The Adventures of Emily Tual: Camp Adventures Book Two

Chapter Chapter Four

The Man with the German Accent watched Timothy quickly leave the building. He couldn’t help but smile sinisterly. He knew that he had scared Timothy greatly by showing him Bastet’s torture. He enjoyed doing that. Reminding every other Black Hand of the power that he had. He watched Bastet’s torture a bit longer before he left.

At the manor, the Man with the German Accent went to his study and sat down in his armchair. He looked at his men. “Randolph.” He said.

A Black Hand stepped forward. “Yes Sir?” He asked.

The Man with the German Accent looked at him. “How many Black Hands are coming to the ritual?” He asked.

Randolph took his phone out and went to an app. He scrolled through a list. “We have several Black Hands.” He told the Man with the German Accent. “And even more Black Hands are calling to let us know that they’re coming.”

The Man with the German Accent smiled. “Excellent.” He said. “And are our teams working on the ritual grounds?”

Randolph nodded. “Several teams of Black Hands have cleared out the area. No one will be walking in on the area. We have officers patrolling and armed guards patrolling every trail around it.”

The Man with the German Accent managed not to laugh. “All of those mortals have no idea what is really there.” He said. “If only they knew the truth about what was there.”

Randolph nodded. “Sir, is it really an old location?” He asked.

The Man with the German Accent nodded. “One of the oldest locations we have near us.” He answered. He thought back to the last time he had been there.

The Magician looked around the wooded area. There was no one else there. He saw the ruins present. They were half buried by grass and mold. There was an entrance that seemed to be nearly buried completely. He shook his head. There was no way this was the right place. He heard a twig snap behind him. He turned around. There was a Native American there. The Native American said something to him. The Magician managed not to roll his eyes. The Native American was telling him not to disturb the place. That it was full of evil. If only the Native American knew who he was talking to or who the Magician was working for.

The Magician raised his cane up and the top of it glowed red. The Native American stumbled back and said something, clearly shocked by what he was seeing. The Magician smiled. He loved seeing the fear on people’s faces. “You shall leave and you will forget everything you saw here.” He told the Native American. The Native American quickly stumbled away. The Magician wasn’t sure if the Native American had understood him or was just terrified. He didn’t really care though. He was there for only one job. He went further into the ruins.

The Magician looked around as he walked into the center of the ruins. It looked like an amphitheater. The way that the stone curved around the center looked like benches. He knew that the building wasn’t that big but he noticed that the ceiling wasn’t visible and it looked like the room went higher and higher without end. He looked at the center. There was a stone table. Carved into it were strange markings and symbols. The floor around the stone table had more symbols and carvings. The Magician looked at the table and raised his cane over it. The top of his cane glowed red and the table glowed red as well. “This is the place.” He whispered to himself.

The air above the table grew darker. “Magician.” A voice said. It sounded ancient and evil.

The Magician knelt down. “Master.” He said.

The air grew even darker. “This shall be the place I rise up from.” The Darkness said.

The Magician looked up at the dark air. “But we don’t have the Chosen One.” He told the Darkness. “So how will you rise up?”

The air grew pitch black above the table. “I shall rise up with the help of the Chosen One when the time comes.” The Darkness told the Magician.

The Magician smiled. “And I look forward to that day.” He told his master.

The air above the table grew lighter. “Order our forces to start hunting down the Chosen One.” The Darkness ordered.

The Magician looked up at the Darkness. “But we don’t know where Gabriel has fled to.” He said. He then gasped as he felt something tighten around his neck.

“Did I say find Gabriel?” The Darkness demanded. “I said to have our forces hunt the Chosen One.”

The Magician nodded. “Yes Master.” He said. “I will hunt down the Chosen One.” He looked up at the air above the table. “Where should we start hunting down the Chosen One?” He asked.

The air above the table made a map appear out of nowhere. On the map was a glowing red strip of land by water. “My other Black Hands have reported seeing possible Chosen Ones starting to cross the ocean to the colonies.” The Darkness told his servant. The Magician smiled. “And with the turmoil between the Patriots and the British, this would be our perfect chance to move invisibly during the war that is coming.” The map vanished. “Now go my servant. Bring in our Black Hands and get to work hunting down the Chosen One.”

“Sir?” The Man with the German Accent blinked. Randolph was still there. “Orders?” Randolph asked.

The Man with the German Accent nodded. “Right.” He said. “Make sure that none of our Black Hands mess up the mission this time.” He looked at the Black Hands behind Randolph. “We don’t want to risk losing the perfect chance to sacrifice the chosen one.” The Black Hands behind Randolph all nodded and marched out of the room.

Randolph went up to the Man with the German Accent. “Sir, if I might be allowed to ask, if the Master wants the Chosen One to live so she can be sacrificed at the ritual, why did he order the hit on her all those years ago?”

The Man with the German Accent smiled. “What Circle were you in when that happened?” He asked his Black Hand instead.

Randolph thought it over. “I was in the Second Circle at that time.” He answered.

The Man with the German Accent nodded. “That’s what I thought.” He said. “I wasn’t sure why the order was given back then but I can tell you that it wasn’t from the Darkness.” He shook his head. “No. Someone else gave that order.”

Randolph frowned. It almost sounded like the Man with the German Accent didn’t know who had given that order. “I heard that Bastet had been there.” He told the Man with the German Accent. “She said that it had been you who had ordered her.”

The Man with the German Accent snorted. “I heard that too but our investigation never did find out who it was that had given the order to try to get rid of the child back then.” He shook his head. “No. Whoever gave the order was acting out on their own and once they’re found, whoever it is, no matter what part of the Black Hand they’re a part of, no matter what connections they have, they will be punished several and executed for their treason.”

Randolph was surprised to hear that. Every rogue Black Hand he had heard of was dead. So who was the rogue who had given the order to get rid of the child back then? How was that rogue still alive? Before he could think too much more about it, the Man with the German Accent stood up. “I want to see the sacrificial spot.” He said.

Randolph nodded. “Of course Sir.” He said. He would have to think about finding the rogue Black Hand later on. The two men quickly left the room.

As the two men walked through the manor, more Black Hands marched behind them. Only a few stayed behind at the manor. Outside, the Man with the German Accent and his Black Hand men marched to their fleet of SUVs. After what had happened with Bastet fighting against the Black Hands with cat warriors where they outnumbered the Black Hand, the Man with the German Accent didn’t want to be outnumbered again. “I want to make sure that no one gets too close.” The Man with the German Accent said. “Have our officers clear out surrounding towns if needed. I don’t know how big this ritual will be and I don’t want anyone getting in the way.”

The Man with the German Accent got into his car. Four Black Hands including Randolph got in with him. “Drive.” The Man with the German Accent ordered the driver. As the car started to pull out, the Man with the German Accent looked at Randolph. “Any updates on the other Black Hands in the rest of the world?” He asked. He was looking for something specific.

Randolph took his phone out and went through the Black Hand’s updates. “Marcello is busy in Italy with a project of his own so he won’t be able to come. Lin and the Chinese Rings are still busy monitoring our headquarters in China guarding the Chairman. Broska is busy in Russia with weapons selling to our other Black Hand groups across the planet.”

The Man with the German Accent nodded. “Excellent.” He said before he smiled. “Everything is going according to plan than. All we have to do is make sure we raise the Darkness up on the appointed day.” Randolph shifted a little in his chair. Unfortunately for him, the Man with the German Accent caught the movement. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “What is it Randolph?” He asked.

Randolph cleared his throat. “What happens if we fail to raise the Darkness up from his prison?” He asked.

The Man with the German Accent pointed his cane at Randolph. The top of it glowed black. “If we fail on that day, we simply wait until either next year or wait for the Master to tell us when to raise him up.” He said in a threatening voice to Randolph. He looked at the other three men. They all were trying to not pay attention and were all failing. The Man with the German Accent groaned. “For goodness sake!” He shouted. “We have a plan and it’s working out well so far!” Here they were, on the verge of the Darkness’s plan being carried out to perfection and his own men, men who were in the First Circle, men who struck fear into the rest of the Black Hand because they were his personal troops, were acting like cowards.

The Man with the German Accent lowered his cane and the end stopped glowing. “We have a job to carry out.” He told them. “Make sure that nothing happens to the Chosen One until the day comes for her to be sacrificed to the Darkness.” He leaned back in his seat. “All we have to make sure is that we don’t have any more idiots like Bastet threatening to ruin everything.” He looked out his window. “Idiots like Bastet and our enemies.” He said. One enemy came to his mind when he said that. The one who had kept hiding the chosen one and her ancestors for a very long time. The one who had been there the day when the Darkness had been mostly sealed away within his prison.

Randolph cleared his throat. “We’ve cleared out a lot of the surrounding forest and managed to scrape away much of the mold.” He told the Man with the German Accent. “We’ll have an easier time with parking Black Hand vehicles there.” He smiled a little, hoping that his news would make the Man with the German Accent happy. The Man with the German Accent didn’t respond. Not wanting to risk his own life ending, Randolph decided to stop talking.

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