The Adventures of Emily Tual: Camp Adventures Book Two

Chapter Chapter Thirty Four

The shadowy figure reappeared by the forest home that the two Experimental Explosion groups were sharing. It was still hiding in the shadows and watching. Its eyes were focused on Savannah. The young camper was with the chosen one collecting firewood between it and the forest home. The one who had sent it had ordered it to target a camper. The shadowy creature had decided to target the girl. It looked at the chosen one. She didn’t seem to be aware of the danger that the two of them were in.

The shadowy figure took out a blow dart and put it into a pipe. It aimed the blow dart towards Savannah. Its eyes narrowed on the girl and blew into the pipe, sending the blow dart flying. The shadowy creature made a clicking sound as Savannah fell to the ground.

Emily dropped her firewood as she saw Savannah fall to the ground. She rushed over to the girl and shook her gently. “Savannah?” She asked. There was no response. That was when she saw a blow dart sticking out of Savannah’s neck. She removed it. “Kat!” She screamed.

Kat came rushing over to her. “What is it?” She asked Emily. She saw the blow dart in Emily’s hands. She looked at the others before she picked Savannah up. “Emily, we need to act calmly about this.” She told Emily. What Kat didn’t say was that she had a feeling that she knew what was happening. It was unexpected and happening earlier than she had expected but it couldn’t be helped now.

Tony saw Emily and Kat coming back. Kat was carrying an unconscious Savannah. “What happened to her?” He asked.

Kat shook her head. “She just fell unconscious without warning.” She answered him. There was no point in telling him about the blow dart. “Emily and I are going to take her over to the medical building.”

Tony nodded and looked at Emily. “At this rate you’ll have more visits to the medical building than anyone else here.” He jokingly told her. Emily nodded and forced a smile.

Emily looked at James. She really wanted him to go with the three of them but it didn’t look like Kat was going to ask him to. Kat looked at Emily. “We should get going Emily.” She told her. Emily nodded and followed Kat out of the forest home. Neither of them saw the shadowy spot on the ground following them.

James watched the small group leave. He knew that Emily wanted him to go with them and he knew that Kat was a Black Hand. He couldn’t though. He looked at the others in Emily’s group and all of Audrey’s group. He seriously doubted that Kat would do anything with Savannah with them. Savannah was innocent and Kat, despite being a Black Hand, didn’t seem like the type to hurt others. Not like the Man with the German Accent or Bastet or even the Black Hand who disappeared into columns of fire.

James knew that he was leaving a lot up to chance with Emily’s safety but there wasn’t much he could do. Tony, Eloise and Jonathan had no idea about who Emily really was or the real reason why Audrey had been in the medical building. He just had to hope that Kat wouldn’t risk Savannah’s safety just for her boss and whatever they were planning.

As the two were walking, Emily kept looking around her. She couldn’t help but feel like they weren’t alone. It was almost as if someone was following them. She kept looking over her shoulder but there was no one there. She heard their group and the other group back at the forest home. It sounded like they were having fun. She looked at Kat. Her counselor was ahead of her carrying Savannah briskly. Emily knew that she couldn‘t fall behind so she walked even faster.

“What exactly happened to Savannah?” Kat asked her.

Emily shook her head. “I’m not entirely sure.” She admitted. “We were just collecting firewood when she fell to the ground. I thought that she had tripped or something but when she didn’t move and I saw the blow dart, I got worried.” She looked at the blow dart in her hand. “Why would someone have a blow dart in the camp?” She asked Kat. “I thought weapons weren’t allowed here.” Kat managed not to laugh. Emily didn’t know it but she herself was a weapon. A weapon that threatened the Darkness greatly.

Emily turned the blow dark around and that was when she saw it. She had missed it at first because of how tiny the blow dart was but it was there. A small black hand. Her face fell and she stopped walking. She looked around. If this belonged to who she thought it did, all three of them were in danger. “Kat?” She asked. She looked at Kat. “We’re not safe.” She told her counselor.

Kat turned to her. “What are you talking about?” She asked. “We are safe here at a camp.”

Emily showed Kat the dart. “Whoever did this to Savannah was after me.” She waited until Kat saw the black hand on the dart before she continued. “I was kidnapped a few weeks ago. The kidnappers had the same sign on them.” She shook her head as she looked around again. “I think whoever shot Savannah with the dart is really after me.” She hated to admit it but it was true. Whoever shot Savannah was either a terrible shot or, her eyes widened, they wanted her to be away from her group.

She looked at Kat. Her counselor didn’t believe that any of them were in danger but she couldn’t help but find it odd that Kat had wanted her to go with them to the medical building. “Kat?” She asked a little hesitantly. “Are you…?” She didn’t complete her sentence as a blow dart went into the side of her neck. Emily collapsed to the ground unconscious.

Kat laid Savannah down on the ground and looked in the direction that the blow dart had come from. Standing in the shadows was the shadowy creature. It wasn’t alone. The Man with the German Accent was with it. He had a smile on his face. “Well done.” He told the shadowy figure. The shadowy figure nodded to the Man with the German Accent. The Man with the German Accent went up to Kat. “Sorry but I felt like we needed to speed things up.” He told her. He looked at Savannah and sighed. “Such a pity though that the girl will have to be left behind. She probably won’t be found for a while still.”

The Man with the German Accent went up to Emily and looked at her as he removed the blow dart from her neck. “She looks really different without being broken and bloody.” He said. Kat rolled her eyes. “She’ll be quite bloody by the time that the ritual is done.” She said.

The Man with the German Accent smiled and nodded. He poked Emily with his cane. Emily didn’t respond. The Man with the German Accent laughed a little. “You were right child.” He told her. “You were in danger.” He looked at Kat. “And your counselor is a Black Hand.”

Kat picked up Emily. “So what now?” She asked. “We have to wait until Thursday night for the ritual.” She hoped that the Man with the German Accent realized what she was implying. “This camp will have the police here looking for her and looking in the surrounding area.”

The Man with the German Accent nodded. “I know that.” He told her. “Which is why we’ll have as many Black Hands as we can who are police interfere with the search for her until after the ritual is complete and her dead body is found in the Ohio River Valley unless her body is carried to the Mississippi River and it’ll be brushed off as a kidnapping and murder.”

Kat looked at Savannah. “What about her?” She asked. “And what about my cover here?”

The Man with the German Accent looked at Kat. “What about your cover?” He asked her.

Kat stared at him. Did he really not see the problem there? “As soon as Emily is reported missing, I’ll also be labeled as the most likely suspect and a man hunt will be issued for me.” She told the Man with the German Accent. “My cover will be blown here.” What she didn’t mention was that James already knew her secret but he hadn’t told Gabriel so why tell the Man with the German Accent. He didn’t need to know that if Gabriel didn’t know her secret.

The Man with the German Accent smiled. “Don’t worry my dear Kat.” He told her. “Your cover will be kept intact.”

Kat was about to ask him what he meant when she felt something go in her neck. She frowned and reached up. She felt a blow dart sticking into her neck. She looked at the Man with the German Accent before she fell to the ground, dropping Emily, and lost consciousness.

The Man with the German Accent went up to Kat and smiled at her as he removed the dart from her neck. “I’m sorry my dear.” He told her. “But it has to be this way.” He snapped his fingers and Savannah appeared next to Kat. He then turned to Emily. “Now for you.” The shadowy creature went up to Emily and picked her up. It clicked a bit at the Man with the German Accent. The Man with the German Accent nodded. “Take her to the ritual ground and keep her there.” He ordered it. “And keep anyone who isn’t a Black Hand away from the ritual ground.” He disappeared into thin air. The shadowy creature looked down at Emily and melted into the shadows with her.

Kat groaned as she woke up. “She’s waking up.” Kat opened her eyes. Jasper and Andrew were standing over her. She realized that she wasn’t in the forest anymore and that the sun was already down.

“What happened to me?” She asked. She already knew the truth but she had to keep acting to keep Jasper from guessing the truth.

Jasper shook his head. “Your group found you and Savannah lying in the forest unconscious.” He told her.

Kat frowned. “Last thing I remember, I was carrying Savannah and Emily was with us. Next thing I know, I fell unconscious.” Her eyes widened. “Is Emily here as well?” She wanted to make sure that Jasper believed that she was worried about Emily. “Where’s Savannah?” She then asked.

That was when Gabriel entered the room. He didn’t look happy at all. Kat didn’t blame him. Emily was missing and no one, besides her that is, knew where she was. “Savannah is here.” He told Kat. His voice sounded grave. “She’s still unconscious though.” To Kat’s surprise, her heart sank. Savannah was still unconscious? But how? She had been injected with the same type of blow dart. If anything, Savannah should have woken up a while before she did. Gabriel sat next to Kat’s bed. “Andrew ran a blood test and found a poison in her blood and it’s coursing through her.”

Kat gasped and looked down at herself. What had she done? The Man with the German Accent had told her that he would kill other campers for this. She had refused to believe that he had been behind the other attacks when he had acted surprise but had all of that been an act? He had been focused on only keeping the Chosen One safe for the ritual, had he been lying about the other attacks?

“Will Savannah survive?” She asked Gabriel.

Gabriel sighed. “I’m not entirely sure.” He told her. Andrew shook his head. “I’ve gone through every poison I can think of but none of them are a match to this poison.” He explained. “I don’t know if this poison will end up killing her or is only temporarily.” He took a moment before he continued. “If we don’t cure her or if she doesn’t wake up on her own, we might have to take her to the hospital.” He then left the room.

Kat looked at Gabriel. “Where is Emily?” She asked.

Gabriel looked at Jasper. Jasper left the room. Gabriel turned back to Kat. “Emily is missing.” He told her. “And if she has the same poison in her, she’ll be in just as much danger as Savannah.”

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