The Adam Code Back to Eden

Chapter 9: Awaken

JACK SAW A FEW BLURRY LIGHTS come slowly into focus. And there was Doctor over him.

“Mr. Winslet, move slowly and get your bearings.”

Jack felt like he had been in a dream. He woke to a new sense of strength and a feeling he had never felt before. He could hear everything in the room and had a sense of purpose. He felt a strong desire to test himself mentally and physically in his new, awakened body.

“Welcome my beautiful Adam,” the AM said. “How did you sleep?”

Jack, smiled and laughed.

Darbe came through the doors, and she glowed with beauty and a radiance he hadn’t noticed before. He felt an urge to be with her.

“Dearest Jack, you’ve been a bad boy, but no matter. You now see and feel your true nature and, “The First,” is being restored as it was written.

Jack looked puzzled; his mind was going a million miles a minute. He felt limitless.

A screen popped up, and Jack at an ancient text called the Bible appeared before them. Jack watched and read.

The Admin was sitting down beside them, and Darbe rubbed his shoulders.

“The First, came to our planet and wrote not about the past, but of things to come. we are the created ones created by The First.”

“You see Jack the tree of life, is the helix of the DNA strand. Yes, and the God is, well, is what we refer to as “The First.”

Jack responded.

“Who is this God, and bible you refer to?”

He took a glass of water and had a sip of it.

The admin spoke again.

“We wanted to ensure that such knowledge was kept secret and guarded as well. The ancient text is a blueprint to our DNA.”

“The First, was travelers from a far of Galaxy, which started life as we know it. The serpent is represented by the SPB( Sugar Phosphate Basis). The tree of Knowledge is represented by (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). The ancients knew of forbidden knowledge and guarded its secret. That is until the others arrived.

AM Whinslet walked over to the window and was gazing out the window.

He continued.

“Then an unknown entity came to earth and cast us from Eden. What I mean to say is changed our genetic structure weakening us and enslaving the race. The First plan was then diverted. That is, until now.”

“You two are the perfect union. There is no forbidden fruit; the circle is complete once more. Welcome to the new First Order. This time the ancient script will be played out, as it was meant to be.”

A screen of the planet Proxima B appeared with oceans, landforms, and an atmosphere.

“We will all stay in the new Eden forever.”

“And, my guess is that you are the one with white robe and beard?” Jack said.

“No, Jack it’s all symbolism a road map to the human genome.”

The AM started coughing and covered his mouth.


Darbe quickly leaps over to him grabbing William’s throat and lifted him off the ground.

She yelled out.

“You’re, ill father, and dying the doctors informed me. You know what I’m to do to you?”

She let him go as she saw the guards aim their blasters towards her and Jack.

He fell to the floor coughing and gagging for breath. Guards came surrounded them. William slowly stood up holding his neck.

The admin spoke, “Darbe is right. My time will come soon, though not until the ship lands on Proxima B will that order be authorized.” The AM rubbed his throat and regained his composure.

“I created the ultimate assassin. I am very proud of you Darbe, very.” He left with his guard’s, and the door closed behind him.

Jack and Darbe were alone.

Jack looked at her and said flatly, “So this is unlimited power, huh?” He walked out.

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