The Adam Code Back to Eden

Chapter 7: The Turn

GUARDS ESCORTED JACK AND DARBE into a luxurious room with awards and pictures of scientists depicted by holograms on the walls. There were mounted heads of ancient creatures Jack hadn’t seen since his youth. He went to touch one out of curiosity.

“It’s a Tiger.”

His father approached behind them both. “It’s over 300 years old. I paid 500,000 units for the creature. Jack, what if I told you that I could bring all the animals back.”

Jack looked at Darbe who had a confused look on her face.

“Father you never mention this to me.”

He rubbed his beard and sat at a table. A hidden console appeared, and he waved his hand over the screen. A list of animals and a planet came on the holographic display.

“This has taken thirty years of planning and hard work. It’s for both of you, my gift.”

His aging eyes had a gleam to them. There was passion in his voice.

“Researchers in the 21’st century discovered this planet called Proxima B. (A planet appeared hovering over the console) it’s capable of inhabiting life.”

“You see Jack, this is a dying planet. The inhabitants, humans, and many animals are a displaced species. It was folklore that we came from a constellation. The ancient Egyptians marked this with the Giza Pyramids.”

Jack interrupted his father. “Something tells me you’re going to go into the whole inferior race thing now.”

William looked stern and then smiled. “Yes, I knew you were a quick study like your old man.” He looked at Darbe. She walked over to his side and rubbed her father’s Shoulder.

“You see Jack, our race has inferior genes. We were mixed with other races from different galaxies by the ancient long ago. That is, until now,

That was the whole idea behind Project Green Light.”

Jack studied the genetic DNA with the 12 strands of DNA. The screen showed a turning DNA Strand simulation. The first images were a normal strand of DNA. Jack looked on as the missing sections of the DNA were being filled in and made complete once more.

“What have you done?”

William looked at Darbe, and they both laughed.

“Our ancient relatives took out the genetic code and broke it down, making us weaker and slaves to our egos working the mines for the other alien races. We were made by the first order which, manipulated our DNA structure. As you clearly see Jack we are only giving man back his rightful place in the Universe.”

I light from the Hologram reflected over his face. AM looked pale and sinister. “After thousands of years of primitive science. Mankind has finally figured out a working complete 12 strand genetic sequence.

He waved his hand over the console, and Thomas Marlow appeared on the screen.

William spoke. “Dr. Marlow, show some of your research.”

“Jack, good seeing you. I wanted to first apologize to you and Darbe. There was no other way but to keep you both apart from one another until it was the proper time. Jack, I want you to know that all your memories of the trees, family, and friends were orchestrated. Those memories are of an implanted childhood from long ago. My childhood.”

Jack was completely shocked. “Hold on! You mean to tell me those aren’t my memories at all? That’s impossible. What kind of sick son of a bitch are you?” (Siri was right all along, how could I have doubted her.)

William walked towards the window looking up towards the stars.

Thomas spoke out. “Jack, you and Darbe, are Project Green Light.

Thirty years of research and searching the globe for DNA samples. Including Egypt, Sumeria and beyond.

The perfect engineered specimens of man’s true genetic potential. This is man’s destiny, and you and Darbe are the seeds to our survival as a species. You both grew up in a lab, and at the age of 20 we implanted your memories and set you into the world by yourself. You naturally enrolled in the agency, and the rest is history. Darbe is your perfect genetic match, but you’re not actually brother and sister.”

Jack walked to the window and was looked at the city. He turned to Darbe.

“You lied to me Darbe, you knew all this time?”

Darbe leered at Jack and sneered.

“Jack, you and I are the property of the UCOA. William had to flush you out. In the crossfire, the rebels have exposed themselves and leave an open wound for our forces. Siri was suspected of being a double agent from the beginning. It was simply a matter of time before she would find you and make her move by bombing the UCOA headquarters.

Darbe walked over to Jack.

“Why would I give up being a ruler on an another planet? Planet Proxima B is our new home, Jack, and you will be my genetic mate. Together our blood will form the perfect race of men and women that will rule over all the creatures just as the “First One” had planned.”

Jack grabbed her hand. Her grip was just as strong, and she threw him across the room.

Jack lashed back with anger in his eyes. “Siri and the Alliance will stop you, and your demented father.”

He tried to get up, but guards came into the room and held him down.

Darbe was holding the spy seed in her hands.

“See, Jack! Once the cortical implants removed from your head, you will be as strong as me and your true nature will be revealed. False Intel is currently being put through on the device you planted on me.”

Jack tried pulling himself away from the guards. One gave him a shot in his arm and let him go. Jack fell over the coffee table and shattered glass everywhere. He could hardly see Darbe through the effects of the blurry sedative.

“There is a fleet of Runner ship’s headed to the shelters of Numar. Your rebellion is at an end.” She continued. “we are close to figuring out how the ESC communication devices are established and we will destroy anyone not meeting marker qualifications.”

William looked down at Jack. “The choice is yours. We have assembled all extinct animals and are ready to release them on Proxima B. This world is coming to an end, and we are ready for it. We have secretly been building a galactic vessel. It will take us 3 years to arrive with the ship’s Gravitational Hyper drive. The rest of earth’s inhabitants will all perish. Only the elite was chosen for the new Eden.”

Jack was barely able to see straight. He just made out a figure of his uncle.

Thomas Marlow spoke.

“Jack, we in the scientific community have come to the conclusion that earth is about to bombarded by cosmic gamma rays. Soon to hit Earth in 2177. Then Planet will collide with Earth and that’s planet’s own Magnetic field and cause even more mass destruction.”

The A.M. spoke up.

It’s all being recorded by the Ancients a prophecy about to be fufilled. The AM pulled a parchment from his desk.

Rev. 8:10 “The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters.

Rev. 8:11 - The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.”

Jack stopped moving, and everything went black.

JACK AWOKE IN HIS ROOM. His head was pounding and spinning. He slowly arose and tried to get his thoughts about himself. He remembered what Siri told him. He had to play along and then the time would be right to strike. The Alliance would bring down the UCOA from the inside. Much like cancer. Slowly destroying the delicate inner parts which would ultimately affect the whole. He couldn’t believe Darbe was supposed to be his genetic match. He had come to know her as a sister and found the prospects her being anything more than that revolting.

Jack sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette had a perplex look on his face. He looked down to find a bandage on his wrist. Jack guessed it was from the fall he had taken earlier. He reached into his pocket and found the micro disc. He set the disc in his hand. The round disc caught the light from the room and glimmered as Jack move his hand slightly.

Jack set up a Jammer ball in the room and placed the Micro disc on the console. Jack back up as the screen flashed and an image appeared of Delegate Haen of the Numar District appeared before him.

The screen flash and flickered and then the image would return.

“Jack, I can’t speak long, as the jammer ball will only allow a few moments of privacy.”

Haen looked around, and then his brow seemed to

furrow. He continued.

“Captain Reynolds was in contact with me and told me of your existence. She and her father were trusted friends of my family. Delegate Reynolds was not a pious man by any means. The three other Delegate’s killed in the crash, were on their way to assassinate the AM. I had contact with Reynolds before the collision. He told me he, was having visions. The ethereal beings told Sham to turn way from his selfish nature and embrace the light. Reynolds held secret meetings and revealed these visions to trusted friends and fellow Delegates. They revealed ancient documents location and other vital intel. That was proof enough for Reynolds and the other Delegates.

Delegate Haen swallowed then continued.

I was supposed to have been in that crash ten years ago. I was called away at the last minute. It’s my only summation that the AM doesn’t know that Delegate Sorn and I were part of the conspiracy to kill the AM.

In those secret meetings we met. Reynolds revealed the AM’s plan and admitted the genocide he and others played a part in. He never forgave himself but was hoping to right his wrongs by killing the AM and establishing a new government, for and by the people. We vowed as you must promise now Jack to never reveal this to Siri/Capt. Reynolds.

Finally, I’ve included the forbidden documents and ancient writings for you to read over. These are the truths that the few of us still hold dear to our hearts.”

The screen flashed again, and he continued.

“Jack Marlow it was prophesized long ago a philosopher king would come about and change the modern world for the good of mankind. William Whinslet and his Darbe must be stopped at all cost. They are the incarnate of evil and some even believe they are not even human but an alien species from ages ago that infiltrated the old Governments of the world. They were and still are the Shadow Government controlling the puppet strings of past societies. They are ritualistic by nature and utilize control and order to maintain Megacity. It is my hope that their greatest achievement will be their greatest downfall. We are here to support you, and it’s your responsibility bring back what the ancient order of once called Mason’s brought about a new form of government. I live now on borrowed time as we speak, but I would gladly give my life in return for democracy for all mankind and to finally rid ourselves of these ancient alien invaders. Take care of yourself and guard these documents with your very life. Live in peace and in the light.”

Jack saw the documents were downloaded onto his console and they were triple-encrypted. The image of Delegate Haen gave a half smiled and then his image flickered and faded away.

Jack now knew almost everything, and the vale of illusion was removed, and he could see everything more clearly.

The documents were appearing before Jack. The knowledge of the ancient order. The order of the Mason’s. The list of leaders bound by an obligation to bring peace and freedom and fulfill mankind’s destiny. Names he never had heard of before. Washington, Jefferson, Adams. Jack pulled up a file of what was called the constitution was written in the year 1776. Jack was looking at a 450-year-old piece of history. Jack felt he finally had a purpose in his life. A chance to finally make a difference an opportunity to save this world from the dominators that control it.)

Jack heard the chime of the door and swiped his hand over the screen closing the program.

The door opened, and it was Darbe. She looked beautiful and was wearing a long, white dress. She walked over to Jack and stopped at the window before lighting a cigarette.

“Jack, I came here to show you something. It’s much bigger than both of us.”

Jack stood up.

“All those innocent women and children were slaughtered by your father.”

she took out her micro jumper and set it on the table.

“Jack we were made for each other. Can’t you feel it?”

She gave him a coy smile.

“When humans were first engineered on this planet, we were designed by the Gods or who we refer to today as ‘The First.’”

Jack took the cigarette out of her fingers. “Sounds like 20th-century science fiction to me.”

She moved closer towards his face.

“Jack, we are gods.”

He started to laugh.

“Then use your magic and take us from here!”

He waited.

“Not very godly right now are you Darbe?”

She was touching a vase. She looked at Jack a coy smile appeared as she looked at the vase and the object began to hover over the table.

Yes, Telekineses and many other gifts to discover together. Over the eons, our genetic code was slowly broken down to enslave our race.”

“Don’t you feel it, Jack? The freedom and power at your fingertips. All for the taking.”

Jack had enough. “Stop this! This is absolutely ridic.”

She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulder.

“Our plan is still a go, right?”

Jack sat down and covered his face.

“What plan?”

She knelt by his side. She was playing with his hair.

“My father is inferior, no one ever tested him. Oh, you didn’t know? He is a walking contradiction, and he’s really not my Father, I was conceived like you in a lab and brought to him at a young age. I’ve been implanted with the task of killing him at the right time when he takes to illness or disease.”

He pushed her hand away. She stood up over him.

“We will never get sick and old age will come at an even slower pace. We must join to complete the cycle.”

Jack grabbed her by the throat. She let him.

“I have a choice, and I have one thing no genetic programmer can’t push into my brain. Free will!”

Jack slowly released his grip on her.

She got up and walked away and turned towards the door.

“Jack, you will come to me, it’s in your genetic code. You can’t fight what’s in your nature. The implant in your brain will be removed tomorrow, and you will be just like me.”

Jack tested her. “A slave with no free will?”

She raised voice.

“No, perfect like a god.”

She left, and the guards sat at the entrance. The door closed. Jack took his shirt off and proceeded to remove the rest of clothing and prepare the sonic shower. He closed the door He sat on the floor of the shower and turned on the implant. He soon found himself in a simulated landscape where he and Siri made love under the night’s sky. Siri appeared to him. “Delegate Haen contacted me.”

Siri’s eyes softened.

“yes, he was like an uncle to me. I told him are plans, and he was in agreeance with the Alliance and me. I had to take a chance on him, and I’m glad it paid off.”

Jack nodded.

“He and Delegate Sorn are on the side of the Alliance, you have their full support.”

Siri smiled and embraced Jack.

“I will tell the others and prepare our forces.”

Jack backed away. Hardening his tone of voice towards her.

“Darbe betrayed us. As suspected. She is honing in on the Alliance location. You need to hurry, there is little time.”

“Get everyone from those bases to a protected area.”

He held her shoulders.

“She is a double then?”

Jack had a frantic look in his eye.

“Yes, but I’m not who I thought I was and Darbe isn’t either.”

He paused.

“There’s no time to explain. Just get everyone to a safe location. I mean all the bases on all the continents! Those bastards are out to purge the race.”

Siri stepped back and thought for a moment.

“There’s a cave just west of this location. I’ll alert the other bases. There is no telling when they will attack the other bases as well.”

She embraced him.

“Thank you, Jack. You saved all of us tonight.”

Jack hugged her.

“Senator Haen told me the truth. What my so-called destiny is and why I’m here. To bring about a new government for the People by the people and to rid ourselves and this planet of the so-called Shadow Government.” His face set in a hard line.

“You set me up from the beginning Siri, you used me.”

Siri was shocked at first then she addressed Jack with compassion.

“Jack Im sorry I didn’t tell you everything. Would you’ve believed me? Listen there’s more.

Siri held Jack by his shoulders.

“My father told me many things that if the citizen of Earth knew about, he/she would lose his/her mind. There are and have been 100’s of aliens on this planet interacting and mating with our species. Yes, even controlling us. We have our societies technology because of the past 200 years trade deals and agreements. I told you everything is not what it seems to be. And …”

Jack was looking into her synthetic simulated eyes. She paused for a moment.

“Jack, what I did, I did for the citizens of Earth.”

“Listen, Siri, I have to get the implants removed very soon. I just pray my will and who I really am can come through and know I can beat this thing.”

Siri spoke. “Our intel heard a rumor of a ship being built.”

Jack jumped in. “Yes, but it’s not for war, it’s for migration for the elite to be brought to a new planet called Proxima B.”

Siri had a low expression then looked at her watch.

“Oh, this is horrible. Abandon, the people of Megacity.”

“There isn’t much time left Jack, be careful. Oh, and if you marry Darbe, I’ll kill you myself.”

She smiled, and the program ended.

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