The Adventures of Emily Tual: Camp Adventures Book Two

Chapter Chapter Thirty Seven

At the large manor, the Man with the German Accent went to the door to the basement as Derdrom came out of the basement. The Man with the German Accent smiled. Derdrom just made it a lot easier for him to talk to him. The red uniformed Black Hands pointed their guns at the Man with the German Accent. The Man with the German Accent glared at the red uniformed Black Hands but the red uniformed Black Hands didn’t lower their weapons. They weren’t scared of the Man with the German Accent like the black uniformed Black Hands.

The Man with the German Accent looked past the red uniformed Black Hands at Derdrom. “Are we really going to have this fight again?” He asked in an annoyed voice. He was in a really good mood and he didn’t want it to be ruined by having to fight the Horseman of War even though he wanted to just to get revenge.

Derdrom smiled his smug smile. “As I recall, you lost that fight Magician.” He reminded the Man with the German Accent. As if to prove his point, the Horseman of Famine appeared with her broken scales. The scales were glowing red.

“What brings you to my part of the manor?” Derdrom asked the Man with the German Accent. “I doubt you came all this way to fight me and waste everyone’s time.” Derdrom managed not to laugh. He wanted the Man with the German Accent to do that just so he would look like a fool in front of the Darkness. Derdrom could also sense that his red uniformed Black Hands were itching to pull the triggers on their guns just so they could prove that they weren’t scared of the Man with the German Accent anymore.

The Man with the German Accent wanted to hit Derdrom with a blast of magic but he managed to restrain himself. There wasn’t time for this. Not with the ritual happening in less than forty-eight hours. “I came to your part of the manor as you called it to remind you that the ritual is coming up and that you and the other Horsemen of the Apocalypse are to be there when the Darkness rises up.” He said in a forced calm voice. “And to warn you that I will tell the Darkness if you’re not there.”

Derdrom kept smiling but on the inside, he was laughing. Did this fool really think that he cared if the Darkness knew that he was at the ritual or not? “Thank you for the reminder.” He told the Man with the German Accent. “Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be.” With that, Derdrom walked past the Man with the German Accent and turned to the right before disappearing down a hallway. Two of the red uniformed Black Hands followed Derdrom.

The Man with the German Accent watched the three men leave before he turned to the remaining red uniformed Black Hands. To his surprise, the Horseman of Famine was still there. He had thought that she would have left when Derdrom had left. It appeared that the Horseman of Famine wasn’t leaving the basement door. The Man with the German Accent wondered if she knew who the woman was that Derdrom seemed so determined to hide. “Who is the woman that Derdrom has down there?” He demanded. The Horseman of Famine didn’t answer him.

The Man with the German Accent glared at the Horseman of Famine and the top of his cane glowed a dark red. He was getting sick and tired of people standing up to him. He was the Magician, the Right Hand of the Darkness, the most dangerous member of the Black Hand. People were to fear him and to do what he said. It looked like the Horseman of Famine needed to be taught that lesson. The Horseman of Famine’s broken scales glowed brighter red. The red uniformed Black Hands all backed away. They cleared wanted to see what was going to happen.

The Man with the German Accent was about to hit the Horseman of Famine with dark energy when another Horseman joined her. The dark red energy vanished from the top of the Man with the German Accent’s cane. It was the Horseman of Death and he had a dangerous look on his face. “Attack one of us and you’ll have to deal with the rest of us.” He told the Man with the German Accent in a dangerous voice, raising a new scythe.

The Man with the German Accent realized that this was going to be a losing fight and the last thing he wanted was for word to spread that he had lost yet another fight to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Instead, he glared at the two Horsemen of the Apocalypse. “Tell me who the woman is that’s downstairs who spends time with Derdrom.” He demanded. “I won’t ask again.”

The two Horsemen of the Apocalypse looked at each other before they looked at the Man with the German Accent. “Who she is doesn’t concern you.” The Horseman of Death told the Man with the German Accent. The Horseman of Famine nodded in agreement. “Now I suggest you leave Magician.” The Horseman of Death continued. “Or it will get violent.” Right as he said the word violent, the red uniformed Black Hands pointed their guns at the Man with the German Accent’s feet and fired, hitting the floor right in front of the Man with the German Accent.

The Man with the German Accent stumbled back. “I get the hint!” He shouted angrily before he stormed off. The two Horsemen of the Apocalypse waited until after the Man with the German Accent was gone before they went back into the basement.

Derdrom went off into the forest outside the manor. He walked far away until he was out of sight of the manor and in a small clearing. In front of him was an altar. Derdrom had put the altar there shortly after he had arrived in the manor. No one, not even the Man with the German Accent, knew about the altar. Derdrom knelt before the altar. “Master.” He said. The air above the altar became darker. “You wanted me?” Derdrom asked the Darkness.

“Yes.” The Darkness rumbled. “We need to talk.” As the Darkness spoke, the air above the altar grew darker and darker.

“The woman you are housing is stirring up trouble just by being there with you.” The Darkness told Derdrom. “You and the Magician are causing confusion amongst the Black Hand by having her there.” Derdrom had a feeling that he knew what the Darkness was about to tell him. “You are to tell the Magician who she is!” The Darkness shouted. “There are to be no more secrets about her!” Derdrom flinched but didn’t speak. He didn’t want to risk making things worse. “Tell the Magician who the woman is before the ritual or else!” With that, the air above the altar returned to normal.

Derdrom stood up. With the Darkness gone, he felt his anger and rage rise again. He felt really angry about what the Darkness had told him. He had worked so hard on keeping the woman in the basement a secret. The Man with the German Accent had seen her but he hadn’t seen her face. He was so far the only one who knew that there was a hooded woman in the basement. Derdrom didn’t want to reveal her identity to anyone. In his eyes, the Man with the German Accent and the entire Black Hand, even his own followers, weren’t worthy to know who she is. He looked in the direction of the manor. He wasn’t looking forward to what he had to do.

“What do you mean Kat is gone?” James asked Gabriel. The two of them and Jasper were in Gabriel’s office at the lodge. The only door to the room was locked and with good reason. The three didn’t want anyone walking in on their meeting. “I thought she had been placed under surveillance.” James pointed at Gabriel’s computer. Kat’s medical room was on the screen. “There’s no way she could have escaped.” James continued. “So how did she escape from her room?” Without Kat, they had lost their only way to find Emily.

Jasper and Gabriel looked at each other. “We’re not entirely sure how Kat escaped.” Jasper admitted. “She was there one minute and then she was gone the next.” He played back the footage of when Kat disappeared. Sure enough, she did disappear in less than a minute.

James frowned when he saw the footage. No one had gone into the room to get her and Kat had never shown any sign of having magic. He should have realized that Kat would have kept her magic a secret from them.

James looked at Gabriel and Jasper. “What are we going to do about this?” He asked the two men. “We know that they have Emily and that they have some sort of plan for her that obviously has to do with tomorrow.” He wanted to make sure that neither of the two men forgot about the day of the ritual that the Black Hands knew about. It was no coincidence that the Black Hand had kidnapped her just days before the ritual and that Kat had disappeared now. Kat must have wanted to be at the ceremony so badly that she would disappear without a trace. “We don’t have a lot of time to find her and our only way to her has disappeared.”

Neither Gabriel nor Jasper spoke. James couldn’t believe it. Neither of them had a plan to find Emily to keep her safe from the ritual. It was like they didn’t even care about Emily. She was nothing but a chosen one to defeat the Darkness. He wondered if they even cared if she lived or die. “If neither of you have a plan, I’ll go find her myself.” He told the two men. He stormed out of Gabriel’s office.

Jasper looked at Gabriel. They knew what James was thinking and that he was serious about finding Emily himself. “He’s too much like his father.” He told Gabriel. Gabriel didn’t respond. Jasper wondered if Gabriel remembered that James had been adopted by the two of them after they made him immortal. They knew who his father was but James didn’t even know that part. The two of them had made sure that James didn’t remember that. “Should we be worried about him?” He then asked.

Gabriel sighed. “I’m not sure.” He admitted. What he didn’t tell Jasper was that he had been hoping that James wouldn’t be like his father. They both knew who James’s father was and how dangerous, reckless and ruthless he was. James was reckless at times and he was known to be ruthless. His ruthlessness was one of the reasons why he had been sent to the fortress in the mountains to get the Chosen One. That and not many members of the Black Hand knew the truth of who James really was. The two men seriously doubted that James’s father even knew who James was. “We can’t tell James though who his father is.” Gabriel continued. “If he ever did find out, it would devastate him.” He looked at Jasper. “We can’t tell him the truth ever.”

At the manor, Derdrom went to the Man with the German Accent’s study. The Man with the German Accent looked up at him. His Black Hands pointed their guns at Derdrom. “What brings you here?” The Man with the German Accent demanded. He hadn’t summoned Derdrom.

Derdrom didn’t answer. He stepped to the side and a woman came in. She was in a black dress. Her black cloak had a hood over her face. “I heard that you wanted to know who I was.” The woman told the Man with the German Accent.

The Man with the German Accent was surprised to hear that. He had been wanting to know who she was but he hadn’t expected it to be this easy. “Who are you?” He asked the woman. The woman removed her hood. She had dirty blonde hair and emerald eyes. She looked young. Younger than what the Man with the German Accent had expected. “So who are you?” He asked the woman.

The woman looked at the Man with the German Accent. “My name is Anastasia.” She answered in a Russian accent. “I’m someone who was once thought to be a chosen one until it ruined my life.” She gestured to Derdrom. “Derdrom is my adopted father.”

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