The Adventures of Iron Wolves: Book 1 - Alpha

Chapter 5: Stumbling into Battle Blind

To Rue and the Lunarian Healers dismay, Anima began walking around a few days after she woke up. They continually told her she could do more injury to herself without her sight.

Anima took her time walking from her room to the dining hall for breakfast. Her hands ran along the wall giving her a sense of security. Rue walked along beside her quietly. She had refused letting him guide her saying she wanted some semblance of independence. She wore her court gown with a white cotton cloak. Her pouch and rapier sat on her right hip.

“You sure,” Rue asked for, what Anima thought, was the hundredth time. “You could get lost, or worse hurt, if you don’t let us guide you.” He heard the distinct sound of Anima drawing her rapier. “You can’t hit me. Mariel didn’t teach you how to sense attacks.”

“Who says someone else didn’t teach me?” she said raising her rapier and pointing it at him. The point only just touching his Adam’s apple. “I can sense you easily.”

He swallowed hard feeling the point press threateningly. “You’d really stab me?”

“No,” she replied. “Just showing you that your presence is as large as a dragon.”

She stalked off down the hall, sheathing her sword as she walked. Rue watched her warily. Anima continued on until she reached the dining room, where she stopped dead in her tracks.

Three. She thought feeling Rue catch up to her. Most likely Father and Crystal but who’s the third?

“Kyte,” Rue said softly in her ear as if he had read her thoughts. He watched Kyte come up and cup Anima’s cheeks with her hands. “Kyte, she refused help to come here.”

“It’s to be expected,” Kyte replied in her clipped way of speaking. “She’s an independent lass so even being carried by Stykes all the way here must have been damaging for her.”

How many found out his secret because of me? Anima wondered as the soft feather touch of healing brushed over her body. Hearing a discouraging tone from Kyte, she wondered what she had done now.

“My dear,” Kyte said looking into Anima’s eyes. “You still can’t see can you?” Nodded her head and blinked her eyes. “I wonder what caused this to happen.” Kyte twisted to look at Crystal. “You don’t happen to know do you?”

“I’m an Oracle,” Crystal said very upset at Kyte’s words. Her tone enunciated the word ‘Oracle’. “I see the future not the past. I see she’ll regain her sight but I don’t see when that is.” Kyte coughed and grumbled about Oracles not being scientific. Crystal snapped at her loudly. “I may not be scientific but neither are you. You get your powers from the Healing Sky Goddess. How are they more scientific than mine?”

Anima pulled away from Kyte and stepped out of the room. She wanted to enjoy her meal in peace, not listen to Kyte and Crystal snap at each other. She walked carefully up the hall, into her room, and shut the door. I wonder what Stykes is up to.

Stykes and Mariel sat watching the palace. They had seen the King come and go a number of times with many bodyguards, including Miyako.

“How are we going to rescue Miyako without causing a lot of bloodshed?” Stykes asked instantly regretting once he said it.

“Who says we need to avoid bloodshed?” Mariel replied calmly. “Miyako is wrongfully imprisoned by a King who was supposed to be our ally.” She looked at him, her face twisted with fury. “He used a tool of the elves to force Miyako into his service. He hurt Anima!”

Stykes gripped Mariel’s arm tightly. “Anima isn’t here,” he said quietly to her. “He can’t hurt someone who isn’t here.” To his surprise, Mariel shook her head. “You mean in the past?”

“Miyako was the first to be captured,” Mariel replied not flinching at his tight grip. “Chiae, Anima and myself fought hard against the King’s bodyguards. Anima fought against the King himself. Something happened, I think it was a weapon of some sort, and Anima was sent flying away from the King. It was the most beautiful and the most horrifying sight I have ever seen. Her body just floated as it arced across the sky, but she landed with a crunch.” Stykes closed his eyes hearing the sound in his ears. Mariel continued on. “Needless to say, she wasn’t conscious after that and we were no longer able to fight offensively against the King’s bodyguards. Miyako told us to take Anima and run.”

“Mariel,” Stykes said thinking carefully, the crunch sound echoed in his skull, as if clearing his thoughts. “Did Anima know about the red collars? Did she know that the King had the red collar.” Mariel’s silence worried him. “Did she go into battle blind or did she know?”

“We didn’t know about the collars until Miyako had one snapped onto her neck,” Mariel replied quietly, her voice shaking. “I couldn’t sense the collars at all until it was too late.” Her voice betrayed her thoughts to Stykes. Mariel sensed his impatience and continued unwillingly. “She knew that he had a secret weapon. She seemed very unsurprised when he used the weapon to send her flying.”

“We know now so it should be alright,” Stykes said through gritted teeth. His anger clear to Mariel that he wasn’t happy about Anima. It wasn’t clear to what part he was angry about.

His great white wings sprouted and spread elegantly from his back. His elven blood telling him there were red collars nearby. Looking down from their hiding spot, he saw slaves. Many, many slaves. All with red collars around their necks.

He paused and looked at Mariel curiously. “You know about the butterfly bruise on her back?” Mariel bit her bottom lip in reply. “Was that caused by the weapon you mentioned?”

Anima walked around her room familiarizing herself with her surroundings. Her eyes now seeing only very faint outlines of objects. The darker the colour of the object, the stronger the outline was.

Her ears twitched at the sound of metal ringing against metal. She strained her ears. There shouldn’t be fighting in the palace. She knew the grounds and sky were well protected by Rue and all factions of the Lunarian guards. Lots of sounds filled her ears now. Not just metallic, but shouts filled the air.

Drawing her rapier, she stood listening carefully. She could only just make out the shadow of something sitting on her windowsill.

“Princess Anima,” A distinctly male voice said stepping closer to her. “How nice to meet your acquaintance.” The shadow bowed in front of her.

“Who are you?” Anima’s voice was firm despite the fear rippling through her. “State your name at once!”

“I’m surprised,” The voice said sounding truly surprised. “You don’t remember?” He darted around her rapier and pulled her close to his chest. His finger pressed the bruise on her back. “What a heavy seal on your memories. Perhaps I should release it.”

He pressed a thumbnail on the bruise. Anima’s eyes widened. A scream filled her head. Not hers. A higher voice. A child’s voice. Words slowly began to become distinct in the screams.

“Mama? Mama! Wake up! They’re coming again! MAMA!”

Before she could reply, she felt rough hands grab her from behind. Two people enter her room, one standing in front of her and the other holding her shoulders.

“Thyme,” Anima heard Rue say in a very dangerous tone. “What are you doing here?” The screams faded away leaving her with only the voices of those around her.

Thyme? Anima thought listening carefully. The hands on her shoulders tightening. Rue said Thyme. Who’s Thyme?

Anima felt one of the hands on her shoulders move to gently take her rapier and slide it back into its sheath.

“You received my resignation from Angelic,” Rue said tensely. “Why are you here now?” Anima reached out to touch his wings gently, her fear rising from the tone of his voice.

“I wanted to see the one who stole your services from me,” Thyme said with a smile. “And I must say, you really did out do yourself. She’s a beauty and well worth serving more faithfully than the guild that raised you.” Rue’s jaw line tensed, the skin pulling taut and white. “What’s wrong? Did I touch a nerve?”

“As much as I am grateful to the Angelic Guild for finding and raising me,” Rue said slowly, fighting his urge to wipe the smug look off Thyme’s face with his fist. “But Anima has given me a purpose and a reason to live.” He could feel Anima touching his wings behind him. “I’m indebted to her for this.”

The hairs on his body rose with the building tension. He lifted his arm to his side, palm facing Thyme, making it clear he didn’t want Anima harmed.

“Get her out of here Crystal.”

Anima’s head jerked upwards at the sound of Rue drawing his sword. “Rue?” Hands pulled her through the door, leading her down the hall. Metal ringing against metal sounded behind her.

“Crystal?” The hand holding hers didn’t let go, nor did it stop pulling her along. “What’s going on?”

“I need to take you to the safety of the Iron Wolves Territory,” Crystal said pulling her through another room with fighting before going down some stairs to the stables. “The Angelic Guild is here to kill Rue, the Griffin Guards, and anyone else who stands in their way.”

Crystal looked back at Anima’s confused expression. Thyme is here to kill you too. Hurry and remember My Lady.

Stykes stood amongst the slaves, his eyes sad as they surrounded him with daggers shaking in their hands.

“How do I free them?” he asked Mariel, who leaned against his back watching the slaves behind him.

“There’s two ways,” she said quietly, she held Stykes’ bow taut with an arrow nocked. “One is to kill them. That’s usually used by common elves. Elves with Royal Blood can remove the collars with a touch. You have to want them freed.”

“Don’t kill them,” Stykes warned her. “Knock them out if you have to.” Stykes moved quickly, his fingers brushing each collar, his mind focused on freeing them all. Freed slaves raised their hands to their throats in disbelief before running away from Stykes, Mariel and the rest of the captured slaves. Mariel slung the bow over her body and fought only with her bare hands. When silence fell, Stykes and Mariel stood alone. The ground littered with red collars.

“What do we do with these?” he asked with his hands spread wise to enunciate the amount of collars on the ground.

“Summon them to you,” Mariel replied. Her sharp eyes darted around keeping a close lookout for anyone coming near them. “They should come and melt into your skin. The collars are made with royal blood after all.”

Stykes raised his hand and called to the collars silently. They answered his call, liquefying, flowing towards him. They seeped into his skin, mixing into his blood, giving him snippets of memories of the elves they originally had belonged to.

A memory of his younger self hugging an older man happily, a kite shaped like a giant butterfly hanging from his arm. Father… Another memory of his younger self running down a white stone hallway towards an elf with emerald green eyes. Shiro… More memories of Shiro flooded his mind. I know who’s trading in elven artefacts.

He opened his eyes slowly, his body swaying. He looked at Mariel before falling backwards into darkness.

Anima wrapped her arms tightly around Crystal’s waist and rested her head against her back. “Where are we?” she asked unsure if Crystal could hear words. The speed they travelled seemed to spirit her words away from her lips.

“Approaching Hasta Village,” Crystal replied slowing Anima’s chestnut mare to a trot. Shouts from the walls reached Anima’s ears. “They’re firing on us.” Crystal directed the mare to dodge the flying metal bullets.

Crystal’s body jerked back. Anima moved her hands checking her body, afraid that she had been hit. Crystal placed Anima’s hands back onto her stomach. “It’s alright. I was just grazed by a bullet… That’s all.”

Anima lifted her head and raised two fingers to her lips. She blew the long, high pitched whistle followed by three short and then a long, low whistle. The Gun Mages on the walls stopped firing. The gate to Hasta Village began to lift and Crystal cautiously guided the mare in through the gate. She looked around seeing only swords and spears aimed at them.

“Where’s Noira?” Anima asked, her voice travelling in the silence. “As much as I would love to see so I can memorize who is pointing their weapons at me, my need to speak to Noira is more important.” Crystal helped her down off the mare and waited.

“What is this fuss?” A powerful female voice called. She stepped up and into the ring that surrounded Crystal and Anima. “Anima…” Rising a hand, the knights in the ring lowered their weapons. “Why are you dressed like that?”

Crystal raised an arm in front of Anima, unsure who this newcomer was. “You are speaking to the Crown Princess of Lunarias.” Anima’s legs crumpled underneath her at these words. Crystal looked down at her with sad eyes. “I’m sorry…”

“Was it Thyme?” Anima asked hearing Noira’s choked gasp, which turned quickly into a coughing fit. Crystal remained silent and Anima demanded again, her voice growing angrier. “Was it Thyme who murdered my Father?” Her body shook with anger.

Noira wondered how Anima knew Neflyte was dead. Other than the small hint that she was now the Crown Princess of Lunarias, everything else was assumed. She glanced at Crystal, who shrugged knowing exactly what Noira was thinking.

“Once you are safe within the Iron Wolves Headquarters,” Crystal said quietly distracting Anima from her current question temporarily. “I will tell you what happened.”

She looked up at Noira who still looked shocked. “Anima is now the Crown Princess of Lunarias. From what I understand, she is Co-leader to the Iron Wolves as well.” She looked around not disturbed at the amount of armed Knights that surrounded them. “But by the looks of this, it’s like she’s very unwelcome.”

“Not unwelcome,” Noira said waving her hand to dismiss the knights to their stations. “Just unexpected.” She looked down at Anima trying to keep her voice calm. “Stykes didn’t mention that you were the daughter of King Neflyte.”

“I asked him not to say anything,” Anima replied not looking up. “Can someone help me up?” Crystal muttered her apologies and helped Anima to her feet.

“If you can spare it…” she paused, her ears listening carefully. Metallic sounds and war cry’s were faint on the air. “Can you send some troops to the Royal Palace in Lunarias. The Angelic Guild is attacking and I don’t know how long our troops can hold out. I can’t fight either because of my… disability.”

“I think you need to explain to me a bit more,” Noira said realizing Anima couldn’t see. She placed Anima’s hands on her arms and guided her towards the Barracks in the centre of the village. “The war with Solaris is going better than I expected without Stykes present. But I need to know the situation in Lunarias before I send aid.”

Stykes opened his eyes and a different darkness filled his vision. A small hand gently stroked his hair, feelings of love and admiration flowed from this person.

“Anima?” he asked, his voice catching in his throat. Anima wouldn’t have admiration for me. The hand stopped stroking and a girl with light brown eyes looked down at him. “Mariel.” He smiled and tried to lift his head to sit up. “My head feels heavy.”

“It’s because you used a power you aren’t use to,” She replied, hurt tones lacing her voice. “Breaking down and absorbing artefacts created with the Royal Blood of the Elves uses more than your body can handle.” Stykes sat up uneasily, pressing a hand to his head. “You shouldn’t be moving just yet.”

Stykes shook his head furiously trying to clear it. “Is it night?” he asked cautiously looking around. “How long have I been out for?” The darkness that dimmed his vision grew with every passing moment. He turned to look to Mariel’s face.

“It’s past the sixth candle hour,” Mariel replied placing a thick white candle between them with deep grooves marked around in equal intervals. The light from the candle told Stykes the darkness in his vision was just his imagination. “You were out for almost a day and a half. I had to carry you from that place before the King’s guards came. You’re heavy, even for me.” She placed into his hand a clay bowl filled with a thick broth. “Eat. You’ll feel better.”

He lifted the spoon to his lips and blew gently before tasting what she had given him. His face crinkled slightly and looked at her with a very plain but rude question on his face.

Mariel laughed and leaned towards him. “Same reaction as Anima. She didn’t like it either. I guess you aren’t use to Elven recipes either.”

Stykes finished the broth in the bowl before saying anything in response. “It’s not that I don’t like it,” he said placing the bowl down on the ground. “It’s just that it’s not what I was expecting.” He looked up studying her carefully. “Who were you before you came through the gate into the human world?” He touched his lips lightly with his fingers. “The taste was familiar.”

“I…” Mariel looked away, her cheeks colouring. “I was your maid in the palace. I was also your first…” She trailed off not looking at Stykes. She laughed ruefully before continuing. “Funny how my current Mistress is who you love now.”

She moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his body, drawing her lips close to kiss him, her hand slowly moving down his body to cup his groin.

Through her kiss, more memories of his life in the elven palace came to him. His mind drifted through the memories, only vaguely conscious Mariel had pushed him down onto his back. In his mind, he stood watching his younger self throwing things across the room at his maid. Stykes remembered this moment was after his Mother’s death. He watched as the maid, he knew was Mariel, move to his side and press him backwards, then down onto the bed.

“If you need an outlet then use me,” she said pulling the ribbon that held the bodice of her dress until her large, full breasts showed over the neckline. “I’m your maid. I can be anything you need, including an escape from sad thoughts.”

“Anything?” he heard his younger self say shakily. “What do you mean an escape?”

Before Stykes knew it, his older and younger self blended, the memory becoming clearer as if he was reliving it. He reached up and curiously touched the curves of her chest.

“How can you help me escape? You have no royal blood. You can’t wipe my memories. You can’t do anything!” His older self sat back in the younger’s body listening knowingly.

“I’m female,” Mariel replied taking his hand and pressed it firmly onto her breast. “I can take you into a realm of pleasure. Allowing you to lose yourself into the throes of passion with me. Allowing you to forget, even for a few minutes, who you are and where this is.” She held herself over him, allowing him to explore, to understand what she meant.

His older self flowed out of the younger to hover above the memory. His conscious of his real body coming stronger to him now. Sensations flooded his mind. Instinctively, he pushed his hand out. The sensations ceased, his body now cold from the night wind. He sat up and focused on the figure that came close to him again.

Mariel’s clothes hung loosely on her body, her breasts pushed forward by her arms. Her eyes held a feverish light. She came closer to him, pushing him down onto the ground, and straddled him like a horse.

“Don’t worry the weakness isn’t permanent,” she whispered into his ear, she felt him struggle underneath her. “This won’t take long. I’m just returning to you what you gave me a long time ago.”

“Stop,” Stykes croaked, his body feeling heavy. “Please stop.” His eyes pleaded with her. She smiled at him and sensations rose within his body again. He shook, and mustered all the strength he could to call out one name. “ANIMA!”

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