wall.

Lani is talking with some men close to the set and leaves them when she sees us. "Princess Katya, so nice to see you." She shakes Kat's hands firmly. She's so pretty, she has wavy brown hair and soft green eyes. "Keri, Dent always a pleasure." She then turns to me and smiles. "Princess Cassandra, thank you for agreeing to an interview."

It's the first time someone is calling me that without the slightest hint of sarcasm. "Thank you for having me, Lani."

I'm ushered to my seat in preparation for the interview. It starts ten minutes later, I'm placed in front of a bright light and opposite Lani.

"Good evening Aldean, I have with me Princess Cassandra Harrington. She has humbly agreed to give an interview and will be answering everyone's most burning questions." She gestures at me. "Tell us please, how are you?"

My smile is stiff, I try my best to make it warmer. "I'm fine Lani. Thank you for asking."

She laughs a bit. "Your accent is so distinctly foreign. It's refreshing interviewing someone with such an interesting story and background."

"Thank you," I reply and she continues. "So tell us how is your family, how are you getting along with them?"

"They're amazing, so nice. My brother and cousin are even here with me today. Emotional support."

"How lovely, so I hear you're currently attending Brimstone. How is life there, how are the students." Then she adds jokingly. "Did you have trouble making friends?"

I laugh. "It was a new school, a new environment, new world. It's always hard making friends, I felt alone. But then I made friends and they made everything so much easier."

"Good to hear. So how have you been adjusting." She stares straight at me. "Is Illyria as magical as you expected?"

I can't move or speak, all the training drilled into me is slowly escaping my mind. "I don't know," I say and immediately regret it. Not knowing something makes you look weak. "It's alright, a lot more intimidating than I expected. I'm not sure I can keep up."

She laughs. "I see no reason why you can't. From what I hear, you're a rather capable elemental."

"Thank you so much for saying that. Sometimes I feel like I don't know what I'm doing." I reveal shakily. Lani gives me a strange look but quickly covers it up by laughing. I did it again.

The questions keep coming and I just can't wait for this to end. Lani is nice and understanding and does everything she can to steer me back to the script. This goes on for thirty more minutes and soon the ordeal is over. I race out of the studio as soon as the camera switches off. Keri finds me in a supply closet and I tell her that I want to go home.

The ride back, she and Dent drone on about all the events I'll have to attend this week. I don't listen to what they're saying, I just keep asking myself if this is my life now.

I skip dinner and go straight to my room. Someone knocks on my door later that night, it's Seb. I pretend that I'm already asleep. I wake up and find my new makeup artist is in my room She makes sure I bathe and dress up in the outfit Keri picked out for me. She does my makeup and Grey and I are driven to a minor charity function for orphans.

Grey gives a little speech while I try to make myself as invisible as possible. That is impossible. The only good news after last night's disaster is that public opinion of me went up a very tiny bit, at least in a certain demographic. Young people like it when you're screwed up like them, who knew?

The queen personally oversaw all my events that month. They all follow a pattern; smile, wave, say a few words occasionally and above all, act like you're interested in everything. It was hard at first but then I got the hang of it. During a party at a council member's house, I run into Axel.

"Hey." I greet him. "Didn't expect to see you here?" I joke.

He shrugs. "My mum forced me to come." He stares at me with a wide smile on his face. "I was expecting to see you here. Princess Cass."

I smile. "Please don't call me that," I beg. "I am done with this, if I have to do one more function, I'll burn whatever building I'm in."

He looks around and shushes me. "You have to be careful saying stuff like that. These people will happily take your words out of context"

I laugh. "Are you one of those people?" He doesn't reply. "Should I take our old banter as an act of friendship?"

"I don't know, Princess. Even if we forgive you, do you still want to hang out with losers like us?" He says, amused.

"You're not a loser," I say to him.

He nods. "I am cool."

"I hate you so much," I say this with a big smile. "And I am sorry for lying to you guys and canceling on you all the time."

"It's alright, you had a big secret. We weren't the best of friends either. We shouldn't have left you, even if you looked liked you were having the best time with your new friends." He laughs. "You're going to punch me for this but I thought you were seeing Grey." And I respond by punching him. "Ouch."

"And you deserve that." I defend. "When last did you talk to the group"

He doesn't look at me. "A few minutes ago, we kinda have a group chat."

I gasp. "But I talked to them individually, how did nobody mention anything." I've talked to Sara a few times this past month. And I've been talking a lot with Michelle, she forgave me and apologized too. She's always calm and talking to her has made me feel better. I also talked to Paisley but not that much.

"I would have added you but," Axel says. "Jace is in the group."

"Oh." Jace and I talked a few days after the news got out. It was a short phone call. He said I could have told him, that he could have kept my secret. I told him that I don't regret my decision and we ended the call before it got out of hand. "It doesn't matter, school's in a week. We'll talk when I get back."

"It's alright, I'll add you." He brings out his phone but drops it quickly. I follow his gaze and see what caused him to do that.

My aunt walks up to us with a certain twinkle in her eye. It's one of the few functions I've attended with her this past month. "Your majesty," Axel bows.

She smiles at him, the usual warm smile she offers in public. "Hello, I hope I'm not interrupting your conversation. I was hoping to borrow my niece for a minute."

He stutters, it's the first time I'm seeing him out of his element. "Of course, your majesty. Forgive me for holding her."

My aunt laughs softly and gestures for me to come with her. "Where do you know that boy from." She questions.

"He's one of my friends from school," I reply. "Why are you asking, do you not like him."

"I like his family, outstanding people. But I hear he's a bit of a slacker." She shoots a warm smile at the couple we pass. "Tell me you have other good friends, like that Leander boy. You are still friends with him, aren't you."

"I don't know, we haven't talked in a while. And now I'm hearing they have a group chat that I'm not part of. But Axel's adding me, I am worried that it will be weird though." She gives me a blank look.

"As interested as I am in hearing about your stupid teen dramas, I'm afraid now is not the time." She says. "This is your last event before going to visit your mother tomorrow, don't make me regret my decision to let you go." She looks around the room briefly. "Oh look the Oisin's are coming over, alas, it is another perfect friend that you have decided to push away."

Tristan is walking behind his parents, looking how I feel. "Your majesty, Princess Cassandra. It's so nice to see you." Callum says.

"Liege and Mrs. Oisin, so nice to see you too." My aunt says. "And Tristan, you don't seem to be enjoying the party."

He shakes his frown away. "Your majesty, sorry for my foul mood. Just thinking about how school is starting soon."

"And you're dreading going." She guesses.

"The opposite actually. I cannot wait to leave." He says and she laughs.

She straightens up and shakes his hand. "I haven't formally thanked you for helping my niece when she first arrived. For keeping her company and training her, your help is much appreciated." She gives me a sharp look.

"Yes," I say quickly. "Thank you, Tristan." I take his hand and hold it for a second longer than I should have. I turn to my aunt, my face is flushed. She notices it and excuses us.

"I'll be seeing you both tomorrow at our meeting, till then." She steers us away and scoffs. "Seriously, Cassandra." She whispers. "Do you know what you looked like? You were basically ogling him."

"At least I wasn't fake nice and cheery." I shoot back. "You scolded me all the while smiling at another couple. And why were you so nice to Tristan"

"You have much to learn." She shakes her head slightly. "Keep them on a hook, make them live for your approval. That was the first time I've congratulated that family in over a year."

I shake my head, I need to get away from these people. The party soon ends and I'm free to leave.

I go home the next day and spend five days with my parents. It's nice and relaxing, I didn't even leave the house throughout my stay. True to her word, my aunt got protection for my parents. She bought an empty house on my street and moved some guards there posing as a couple. Two more guards got jobs where my parents work. They said they didn't like it at first but they're slowly easing their way into it. At least their lives haven't been too upended.

Soon the break is over and it's time to go back to Illyria and school. But first, one final social function. And it's at the palace.


I spend my Saturday evening at the palace, it's my third time here. I'm struck by how pretty is it, especially at night. The street lamps combined with the fluorescent lights give the exterior a certain glow.

I'm sitting down for a state dinner, the Queen is at the head and Seb is at the other end. The rest of us are scattered all over. I'm wedged between a middle-aged man and woman. The queen personally organized the placements, I wonder what she hopes to achieve by the end of the night.

"So when you think about it, we're actually doing the criminals a favor by keeping them locked in cages." The man says and the woman nods in agreement.

"It's far better than the death penalty." Liege Caper says. "Are the conditions unfavorable, yes? But people are forgetting that they committed crimes."

"That's what I keep saying. If you don't want to be kept in an iron cage, don't become a Rypper." The man takes a sip from his glass of wine.

I nod like I agree with their crazy notions. "That's an interesting point of view, Honorable Bular. One that I'm sure to consider."

Tristan is seated opposite me and is trying to contain his laughter. "But princess, what are your exact thoughts on the whole cage phenomenon." He takes this matter further.

I cough. "Well, I personally think it's a bit...much. I mean, most of the inmates come out scarred. Too messed up to commit another crime but..."

"And you're welcome for that." The woman says. "I was one of the forerunners for keeping them in cages."

Is that supposed to make me think more of her? "Well, your services are greatly appreciated, Liege Caper," I say to avoid problems. "As for Mr. Oisin's question, I think that you both have a good point. I will surely investigate more on the matter."

I glare at Tristan, he just laughs softly and looks away. Towards the end of dinner, my aunt gives a tiny speech about how we should all be lucky to see the new year. I feel compelled to add that was two weeks ago

After dinner, Tristan pulls me aside to talk. "I wanted to call you after your interview with Lani a month ago." He says and laughs. "It was a trainwreck."

I arch my left brow. "You pulled me aside to insult me."

"No, no. I'm sorry, not that." He stops laughing. "Just wanted to say I was proud of you."

"Oh really, anything else," I ask pointedly. "School starts tomorrow, are you sure there's nothing else you want to talk about."

He folds his arms across his chest. "Depends, is there something on your mind."

I also fold my arms across my chest. "I just asked you that, there's nothing on my mind."

"Actually there is something." He says after a thought. "It's about us, personally."

I unfold my arms. "Oh. Okay."

"Will I still be training you every Saturday." He asks. "Want to know if I should be expecting that."

I scowl. "Really Tristan. That's what you wanted to ask me." I sigh. "Yeah sure, whatever."

He nods. "Thanks for clearing that up, Your Highness." He turns to walk away but stops midstep. "I was hoping you'd say that. Our training sessions were the highlight of my week." He gives me one last heart-melting smile. I look around to see if anyone caught our private encounter and see my aunt shaking her head at me.

It doesn't faze me though, I jog over to Kat with a wide smile on my face. "Look at you." She teases. "Why are you so happy, you can't tell me you're enjoying this."

Grey catches up to us and says. "You didn't see her with Tristan, her face was all red and he was all smirks and flexing. It was disgusting."

"You saw that," I say, both offended and happy. "And it's not what it seems, we were just talking."

"If you say so," Kat says. "Isn't this party over already, these people should go home. I need to make sure I'm all packed for tomorrow."

Just then a photographer walks up with Keri and positions his camera. "Not yet." She scolds. "Okay, I need one more photo of the three of you."

We adjust how we're standing with me in the middle, Kat on my right with Grey on my left. I pose with a small smile and my hands crossed in my front. I make sure my arms aren't blocking my brooch. It's the family crest and it's tradition to wear them at special functions. We take a few more before the photographer leaves with Keri.

"I'm conflicted about going back to school," I reveal. "On one hand, I get out of these stupid events. On the other, I have to go back with everyone knowing who I am. They'll be watching me all the time."

"Welcome to being a Harrington," Grey says. "I should tell you now that it doesn't get better. They'll keep watching and waiting for you to fail."

Kat gently hits his chest. "Don't say that, I mean he's right. But that was a brutal way to say it." She sighs deeply. "I'm not looking forward to going back to school either. I'm sure you've heard the news about the person who will not be mentioned."

I wince. It's Jamie, he was photographed with a girl this break. The cameraman didn't get a good pic of her face so no one knows who she is. "They might not be dating," I say reassuringly.

She scoffs. "Did you see the length of that slut's dress? She knew what she was doing." She laughs it off. "It doesn't matter anyway. I'm over him, we broke up. We're done. And it's better this way, I'm in such a healthier place mentally. I do not need him bulldozing his way into my life and messing it up."

"Yes. Because that's how it usually goes." Grey remarks. "Anyway, it's good that you don't care. I'm so proud of you, Kat."

She smiles stiffly. "Thank you. And Cass, just do what I do, take everything one day at a time and most importantly try not to kill yourself. Or anybody else for that matter."

"Good, so how's therapy going to work into your school schedule." Much to her mother's dismay, Kat's dad set her up with a therapist. The agreement was that she'll see the woman twice a month. So far they have had two sessions.

"I'll go to Uncle Seb's house every two weeks and meet her there." She says. "Nobody will question my leaving."

"That's nice," I say. "But good thoughts aside, what are you going to do when you see Jamie."

"I will be formal and cordial." She says. "He's made his choice and I've made mine. It's a very big school. We'll both just respect each other's boundaries."

Soon it's time for Grey and me to leave, we leave earlier than Seb and Lilian. They have to stay back to talk with aunt Freya. As soon as I get back, I prepare for bed all the while thinking about school the next day. How am I supposed to act around those people? What if I make a mistake, how bad will the backlash be. It is these horrifying thoughts that keep me awake till 2 am. I eventually fall into a restless sleep.

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