The Aldean Chronicles: Hidden

Chapter 11

My study date with Jason went well, I think. I decided to just come clean and tell him I'm not interested in a relationship right now. Everything is complicated and messy and I need to sort myself out.

It's been a month since I told him all that and we've been friends since. Midterms are coming up in a week and I need to pass all my classes. I've been doing a lot better with my assignments and need to maintain those grades in the exams. My nose is buried in a book and I almost don't see Jamie when he passes by. He nods to say hi and I offer him a weak smile in return.

It's also been a month since he broke up with her. Turns out Mika and I were right, he couldn't focus on his game because he was thinking about her. Kat was pissed at first, like really pissed, but she's been learning to adapt without him.

The challenges are also over, Grey got in. Obviously. He was among the six candidates chosen, the fourth year who won the tournament passed the tests and is also a member.

Tristan canceled our last training session because he had to study for midterms. I was happy, it's the first time I'm sleeping in on a Saturday. We have a one-week break after midterms. I'll be spending five days with my parents and Lilian and Sebastian said I can spend the weekend with them.

"Am I the only one scared of failing?" I say from Michelle's bed. We're currently in her and Paisley's room studying. Axel is currently at the library with his other friends while the girls are here.

"I have nightmares about it, failing out of school and being the disgrace of my family," Sara says. "They were all so happy when I got in."

"I understand that completely." Paisley relates. "I'm the first person in my family to get in, they threw this really big party when I left. It would be so embarrassing going back."

I smile. I can't fail for reasons I cannot tell them about, sometimes I hate lying to my friends. It'll be so much easier if they just knew the truth. "I'm tired, I wish this week and exam week will just pass by completely."

The exams are harder than I expected, this school really does have high standards. I spend many sleepless nights and drink Ghale tea (Sara said it's a special drink that stimulates your brain). It's effective, like coffee but better. Fortunately, I've always been smart. I decided early on that if I wasn't going to be popular, I'd be smart. I could have been both but I didn't realize that in middle school.

I make it to the last day of the test, my arch-nemesis, Fire 101. Our test is a culmination of all the exercises we've done so far in class. This is the only subject where we'll see our grade immediately.

When it's my turn, I go to the front of the class and get ready to do all five tasks. The paper test, rings test, fire containment test, fire taming test and the metal test. I do the first four perfectly, I practiced extra hard for this class and I plan on passing it. I even bugged Tristan relentlessly until he gave me extra tips.

He groaned when I ambushed him in the halls. "Cassie, if I'm ignoring your calls and texts, I'm doing it for a reason."

"Please, just give me one tip. I need it." I begged.

"Fine, you want a tip. Here's a tip." He pulled me aside and lowered his voice. I tried my best to ignore the feel of his warm palms on my arm and instead, focused on his words. "Despite what you believe, you are a very powerful elemental. You possess a power that only four other people in all the worlds have. An ancient, old power that nobody can take away from you. Channel that and you'll be fine." He sighed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to meet up with Jamie and cram the history of Empress Kari of Varron."

He said it so quickly and casually but it meant the world to me. It gave me the confidence I needed to face this test. When it's time for the last obstacle, producing heat hot enough to melt metal, I put my all in. I reach into the power deep in myself, draw it out and produce fire hot enough to make the metal liquid.

When I'm done, I smile. The exercise was supposed to tire me out but I don't feel faint. I feel refreshed. "Thank you, Cassandra Flores." Professor Harding scribbles something on a piece of paper. "Next person." Once again, no validation, but this time I don't need it. I know I'm good

The other students do their tests and soon we're done. Professor Harding clears his throat. "Some of you were an embarrassment to Brimstone and I'm glad I won't be seeing you after the break. And some of you were... above average."

He goes around the class, passing the test scores. You know what they got depending on how they react, he gives everyone their grades except me. "See you after the break, if you're fortunate." He finally dismisses us.

"I haven't gotten mine yet professor Harding," I say to him.

"I know, I want you to stay back after class so we can talk." He waits for all the students to leave. When they're out, he sits on his desk and sighs. "I want to talk about your test."

My heart drops in my stomach. "I failed, I thought I did everything right."

"You didn't fail, the opposite actually. I just want to say that you've come a far way from when you first got here. As a teacher, I'm proud of you."

My eyes widen slightly. "No offense professor Harding but why didn't you say that when everybody was in class."

"I'll never praise a student openly, that's not the way I do things. But you are a powerful elemental, not just in strength but in determination." He says. "I'm looking forward to seeing more of your powers after the break." He walks up to me and gives me my test score.

"Thank you, sir," I collect it. "Have a nice break."

He scowls. "I can assure you I won't."

I laugh and leave the class. Outside, my classmates are gathered around, talking about their scores. Derek in particular, is prancing around and shoving his score in everybody's face.

"Cassandra." He calls me. I don't have time for him today.

"Yes." I turn around to face him.

"Nothing, just wanted to wish you a nice break. Going back home aren't you, to Earth." Some of my classmates snicker.

"Yes, I am," I say proudly. "Leaving soon actually."

He raises his hands in defense. "No need to be so brash, just wanted to show you something before you left." He shoves his test score in my face.

I look at it and frown. "I don't know how things are done here, but on Earth, you know what's higher than a 92." What he got. "A 95," I bring out my test score.

"What?" He bends down to get a closer look at my paper.

"Yep," I give him a good look before placing my paper back in my blue bag. "It seems like this foreigner got a higher score than all of you." I smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I turn around and walk away.

"Hey, Harst," Derek calls out. "I respect that." I shake my head and continue walking with a big smile on my face.

I get to my room and start to pack my suitcase. I'm only taking one home cause I'll only be there for a week. Sara walks in, she's dancing gleefully.

"I see your test went well." I tease, watching her dance all over.

She shoves her paper in my face. "A 96, who's the best? I am."

"A point higher than me. I got a 95." I say, placing my toiletries in the box.

Her eyes widen. "A 95 from your teacher is like a 150 from mine. I'm so happy and proud of you, you worked so hard. It's admirable." She hugs me. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"It's only a week, Sara, I'll be back before you know it," I hug her. "I just want to go home, I miss my parents so much."

"I miss my little cousin, she's so cute." She releases me. "My dad's coming to pick me up. How are you going?"

"A car's coming in half an hour," I tell her. "So, you're going back to Charlton?" Her home state.

"Yep, my dad happily agreed to drive the eight hours here and back to get me." She starts to fold her clothes. "He's amazing."

I laugh, we keep talking about the things we'll do when we get home. "I haven't even called them. We haven't talked in weeks." I say, remembering my friends. "I should call them."

I call Eliza and she surprisingly picks up even though it should be two am there. "Cassie." She yells. "You guys it's Cassie." She announces and there are some cheers.

"I'm coming back today," I tell her.

"That's amazing. How long is your flight, it's Europe so like 48 hours." She giggles.

"How about I call you when I get home?" I offer.

"Whatever you want." She says to me. "You guys, Cassie's coming back." More cheers. I cut the call, that sounds like a problem I'll handle when I get there.

I call Kat before I leave. "Hi, Cass." She says, picking up. "Have you left already?"

"In a few minutes, just wanted to ask how your tests were."

"They were alright. Just tests, I guess." She sounds tired.

"Are you going home soon? You're tired, you'll finally be able to relax."

She laughs lightly. "My mum has booked me for the whole week. Dinner meetings, charity functions. I swear I get more sleep in school."

Sounds stressful. "Sorry about that."

"It's alright, part of me likes it. Having something to do I mean." I don't know what to say to that

After our talk, I call Grey. "Hey, do you know that Kat is fully booked this week?"

"I do, and I know that because I'm also fully booked. I usually just chill during breaks but now that I'm doing the whole 'getting my life together' thing, dad said it will be best if I start acting more like Kat."


"You should be, when you're visiting resorts and going to fancy restaurants and just running around the city all night, think of your dear family hard at work."

I laugh. "We spend our breaks very differently."

He laughs too. "Maybe when you're here next weekend, I can show you some of my favorite spots. You'll be my excuse to break away from duties."

"I'll love to be your excuse, till then, good luck."

"I hate my life." He complains as he hangs up.

I get a text from Sebastian telling me the driver is here. I roll my single suitcase to the car park and he helps me put it in the car.

"Are you ready, Miss?" David asks me, I nod and get in the car. I'm finally going home.

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