The Aldean Chronicles: Hidden

Chapter 19

We're driving back to school in silence. Five minutes in, I decide to break the ice. I laugh softly. "Thanks for what you said back there. You were willing to sound like a sappy Ted talk for me."

"A what?" He asks. "What's that?"

"A ted talk. It's a platform where speeches are given. They're usually meant to inspire people, they're really popular back home." I explain. "There are so many videos, talking about everything from mental health to social matters."

He nods. "That sounds nice, Ted sounds like a pretty smart person."

That makes me laugh. "Ted isn't a person, it's just the name. Different people give talks about different things."

He frowns. "That sounds unnecessarily complicated. I can only imagine the confusion that has caused." I smile. "Can I ask you a question about Derek, he's in your class. Isn't he?" Tristan says. "He came up to me last week and asked an inappropriate question."

I laugh before groaning dramatically. "Derek is the worst, I hate him so much."

Tristan laughs too and my smile widens, I'm happy we're talking again. And if I want it to remain like this, I have to put my feelings in check.

We get back to school and go straight to the Blue Rose building. Tristan wanders off to meet Dimitri and give his assessment while I walk up to Kat.

"Hey," I say to her. She's currently on the stage giving directions to her team. "Do you have a minute?"

She excuses herself from the group she's talking to. "I'm surprised you're talking to me. I thought you were hell-bent on avoiding me and your brother." This is the first time she's addressed Grey as my brother.

"Mr. Simmons asked me to give you this." I offer her the book. "Decoration ideas."

"Oh." She takes the book and shoves it in the hands of the nearest person she sees. "Is that it?"

"No, um, can we talk? You, me, grey." I ask. "I have some things I need to say."

Her face softens. "Sure, here's a bit crowded. How about the back office? Tell Grey and we'll meet there."

"Isn't that space for Dimitri? I'll doubt he'll let us use it." I remind her.

"He will, he's been asking me nonstop if my mum is coming on Sunday and trying to get me to persuade her."

"Is she?" I ask, Kat just shrugs and walks away. I find Grey in the corner talking to a pretty girl, I think her name is Yasmin.

"Hey, can we talk?" I ask him then turn to her. "Is it alright if I borrow him for a minute?"

She arches her left brow. "Excuse me, we're having a conversation." She then turns to Grey. "First years are so annoying."

His hand brushes her shoulder. "I'll be right back, Yasmin. Give me a minute." I was right about her name. She looks pissed when he follows me. "What's up?" He doesn't look happy or angry, just neutral.

"I wanted to talk to you. And Kat, she's waiting for us in Dimitri's office."

"Aren't you scared of people seeing us all together?" He asks. "At least that's the reason I'm giving myself for why you're avoiding me."

I look away from him. "Can we please just talk?" He gestures with his hand for me to lead the way. I ignore all the stares and whispers we get as we walk out the room and up the stairs. We walk down the corridor to the end of the hall.

The room behind the door is small with a desk pushed up against the wall and a window opposite the door. Kat is seating behind the desk like it's her office. I take one of the visitor chairs and Grey declines the other seat.

"Tell us, Cass, why have you decided to talk after so many missed calls and texts?" Kat starts.

"Don't forget ignoring us in the halls and dining," Grey adds.

I sigh. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I've been going through so much and it didn't even occur to me that you guys are going through the same."

"Bold of you to assume that I'm going through something," Grey says, he's leaning against the door.

Kat rolls her eyes. "There's no need to lie. Maybe you'll be happier if you accepted that you're normal and get sad too." She turns to me. "Greyson has this problem where he can't accept that he has emotions like a normal person."

"Do you really want to talk about normal people emotions, Katya?" Grey bites back. "Fear is the only one you seem to understand. At least I don't manipulate everybody in my life." He smirks and gestures at me. "I'm sure Cassandra will like to hear about the start of your friendship."

Kat scowls. "Like you weren't doing the same thing. You don't get to prosecute me for something you did."

"You two make it so hard to like you," I whisper. "What did you do to me?"

"She hated you as soon as she found out you existed. So much that she tried to get the legitimacy act reinstated. Tried to convince as many council members as she could." Grey says.

"The what?" I feel a headache coming on.

"It was adopted hundreds of years ago but was repelled in 1879 under the monarch at the time," Grey explains. "Before then children born out of wedlock couldn't claim any royal titles. Our lots of great grand relative made it so that all descendants with the dragoit can inherit the throne."

Okay, that's news to me. "You would have done the same if you weren't one, stupid and two, respected enough to talk to council members." Kat insults.

"You know what Kat, I may not be as responsible as you but I'm still a stronger elemental." He says. "At least I know how to control my powers. I'm not the one who had a manic episode and almost killed the people unfortunate enough to be in the art studio with you. And I'm not the one who had their mum bribe and threaten the three students into leaving the school." He turns to me. "You heard that right, she also blackmailed Jamie into getting back together with her. She constantly manipulates the people in her life, including you. She was only friends with you so that we won't be close. In the event of anything, you'll be on her side."

"And you did the same thing." Kat counters furiously. "And since we're airing our dirty laundry, why don't we hear some of Prince Greyson's greatest hits?" She counts them off her fingers. "The time you took cocaine, even though you know what it does to elementals and burned down a club, almost killing the people inside, a crime your precious mummy and daddy covered up. Or how about the time you got wasted on alcohol and fought with a complete stranger, burning him in the process, again mummy and daddy covered it up for you. Or my personal favorite, the time you crashed your car into another car, injuring another person in the process. You know how he got out of that one?" She asks no one in particular.

"You can't accuse me of all that because I fixed them. All those people got treated and used the settlement money to make their lives better." He argues.

"Oh, is that how you feel better about being a drunk, selfish, horrible person." She sneers. "You couldn't even face them after committing your crimes, at least I'm not a coward."

Grey leaves his spot by the door and his hand's flare up. "Says the girl who had to force her boyfriend to love her. Even your father saw how shrewd you are and left. Even he can't stand the sight of you."

I've never seen Kat this furious. Her hands flare up too and she and Grey stare each other down. They seem ready for war. I kind of feel like this is my fault.

"Tristan was right," I look between the two of them. "We're all tragic." I begin to laugh and they look at me like I've grown two heads. "Seeing the two of you, I'm starting to understand why our grandparents killed each other." Kat and Grey are not amused by that. "And your mom says I don't have thick skin," I add. "How about we sit down and talk about this without burning down more buildings."

Grey scoffs. "You think you're so much better, don't you?" He accuses. "You don't know anything about us."

"I might not. But I know what it's like to have insecurities, to act out. Are you forgetting I almost burned down a house last month? Just because some girl said I was weird and will never stop being that. She said I'm not good enough for anything and that all I do is cause problems and hold people back." They both unclench their fists and seem a little calmer. "And lately it feels that way, I caused a lot of problems for you two. I caused aunt Freya problems with the council and I caused Sebastian problems with Lilian. And no one knows about me yet, imagine how much more I'll cause when that happens."

They're both silent. "We all have our issues. The least we can do is face them and work on ourselves instead of coming up with excuses. Kat, your dad was right, you need professional help. Grey, so do you."

"Did you invite us here to tell us we need help?" Kat scoffs.

"No, I came here to apologize and see if you guys were alright," I say. "Kat, I know losing Jamie is hard on you, but once again, your dad is right, you need to be independent."

"And not blackmail him into getting back together with you," Grey adds in a low voice.

"And you," I say to him. "You say you want to get your life together, but you're still chasing every girl you meet. Being responsible is not just getting better grades and getting into this stupid society. It's making good choices and surrounding yourself with good people. If you want a girlfriend, get one. And actually, focus on her."

"Little Cassie is giving me life advice." Grey muses. "I'm good, thank you."

"I'm not. At least I'm not trying to. Aunt Freya asked me if I want to be a part of this family and, I don't know." I look at my hands. "Do you like it, your lives? If you had the chance to be anybody different, will you take it?"

Kat looks thoughtful but Grey immediately answers. "No, why would I? I'm rich, powerful and popular. I like my life very much."

Kat curls her lips. "I agree with Grey, it gets tiring and messy but I wouldn't trade it. I'll take the good and the bad."

"Lack of privacy." Grey comments. "That is bad, the media never leaves you alone. At least if you're already bad, there'll be nothing they can use against you. You control your own negative press."

I think about that for a second. "Well, this was a productive meeting."

They don't seem to agree. "This was a waste of time, I have planning to do." That's Kat.

"Am I the only one bothered about exams?" I ask the question that's been boggling my mind for the past few days. "The grades that will determine our future."

"They may or may not. On Sunday, you'll meet the most powerful people in Aldean, that's what will determine your future." Kat says. "It's not just a party, it's a place for people to network."

"Of course," I stand up. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I had fun learning about the questionable things you've done." They walk out of the room. I'm left wondering if this helped me make a decision or made everything worse.

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