The Adventures of Emily Tual: Revelations Book Three

Chapter 26

Gabriel was sitting by Savannah when he sensed Audrey and James joining him. “Is she going to be okay?” Audrey asked Gabriel. She looked at Savannah. Savannah looked even paler than James did. She closed her eyes and tried to hear a heartbeat. It was there but faintly.

Gabriel sighed. “I’m not sure.” He answered. “We’ve never done something like this before.” There was no telling how Savannah would react to not having the Horseman’s spirit in her. It was the only thing possibly keeping her alive or at least protecting her from the poison. He wasn’t sure if the poison was gone entirely but he was about to find out.

Gabriel looked at James. “Take Audrey with you and find Aunica.” He told James. “I’m going to stay behind to try to save Savannah from dying.” Gabriel wasn’t sure how long it would take him to save Savannah and he didn’t want to risk wasting any more time that they could use to find Aunica. Gabriel looked at Savannah. He couldn’t let her pay for something she had no part in.

“We don’t even know where to begin looking for Aunica.” Audrey told Gabriel. “She could be anywhere in the world. Anthony probably has a better chance of finding Aunica with all of his resources.” All they had were the three of them. There was no way that they would be able to find Aunica before Anthony did.

James thought about it before an idea hit him. “We might have a good place to begin.” He said before he looked at Audrey. “She vanished into the time portal with you when you returned to the present but she didn’t make it all the way to the present. She must have fallen out of the time stream before or after you did. All we need to know is if you saw something in the time stream.” He told Audrey.

Audrey closed her eyes as she thought about that bright energy flying by her. She thought back to the speck that had gotten a hold of her. If that had been Aunica and she had fallen out of the time stream before she did, then it meant that Aunica must have fallen out in the past which didn’t really make any sense to Audrey. There was no way that future Aunica could have just been a young woman before she had vanished because of changing the future.

Audrey focused on Aunica as she thought about the time stream. Aunica had fallen out before her but the question was where she fell out. There was quite a bit of time, over three hundred years, for Aunica to have fallen into. In her mind, Audrey’s memory replayed the moment she had seen the dark speck disappearing into the energy. If she could just see what had been on the other side of that energy wall, she might be able to tell where they needed to go.

Audrey opened her eyes as she heard screaming and large things falling to the ground. Her eyes widened. She wasn’t in the cabin anymore. She was in some sort of city. There were two towers that had been damaged. One was smoking from near the top and the other was starting to come down. She saw everyone running by her trying to get away. Audrey looked around her. She had a feeling that she knew where she was.

Audrey wasn’t sure how but she had a feeling that she was having a vision of when the Twin Towers in New York City had fallen on September Eleventh, Two-Thousand and One. She wondered if that was where Aunica had ended up when she had fallen out of the time stream.

“Beautiful.” Audrey heard a man say. She spun around and her eyes widened. It was Harold and Hannah. The two were just standing there watching the towers burning and collapsing with smiles on their faces. How no one was paying attention to the two of them was beyond Audrey but it just confirmed where and when she was.

“Do you think the Chosen One knows that her days are numbered now?” Hannah asked. “After all, with this attack, Gabriel won’t be able to come get the Chosen One like he originally planned until after it’s too late.”

Audrey thought back to what James had told her. That Harold and Hannah and the Black Hand had killed thousands just to kill a possible Chosen One. But if Aunica had appeared in this time, her eyes widened, it meant that Aunica was the possible Chosen One that Hannah and Harold were after. Audrey thought back to her father’s journal entry about this day. In just a few days after this, the possible Chosen One had been throw off the top of a building by Harold and Hannah who had quickly covered what had really happened and had it dismissed as a cold case.

Audrey looked around her, trying to see if she could spot Aunica. Her heart sank when she did. The girl was hiding behind a dumpster as she watched the two towers collapsed to the ground. Audrey wanted to run over to Aunica to try to save her right there but she knew that it would be pointless since this was just a vision.

That was when everything around her changed. Audrey screamed and held onto the railing of a tower. She heard a girl crying and looked to see Aunica on top of one of the eagle statues sticking out of the Chrysler Building. Harold was facing her, he had a gun pointed at Aunica. “Jump Chosen One.” He was saying calmly. “It’s the only way to save yourself.”

“Don’t jump!” Audrey turned towards the entrance of the platform to see James and Gabriel standing there. The two of them were being held at gunpoint by Hannah. The old lady had a shotgun and it looked like she had already fired a shot into the ground at their feet. James was looking at the girl. “You can escape with us!” He was shouting. “You don’t have to die.”

Before Aunica could say anything, Harold stepped up onto the eagle statue and fired a shot at Aunica’s feet, making the girl scream and jump back. She lost her balance. Aunica fell and grabbed onto the eagle’s head. “Help!” She cried. Audrey ran from her hiding spot and ran to the ledge. She had to try to save Aunica. She got past Harold and reached for Aunica.

“This ends now.” Harold said and he fired his gun. Audrey’s heart jumped as she saw the bullet go through Aunica. Aunica lost her grip as she cried in pain and fell. Audrey looked down to see Aunica’s body vanish from sight as it fell. A few minutes later though, Audrey could hear people screaming and sirens coming towards the building.

Everything changed again. This time, the scenery cleared up to show it was a stormy night. Audrey looked around her. She wasn’t in the city anymore. She was in some sort of town. There was snow everywhere. Audrey heard a baby crying nearby. She walked towards the baby crying and it led her to an orphanage. Audrey looked down at the step right by the door. It was a crying baby girl. Audrey wasn’t sure why but she had a feeling that this baby was Aunica reborn.

She looked at the orphanage sign. It was hard to read because of all the snow but it looked like it read: Last Hope Home. Audrey looked around her. She needed to find what year it was. She saw a window and looked through it. To her relief, there was a calendar. The year on it said Two-Thousand and Six.

Audrey opened her eyes and looked at James. The boy had no idea that it was Aunica who had been killed shortly after the Twin Towers fell. To tell him that Harold and Hannah had killed her would break his spirit. “I know where we need to go.” She told him. She would wait until late to tell him about Aunica dying and then being reborn.

Gabriel sighed with relief. “Then you both need to get going.” He told them. “Aunica needs you both to find her before Anthony gets to her.” Audrey wondered if he knew that it had been Aunica and that was why he had never told James who that possible Chosen One was.

A few minutes later, Audrey and James were riding their bikes. “So where are we going exactly?” James asked.

Audrey took her phone out and went to the map section. She typed in Last Hope Home. It came up on the map. “We need to go to Last Hope Home in the mountain range of New York.” She told James.

“So we need to get bus tickets to get up to New York.” James said. There was no way that they would be able to ride their bikes all the way and get there before Anthony did. “Which town is this place in?”

Audrey looked at the map again. “Right outside Greig, New York.” She said. She wasn’t sure how but she knew that no bus station would go straight from Ohio to Greig, New York. They would need to take a few busses to get there.

In the back of his limo, Anthony smiled as he saw the sign that was welcoming people to the state of New York. He was a lot closer now to getting Aunica.

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