The Adam Code Back to Eden

Chapter 3: Sabotage

Riding on the waves of gravity. Occasionally speeding up and passing other SLV’s.

She made a turn, and her red, dark amber hair caught some of the light filtering in from the sun.

“Marlow you’re a bit of a disappointment.”

Jack looked at her.

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t take this the wrong way.” Captain Reynolds looked towards the signs on the airway.”

With all your accomplishments, you’ve done to attract the UCOA’s attention. You’re still in the Numar Drug enforcement division.”

Jack turned towards the Captain. He put his hand on his chin and was becoming more aggravated the more she insulted him. She continued.

“well I have my orders, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Reynolds paused for a moment then continued her line of questioning to Jack.

“Come on Jack, why would they want out a cop from the Numar district?”

Jack responded with a defensive look on his face.”

“May I speak Capt., candidly?”

She nodded and looked a Jack tilting her head.

“Why are you harboring resentment towards me working with the UCOA. What do you have against me? What, I’m not good enough?”

“Hire an elitist then. Turn this SLV around and let me get back to my life.”

She looked toward the air pathway again.

“My apologies Jack those insults were uncalled for.”

“I’ve read your profile and makes me wonder why a man would give up every promotion offered to him to work the streets of one the worst districts in Megacity?”

Jack leaned into her and looked at his file being brought to the front window screen of the SAV.

“I have my reason’ s Captain Reynolds.”

Jack’s imagination was getting the best of him again. He found himself playing out in his mind images of Jack chasing down a suspect. Jack yelled.

“Stop, or I will fire.”

He had his guy in his sites. His finger on his blaster he pulled ever so slightly.

Jack snapped out of it once more. He noticed Captain’s Reynolds lips and eyes. She turned and

smiled and brushed her hair with her hand. She spoke, “screen left corner.”

The Hub (internet came into view on the right side of the front passenger side of the front window.

A few seconds later, the crafts ARS voice came over the system and logged her in. A millage of information came into view, which included some of Jack’s personal info and bank statement.

“What’s this, may I ask?” Jack questioned.

She leered looking forward at the direction she was headed.

Jack rubbed his chin and felt the little bit of stubble. He looked over his file and looked over at Reynolds.

“I don’t get it, Captain? Yeah so, that’s my file.”

She looked back and started laughing at him.

“Look Jack play nice, and all will be revealed shortly.”

She played with the controls and set the machine on automatic. Her chair turned, and she was peering at Jack. Her green eyes seemed to penetrate him, as though judging and calculating his next move.

“Your security clearance has been changed.”

Jack became defensive and tried to explain his actions to her.

“Now, listen. I followed all the UCOA guidelines and was given an NTT deactivation shot.”

She listened and had a very rational look on her face trying not to smile at his confused state. Jack noticed her expression change as her left eyebrow slightly raised and arched.

Jack continued, and she played along.

“I had no idea I took that large of a dose.”

She stopped him. “I don’t want you to incriminate yourself anymore, Jack. Are you finished?”

Jack put his hand to his chin and peered at her.

“Pleso, (please) continue.”

“I was given authority to debrief you on the limited intel I’ve received so far.” She looked out the window a second then turned back.

“You have been upgraded to UCOA Captain Special Division per the UCOA.” She went to her phone and instantly pulled his TPS and bank account up. Jack looked at his picture, which back memories of when the image was taken. Even in 2160, the security record file photo’s were still done poorly.

“Congratulations!” She looked at his phone waiting for his response. His eyes opened, wide, and his jaw dropped. He did a quick glance at Captain Reynolds.

“That’s almost two months pay. I don’t understand?”

Captain Reynolds smirked and turned her seat toward the large glass window passing other SLV’s and watching the building. They entered into a tunnel passage. Blue lights flashed over throughout the SLV ’s units compartment.

“I have my orders, Jack. I don’t question them. Do you?” She continued

Jack looked at her body trying to keep on the subject. She continued.

“Damn, there some kind of Airway blockage or wreck up ahead. To answer your question, Jack. You’ve caught the right people’s attention in Megacity.”

Jack watched her and was totally perplexed. He didn’t get why the UCOA would give him special provisions.

“Ok citizen Reynolds stop this car, what the hell is going on? I know my rights as a citizen of the UCOA.”

Sarah’s face changed as she pulled the car over.

“I’m sorry Jack, but I have my orders. I was told to come to the Numar CHP and pick up one Captain Jack Marlow and bring him to a designated undisclosed location.”

“If you prefer I’ll use these on you and bring you in kicking and screaming, it’s your choice. You know the drill, Jack.” Sarah pulled out some handcuffs and then put them down on the console.

Jack nodded, and Reynolds proceeded once again into the airspace heading toward the unknown destination. The blockage soon gave way to moving traffic. Jack looked at the other SLV’s flying around their vehicle. These were the elite of society. Most people in Megacity would never be able to afford such a vehicle. That’s why the Government came up with Idea of the ATM’s. Jack leaned his head back in his seat. There has never been a solid answer to why even in this day of age they still had traffic blocks. He smiled thinking that not many things have changed.

Reynolds looked over Jack’s shoulder and then veered the car towards a different direction. The ads were on buildings, and Jack could see various holographic images appearing and disappearing before him.

“I’ve never seen the kathar district from up here. It was the industry sector of Megacity. Jack was amazed and yet overwhelmed. Megacity was a grand accomplishment with only 30 or so, years in the making. Trillions of units went into its conception, design, and layout. Jack recalled one of the slogans he had learned in school. (The eight may now be one, for the honor and glory all mankind.) He had a slightly sarcastic smile on his face.

Jack hadn’t slept for over 17 hours and started to feel the effects of the NTT he took only hours ago. He laid his head back and slept. The second Jack lay his head on the seat his mind placed him back at the club in the with the two girls Siri and Pasn`e . They were laughing and then a blurred, out of focused image of Siri said to him in English. “Not everything is what it seems Jack.” Then the voices became slurred and Jack felt again the rush of NTT flowing through his veins. He was disoriented and breathing heavily. He looked around then saw Reynolds now appearing nude and blood like droplets falling from the sky. Jack looked at his hand felt warm blood, and then he looked up seeing a large spacecraft. Then he saw a planet, and then he was on the surface. Jack looked up and saw blood falling from the sky, soaking the ground. Jack almost froze as one of the droplets of blood traveled in slow motion descent hitting the ground. Jack watched as the blood was completely soaking into the dry red earth then turning into seedlings, and finally into plants, flowers. Jack was now immersed in Nature. His legs merged with the soil, forming roots.Capt. Reynolds then walked over to Jack, and she had blood all over her body soaked onto her naked form. Jack could see her nipples visible through the blood as she came closer to him. Reynolds took her blood covered finger and made a symbol of a triangle upon his forehead. She smiled at Jack saying the words.

“Wake up my Adam.”

Suddenly Reynolds shook Jack.

“Wake up, I have to make a brief stop!”

Jack lifted out of his chair only to find Reynolds staring at him.

“Where we’re going I can’t have you looking like that. We have a few hours till the meeting, let’s get you some new clothes and tidy up a bit.”

The two arrived at an unspecified location.

Jack was used to not sleeping. Sometimes his shifts ran straight for 16 hours, but he been feeling the after effects of the NTT in his system for some time. Even though he had his shots for his undercover work, the NTT deactivation shot couldn’t stop the side effects of massive sleep deprivation. His vision became blurry, and his thoughts seemed to be merging into one another and not making any sense. Jack felt he was about to crash. (What the hell was that dream?)He thought to himself. (That damn drug and its after effects.)

Sarah pulled the vehicle down lowering the landing gear and opened the doors of the vehicle. Inside, the car to Jack seemed to be spinning, to Jack was he sweating profusely. Sarah gave him a once-over. Reynolds noticed that Jacks eyes were now bloodshot and he turned white as a sheet. Jack stepped out of the vehicle and fell onto his face, passing out.

He awoke to Sarah hovering over him. She was shaking her head. He was startled and looked around the room. He was in her apartment, and she sat on her massage pod watching him.

“You’re way too old for that.” She got up and walked over to the water dispenser and filled a large glass. She gave a mischievous grin and then poured water on Jacks’ face and hair. He jumped up, and then he wiped the liquid away, and he rubbed his eyes.

“What in the-, Reynolds?”

She threw him a pill pack.

“You passed out, we’re at my apartment now.”

She walked towards Jack bending over him. Her red hair brushing his face.

Jack could smell her as she bent over him. She had a familiar scent, but his senses weren’t up to par.

Siri sat on the sofa beside him.

“I had one of the house droids carry you to my place.”

“Here take these, your clothes are on the way.”

“Size 32/34 and a 41 regular?”

Jack rubbed his eyes.

“Yeah, how did you know-?”

Sarah smiled…

“Jack, the UCOA has everything on file about you. Your favorite foods, your drinks, even your… delights. She pointed at his watch.

“It’s all in the data.”

Jack looked down at his watch.

“Damn, I thought the UCOA privacy act of 2145 prevented such a thing.”

She took her blaster out and set in on the table.

“You took an oath, and you’re no exception to the rule, Jack, we all are in the defense sector.”

“Take a quick Sonic shower, we need to get going. The bathroom is two doors down to the right.”

Just then…

The doorbell rang. It was Jack’s clothes. She opened the door and took her phone and waved it over the delivery service phone to make the transfer. She closed the door and let out a sigh.

Jack asked,

“A synthetic (droid)”

She nodded.

“It’s getting more and more difficult to tell them apart from us. Hospitality droids are required to wear a special bracelet for owner identification.”

Jack took the pills with some water and was rubbing his face. Sarah watched Jack and then she had a package in here hands.

She looked a jack thinking it’s been a while since she’s had a man in her home. Her last relationship didn’t last because they were both married to their jobs. Three months and she left him a hologram message. She kept it short and straightforward.

Sarah ran her hands through hair. She focused her thoughts again to the mission.

“The pills are called Jumpers. We use them in the field.”

“They affect your adrenaline levels. They also help you with the firing of the neuro synaps in that thick skull of yours. The other pill is called a balancer. Dopamine, Serotonin, Acetylcholine, Gaba and Glutamate were then balanced and maintained as if the user had a full nights rest.”

She leads Jack to her bathroom. He started to get undressed. She was staring at him while leaning against the door with her arms crossed and foot resting on the door jam. He looked at her and continued to get undressed.

“Ok, Jack, I let you do your thing.”

Jack removed his shirt and looked at Capt. Reynolds and smirked.

“What the Academy didn’t have unisex changing area’s?”

Reynolds blushed slightly and then closed the door to a point.

Reynolds looked through the closing door and saw his tight, lean body and his abs as they flexed as he removed his pants. She could see a hint of hair, and she quickly finished closing the door. “Cops, typical…” she sighed rolling her eyes.

Jack smiled and was whistling and jumped in the shower. He hadn’t a good cleaning in 20 hours. He called to her from the shower walls.

“How long you’ve been in the service?”

He could hear her voice. The pulsating waves of energy felt invigorating to Jacks body.

She could hear him speaking from the other room.

“Oh, that’s a long story, Jack.” Jack waited for a moment then responded.

“Well, I got plenty of time, and you have a naked guy in your shower.”

She smiled and sat back on her sofa and was going through some of Jack’s belongings. She saw his watch and was looking at the emblem of the eagle. She then answered

“Ok, did you prefer the long version or the shorter?” She waited for a response from Jack and then spoke aloud for Marlow to hear her.

She looked back at the bathroom and then she took out a small flat device and scanned it over his watch. The watch responded after a few moments.

‘Override accepted.’

‘Tracking disabled.’

‘Taser disabled.’

‘Disable communication with PAV Circa.’

She muffled the sound coming from the device with the accent pillows from the couch. Mathews gave her the passcode device to Marlow’s watch. It was all too simple. All of this has been almost too easy for Reynolds. She knew her plan and her mission. As for Jack, Reynolds was sure he had absolutely no idea what was going on and why he was there.

She looked back and put his watch and phone back on the counter. Everything was going as planned and Jack was where she wanted him. She knew what is was that she came to do, and the plan she devised was working brilliantly. After a few moments, she responded with a raised voice so Jack could hear her through the walls.

“My father was a delegate and served the AM for ten years. Well, he was really my adopted father. But that’s another story.”

“He has killed a few years ago in an SLV wreck with three other delegates.”

They spoke through the door at one another.

“I’m Sorry for your loss Captain. Your father delegate Sham Reynolds? I’ve heard of him. He was working in Centorium District when it happened. He headed the committee that tried to block the vote to re-elect the current Administrator William Whinslet?”

Sarah gave a fake smile to herself and then after a few seconds had an upset look on her face.

“Jack I’m surprised, you know your political history.”

Jack closed the door, and She could hear his voice.

“Reynolds Sham image was on the Hub for weeks after the incident.”

Jack poked his head out from behind the half-closed door.

“Reynolds, Im sorry. I lost my dad at a young age as well. Everyone told me it was an accident. He was a scientist working on a field project, and things went wrong.

“ Funny thing is after the accident I only have flashes of our lives together. I have a vision of my father and my mother taking me to see the giant trees that stretched to the sky. I remember walking through the center of one of the massive structures.”

“Sorry, my thoughts ran away with me. What were you saying?”

Sarah took a second and acknowledge Jack’s sentiment then continued.

“We seem to have something in common.”


“He wasn’t my father, but he was kind and believed in the old ways of governing, you know well, that didn’t go so well with the current changing political system.

She looked down at her phone and grabbed her thin vapor. The ETA was three hours, and they needed to get a move on things. She knew there was something about Jack, but besides this, she felt a deep pain and memories surface of her and her father spending time and laughing together and him telling bedtime stories. She remembered her father at graduation telling her he was so proud of her, but he felt he didn’t deserve her, and he would tell her the truth soon. He put his hand on her cheek and told her soon everything would come to light. Then he and three other delegates were killed on the way to The UCOA to meet with the nominees for voting on blocking the vote on re-electing the current Administrator of the UCOA.

After a few minutes, Jack appeared in a black suit with a white pressed shirt. He pinned his badge on his hip.

“So how do I look?” She looked at him and said in an unresponsive tone of voice. She was peering out the window.

“You look ready for your date with the UCOA.”

“Let’s go.”

Within the hour the two arrive at UCOA headquarters.

The pod landed, and Captain Marlow and Captain Reynolds headed towards a group of buildings. Guards were walking all around some with SEBs and other with fragment blasters. The place was full of UCOA officers checking TPS ID’s and looking for what Sarah called violent protestors.

The UCOA administration headquarters was located in the remains of Washington, DC. After the fall of the United States of America, the old capital in 2017, was destroyed in the great decimation. The two walked over to the pyramidal shaped building. It was smooth and white, and at the top of the pyramid, the apex was a blue light that resembled an eye. There were two pillars on each side, and Jack counted thirteen levels before it reached the top. There was an insignia of the double-headed eagle holding eight rings together. Sarah had her arms crossed, and her body was contrapposto. She was relaxed and watched out the window.

“Feeling better?”

“Much, the Jumper finally kicked in, dintso(thanks)”

she half smiled.

“Jack, we can speak here candidly.” She added, “I know you’re confused.”

“Jack, I have something to confess.”

She raised her eyes to him slowly. He tilted his head and waited.

“Your whole mission with last night...”

Jack was about to speak, and she stopped him.

“Before you say anything, look. I had a conversation with your superior Mathews.”

She looked down and then showing him a picture of the two girls. She then superimposed an image of herself onto the Viper girl. The phone read ‘TPS Match.’

“That’s why your PAV couldn’t locate our TPS’s.”

Jack stood back in shock and looked at the two images becoming one. The facial recognition software wasn’t glitching, it was Siri standing in front of him. Jack looked deep and long into her eyes. Yes, it was Siri.

“You’re Siri? I worked for three months! Why?”

Reynolds took the cigarette out and lit it. She watched the smoke dance its way up in the air.

“We scanned everyone. It took months, then we finally found our Marker, you, Jack.”

Jack had a muddled look on his face.

“The RIP kit, we, had to be sure. We perform a DNA marker test using the implant. While you under what you thought was NTT. My team was carrying out the iris DNA Marker test. ”

Jack responded, “you mean all that time I was being baited, used?”

“Scanned me for what. What’s going on?”

“What’s wrong with my DNA?”

Sarah first had the look of austerity on her face, and then it turned to understanding.

“We had to be sure. The whole plan was a setup, we checked your markers, and you were a match.”

“We had a few candidates, and all the Markers fell short. That is…”

“Until we found you.”

Jack looked pissed off.

“Why would the UCOA care about my DNA markers?”

Reynolds looked at Jack.

“All is not what it appears Jack, that’s all I can tell you.”

Jack rubbed his eyes. Then he looked out towards the buildings.

“Yeah, somehow I’ve heard that a lot lately.”

“What about your girlfriend Pasn`e and the program?”

“Why were trying to kill me that night. It’s not possible to survive on that kind of dosage.”

Siri lifted her head slowly until her eyes were even with Jacks vision.

“It wasn’t NTT, you weren’t in any real danger. It’s what the UCOA uses in the field to get agents to confess.”

“The side effects are nausea, erratic heartbeat and short-lived loss of will power.”

Jack was rubbing his temples.

“Huh, That’s why Circa wasn’t getting any biometric readings on me?”

Sarah reached in her purse.

“Umm, “not… exactly.”

“Plus, plasma-flora-techa-hydrate registers as NTT to disguise itself in the body.”

She pulled out a small device and handed it to Jack.

“It’s a Jammer ball. It jams any electromagnetic signals. Even quite useful on the hub.

Jack looked the device. Its round shape with a light that occasionally flashed on and off. Reynolds put it back in her purse.

“who else has this kind of DNA marker.”

Sarah looked at Jack, then blew smoke out from the side of her mouth. She replied.

“No one Jack. No one.”

“Your different Jack and we have been looking for you for a long time. That’s really all I can say at this moment.”

I can’t tell you everything right now, but know that you were safe with me the whole time.”

For the first time, Reynolds’ eyes showed a hint of compassion for Jack.

She played with his tie, pretending to straighten it for him, then jerk it tight. She gave him a cad smirk.

“Yes…the rest of the program was real, is that what you want to hear?” Jack swallowed from the brief strain on his neck. He loosened the metallic cloth tie from his Adam’s apple. Capt. Reynolds continued.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, it was the price I was willing to pay for the UCOA.”

Jack brushed his tie down into his jacket.

“Price? “You would think you were suffering through the whole ordeal?”

Siri smiled out of the side of her mouth.


Jack put his body in front of hers.

“I deserve some answers, Capt. Reynolds!”

“or is it Siri? or…. whatever.”

“Your damn name is!”

“Jack, we had plenty of people watching and surveying the club that night. Nothing would have happened to you.”

Jack snapped his fingers.

“Those two men at the club. They weren’t dealers, they were undercover UCOA agents?”

Captain Reynolds looked at Jack and didn’t answer.

“Jack, like I said Agent Paolo and me, were sent in as decoys by the UCOA to perform the test on you Jack in which I’m not at liberty to discuss.”

“Let’s be clear this is UCOA Intel information, and any divulgement will lead to a charge of treason against the UCOA. Are we clear?”

Jack and Reynolds were both staring at one another intensely. Finally, Jack nodded and added.

“Yeah, crystal, you know, it’s funny how my life suddenly becomes UCOA intel information.” He looked away from her.

“I’ve said too much I promise Jack in a few weeks you’ll be back at your old job putting law breakers away in shitty streets of the Numar district .”

She looked at Jacks face and eyes. Seeing his perplexed emotions somehow finally got to Reynolds.”

“Why? Numar district of all the places you could want to be?” she leaned into Jack.

Reynolds was examining Jack’s eyes. Looking into his head analyzing him.

“you’re looking or searching for something aren’t you Jack?”

Reynolds got close to Jacks’ face. She could see his faint wrinkles around his eyes become more visible.

“Someone or something got to you, Jack.”

Jack pulled away from her and pointed his attention towards the entrance to the pyramid.

He wasn’t about to open up to her. Besides he owed her nothing. His life was one of seclusion and work, and his job gave him some sense of satisfaction. To Jack that was all he needed.

Reynolds smiled a coy smile and sarcastically said.

“Maybe I can’t blame you.”

“we, all have some sort of ulterior motive we hide within ourselves.”

She held the cigarette close to her mouth and focused her eyes on the building in front of them. They were met by two armed guards and escorted through the mouth of the pyramid. The guards were armed with Sonic Emissions Blasters. Jack was aware SEBS were used to control populations back during the rebuild. Many starving citizens charged the old capital demanding food and water. America was overtaken by a series of events that shook the world to its core.

Sarah stopped and showed her TPS ID, and she Empties her purse contents. The Guard went through her stuff. He held up three make up cases and then looked at her for a moment. She gave an innocent smile and pouted her lips slightly.

He put her items back in the purse. He held the jammer ball and looked again at Reynolds. She smiled.

“Sargent, I remind you I work in the field and everything is fully registered.”

He looks at the other guard then looked at her TPS again and gave her pass back to Capt. Reynolds.

“Sir, please make sure you check in when leaving.”

She put her Blaster from her shoulder strap and handed it over to the guard.

“Captain you can retrieve your weapon after you check out today.”

The Guard then saluted Reynolds and saluted him back.

The guard looked at Jack’s ID then and scanned his wrist. Jack took his weapon out and laid it on the table.

“No purse I’m afraid.”

He then signaled the two of them to pass through the security scanner. Jack asked, “don’t tell me UCOA chipped us?”

Sarah looked straight ahead and answered, “Welcome to the real world, the UCOA has done everything to endorse and ensure a free and just society.”

“Do the masses need to know such a thing. Up to a hundred years ago many items in the average home. There is no difference in today than in the past.”

She stopped a second and tilted her head slightly.

“Beside the People elected officials with their best interest in mind. This is all done right at birth. The child is taken away for a few moments, and then it’s all taken care of.

Jack looked puzzled for a few seconds.

“Then why can’t we at the UCCOA CHP just trace their chips and make an arrest. Seems a hell of a lot easier.”

Capt. Reynolds gave her thoughts.

“It wasn’t designed for that Jack. That’s about all I can tell you.”

Jack and Sarah walk down a large hallway. There was a statue of the Admin standing and pointing the way to the future.

Jack looked at the Statue.

“modest guy, huh.”

At the end of the hallway, there were massive doors with two more guards at the entrance.

The door opened, and two men approached them.

“Captain Reynolds, I’m James Terence, aid to the Administrator. Please follow me to the briefing.” Sarah stopped.

“I’m sorry, but I need a lady’s room first.”

“We’ve been traveling for hours.”

Jacked shrugged, and the two men waited outside for her.


Sarah made sure the bathroom was empty, and she places her makeup case in one of the vents over the stall. She slid her over finger the device, and it lit up in red half circles. She closed the vent and looked in the mirror. Fixed her hair and outfit thought to herself.

“Come on, Reynolds you can do this.”

A few moments later, Sarah emerged, and the two followed the aid to another entrance. The briefing room was a large assembly where members from all of the districts met to vote on matters concerning UCOA. Jack and Sarah made their way to two vacant chairs. Jack was surveying the area. The crescent shape architecture of the rooms was broken into twelve sections. Each of the twelve sections that were separated by a blue LED lighting that all met converging at the center of the front wall. There was a front area that was raised giving the impression of being larger than life and looming over the rest of the sections of the room. A double-headed eagle was holding the eight rings and below the rings was a triangle with etched rays of light being emitted through the middle of the triangle. Connecting to the 12 blue streams of light. The last light was larger blue one connected all twelve making them one joining in the middle under the great bird in the Pyramid. Jack looked at Siri.

“What do those words read at the bottom of that pyramid.” Jack pointed it out to Reynolds.

“Is it Tresnian?”

Reynolds looked over the words and replied.

“Novus Ordo Seclorum.”

“It’s not Tresnian but Latin.”

She continued.

“This one of the root languages of Tresnian.”

Jack lowered his voice as he saw the delegates began to flow into the room.

“I wasn’t schooled like one your elitist friends.”

Reynolds looked back at Jack with brashness.

“Me either Jack, my father being a delegate was privy too many things my adopted father taught me, and one was that of ancient Latin.”

An attendant brought some water and a Pad with a list of addendums for the meeting.

Jack sipped his water. Sarah touched Jacks’ arm. She motioned Jack to look in the direction of her glance. Everyone stood, and a large man began the meeting.

“We give honor, loyalty, and swear allegiance to The Administrator and the UCOA and the twelve districts that bond together as one for law, order, and justice.” Citizens you may be seated.”

After a moment, a man in a white outfit with a white cape fastened on his shoulder to one side. The caped man stepped to the podium. It was the A.M. It was William Whinslet.

He was an older man with a white beard. He addressed the delegates. He had a disheartening look in his eyes and paused a moment before speaking. Sarah translated for Jack.

“Citizens and delegates of districts of Claudius, Nuram, Centorum, Mantas, Lastos, kathar, and Nordom and to the rest of the district’s of Megacities under the UCOA.” He paused to catch his thoughts and took a sip of water. The AM continued, “I bring to you case file 363.” He paused, and a speaker gave a brief description of the case. The speaker read off the agenda list.

“The capture and disappearances of Darbe Whinslet.” The consulate was showing grievances, and one could hear some gasps in the room. The A.M. put his head down and then gestured to Jack and Sarah. Intelligence has received this transmission today. This is the face of evil and traitors to the UCOA and all it stands for. A holographic image was hovering above the council, and the A.M. made a gesture, and the transmission appeared. Another man started speaking before the council.

“Special reconnaissance forces received this transmission yesterday at 0800. The perpetrators have not been identified, and we are working and doing everything we can to bring this terrorist group to justice.”

He cleared his throat. He waited again and on hologram an image of several mask men holding artifact glock 36 to the figure with a black bag over their head. After a moment, a voice broke the silence.

“Members, Citizens, delegates, slaves of the Megacities. The time has come remove the veil of your own deception and free the people from the tyranny of a UCOA. To show the seriousness of our intent, I give you the Corporation Whinslet Bloodline.” He removed the black mask from her head. It was a young female she was crying and hysterical. She had short dark hair and medium skin. Jack noticed the stains on her shirt and the smudges of dirt or bruises on her face. Jack looked at Sarah trying to gage her reaction. Then he looked back at the prisoner and had the strange sensation that he’d seen her before.

The leader continued speaking, “The UCOA will answer for its crime against humanity and the slaughter of millions of women, children, and men. He gently stroked the frightened girl’s cheek. We the Alliance live in the shadows of your government. There are many of us among you. Hiding in the shadow’s, and waiting for the hand of justice to come swiftly down upon you all.”

Jack saw the delegates looking around at each other then back at the free floating screen.

You will answer for the crimes you have committed against mankind. You’ve hunted my people down for too long, and now we’ve come to unite and make a stand for the right, just and noble. It is my heavy responsibility to have to bend to UCOA’s ways by kidnapping the corporation’s blood line. You have given us no choice in the matter. I’ve sent you our demands, and you have 72 hours to meet our requirements, or I’ll start erasing the Whinslet bloodline to your Ancient, golden family. We are here to bring about the fall of the UCOA and its thirty years of villainy and control over its people.” Sarah gave a grave look at Jack.

The hologram disappeared, and UCOA agent then stood up and began speaking. Sarah spoke silently to Jack. Putting her hand on his arm.

“That’s why you’re here, Jack!”

She let the news slowly sink in.

Sarah continued, “Jack there’s so much to tell but, we’ve very little time!”

Jack breathed out a long sigh, “this isn’t my day.”

The administrator gestured towards the two and paused for a moment. Jack whispered to Sarah.

“So that’s what all this secrecy was about.”

The A.M. looked at directly at the two of them and paused looking over Jack almost seeming to sum him up looking deep in his eyes.

“Bring my daughter back. I entrust you, Captain Marlow to bring her back safe and unharmed.”

“We are not going to give into the ridiculous claims against the sovereignty and actions of the UCOA. We do not negotiate with terrorist. Having said that, we also need to retrieve something that’s very special to me. My daughter. “Kill the assailants and bring back my daughter unharmed and you shall be greatly rewarded, Jack.” He then looked at Captain Reynolds. A general arose and took the podium. “Everything you need to know my staff will provide you. Whatever provision you will be needing will be supplied for you as well.” She and Jack got up from the meeting. “I’ve been fully briefed.”

Reynolds said in a low soft tone.

“We have our orders. Eliminate all threats to the UCOA infiltrate the Alliances headquarters and Locate the hostage and bring her back to the UCOA unharmed.”

Jack didn’t get up. He spoke out of order. Sarah gave him an evil stare.

“With all due respect may address the Delegates and the A.M.?”

One of the Delegates stood up from one of the sections.

“This is most unregular conduct.”

The AM signaled for Jack to speak. The Delegate sat back down.

Jack stood and addressed the crowd.

He cleared his throat and Reynolds looked down trying her best to cover her face with her hand.

Delegates of the 12 districts I just have one question. Why choose me?” He looked around, and there was complete silence.

He continued.

“Can’t the most powerful… Capital on this planet send out 20 runners ships and special force operatives to get the job done.? I’m just a Cop, a damn good one, but a cop all the same.”

Jack tilted his head in a half-bow and sat back down.”

Reynolds was rubbing his forehead and sighed.

The AM rose up from his chair. He leaned over the podium. Looking long and hard at Jack then beamed.

“Jack, I wouldn’t trust this mission to any other man except you. I trust you will not fail me.”

Jack nodded, and the two of them got up left the meeting.

As Jack and Captain Reynolds were walking out.

Reynolds Addressed the embarrassing situation that just occurred.

“What in God’s name what did you think you were doing in there?”

Jack was walking and slightly turned his head.

“Getting some answers finally.”

Reynolds kept looking back at the large doors with four fixed guards at the entrance.

“He had me bring you here for a reason. Whatever that is. It’s our obligation not to question his Authority and follow or mission. You’re an operative of the UCOA now like it or not.”

Jack noticed Reynolds kept looking back at the meeting hall.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Reynolds looked in her purse. I forgot my makeup case.

One of the staff approached her carrying what look like an information file. She nodded, and then he something to her, and she nodded.

“Jack I’ve got to do one more thing before we set off to the Deadlands.” I will meet you at the SLV.


Back in the chamber meeting. Leader A.M. Whinslet is Listening intently to the other issues being brought up by the districts. He had been the executive director of the UCOA for ten years running. He recalled Darbe a week before she was kidnapped. It was a society ball, and all the delegates and elitists were attending. He smiled and nodded at a group of individuals and then proceeded to catch a glimpse of her. She was radiant and beautiful. Her shimmering opalescent evening gown changed colors as she moved about the floor. He watched his daughter as Delegate Haen approached him.

“She’s the gem of Megacity Administer.”

William smiled widely

“yes, I’m so fond of her.”

Haen continued his conversation.

“Have you considered the request for Numar District. We are in desperate need of funding and-.”

William looked at Delegate Haens, then looked away.

“Like I said Delegate Haen in the Senate meeting we have diverted all funding for the project that you, yourself voted upon. If you don’t like the consequences of that decision, I’m not the one to blame.”

Delegate Haen politely Countered.

“With all due respect, It appears that not all the information on Project Greenlight and Intel were clear on funding appropriation Admin Whinslet?”

“This is a thirty-year project with a megacity security clause. Some of the other Delegates and I are requesting full disclosure on all documentation concerning Project Greenlight!”

William looked at Haen his eyes narrowed.

He continued looking at his Daughter.

“Keep Senate matters in the Senate, Delegate Haen. Enjoy your evening.”

His attention went back to the meeting. He would go to no ends to find his daughter and bring her back safely. The problem lay in the fact the mission had to be done discreetly. AM Whinslet knew if word got out those rebels had taken a member of an elitist family if would undermine the safety of the citizens and weaken the image of the UCOA. Power, after all, was about absolute control and the illusion of freedom and security. He thought of Jack and smiled knowing everything was like a well-orchestrated chess game. Soon Project Greenlight his biggest ambition would become a reality. He would change the course of history.

A few moments later….

Jack was on his way toward the airway. He could see the SLV ahead.

(Why would the AM choose him for this mission?)

Jack felt under qualified and over appreciated. He was handed a few rations and a small medical kit. They were to meet at a rendezvous point outside of the city. They were to be given valuable Intel then proceed on foot to the Alliance’s hidden location.

The problem was nobody knew where the camp was located. All tracking of transmissions ultimately came to a dead end. They wanted Jack to fill in the gaps. Eventually, infiltrate the camp and if so, die in the Deadlands trying. A few moments later he saw Reynolds in the distance behind him following his lead. She was walking fast and occasionally looking behind her.

(Why choose her out of all the commanders and UCOA operatives? (Why Reynolds?)

Jack leaned up against the SLV and waited for her.

“Why did the UCOA choose you?”

“I see, I’m not the only one with alternative motives.”

Reynolds looked offended for a moment then open the SLV’s door.

“They didn’t”

“I volunteered.”

Jack recoiled for a moment then fired back at Reynolds.

“Well, I didn’t sign up for this death mission. I personally couldn’t give a damn about some little elitist girl that’s been kidnapped.”

“I’m not a goddamn babysitter for the Administration or the UCOA.

“The UCOA has found its two pawns for Jack took his weapon out and laid it on the table their little chess game. Hell, we don’t know if anything exists out there beyond the gates of the City.”

“It’s called the Deadlands for a reason.”

Reynolds looked rushed.

“If anyone other than me heard that from you, Jack.”

Reynolds was messing with the controls.

“You would be in Jail for treason against the UCOA for such talk.”

“Jack, there isn’t much time get in the damn vehicle!”

Meanwhile at the UCOA briefing...

AM Whinslet was deep in his thoughts when he saw the doors of the main chamber opened, and a few men carrying SEBs walked in and made their way to the AM. Winslet felt a tap on his shoulder and one the aids giving him a note. Administrator Whinslet opened the letter. He read it then hit his chair with his fist.

“Are you sure about this information?”

The aid nodded.

“We need everyone out of this room immediately!”

“Sir this is a positive ID from a Runner ship taken last month while on surveillance in the outer deadlands. There’s no question it’s her. Intel now believes she’s a double agent for the Alliance. Senior operative Simmons is requesting your removal from this building for security breach reasons. The AM nodded and then stood up, and the room fell silent. A security detail rushed him out.

A military official came to the podium.

“Delegates it seems some new information has come to light.”

“We have a traitor in our midst.”

“The guards have scanned the area, and we need everyone to remain calm and to evacuate through the private exit. SLV’s are waiting for you as we speak. Let everyone head to exit an orderly fast fashion.”

“It seems the Alliance Is already among us.”

Reynolds jumped in the pod, a gray SL7 with silver metal and a dark gray interior.

“Remember at the club I told you that nothing is really what it seems?”

“Yes, but we were stellar (high) as hell.”

“This vehicle has been attached to your TPS ID so you can set verbal commands and utilize the Hub.” Jack climbed in and waved his hand over the console of the vehicle.

He took the craft up and leveled it out. The ship was starting to move into a gliding mode when a man appeared on the screen in front of them.

Reynolds grabbed the controls from Jack.

“Slight change of plans, Jack!”

Jack looked down and saw a squad of soldiers headed their way and a few large black SLV’s leaving the area.

For the first time, Reynolds wasn’t calm, cool or collected.

“What in the hell is going on?”

Suddenly a voice came over the speakers of the SLV.

“Sarah Reynolds and Jack Marlow by order of the UCOA we command you to turn your vehicle around and stand down.”

“I repeat… turn your vehicle around and descend gradually at a slow pace.”

Captain Reynolds looked pissed off. She hit the console of the SLV with her fist. ”Nesmia!”

“On whose authority?”

The voice responded

“We are taking over the vehicle, and there you will be met with armed forces to take you in for treason against the UCOA.”

Jack looked at Reynolds. Reynolds shot back. She had a looked of rage in her eyes.

“I’ll clear this up with A.M. personally, but first, here’s a gift from the Alliance.” Siri pressed some buttons on here watch and then smiled.

A massive explosion sent fragments toward the vehicle. Reynolds tried to level out the ship. However, the force of the bombing tipped the SLV to one side, causing the vehicle to lose control and shift out of the hover lane. Two other explosions went off in the distance. There was craft thrown into adjacent buildings, sending glass fragments into the streets down below them. Jack hit the console of the SLV and then looked out the window surveying the damage. Citizen’s and soldiers were laying everywhere. He could make out small pools of blood around the victims lying in the street.

“You, dirty rebel traitor!”

. “What the hell is going on?”

Jack tried to get back control of the vehicle. He put his watch to her chest. Nothing happened.

Jack was elbowed by Reynolds in his jaw. She then had a blaster pointed towards him.

“Shut the fuck up, and don’t move.”

She seemed now like a caged animal fight for an escape. Jack held his hands up slightly. She logged on the hub, then hacked it with a small device. She was speaking to some unknown entities.

“Repeat I have the target; I’m bringing him in.”

Siri had the gun on Jack and looked back, “nesmia!”(crap)

“I’ve made a few modifications to your toys while you were in the shower.”

The voice came again from the front window screen.

“We are sending two Runners to intercept your vehicle.”

Jack put his hands in the air.

“You no good piece of shit.”

She pistol whipped Jack in the his face.

“That was for the Alliance.”

Jack you have no idea what’s going on do you?” “You’ve been brainwashed your whole life, Jack.”

“Now shut the hell up!”

The UCOA Runners were catching up fast. A voice came over the Automatic Response System. “Your vehicle will be terminated. You have 10 seconds to comply.”

Sarah turned into a crazed woman, “I kill the next bloodline to the administration if you don’t back off. I’m sending a marker sample now!” She pushed a button and the ships behind them faded into the distance. Sarah then turned the vehicle in the opposite direction of the oncoming traffic. SLV’s were dodging her left and right. Vehicle grazed the side of the SLV crashing into some of the other craft around it. Sarah broke through the Airway barrier and was flying close to a dense population of buildings, and Jack could see as he watched from his window alarms flashing and cops turning in their direction to intercept. Sarah stopped the SLV and backed up and turned the vehicle down a fully crowded street.

“Never tried this before, huh, Officer Marlow?”

People were screaming and falling to the ground. There was an opening between two structures with an overhang. And Sarah took her chance guiding the vehicle to safety.

“Fastest route to Megacities gate release.”

The ARS responded.

“Three minutes captain. I’m plotting coordinates now.”

Jack looked at Reynolds then back at the path before them.

“They monitor every street and every building you haven’t a chance.”

Sarah looked in her rearview mirror. There were runners and two drones behind her. The Gate release was up ahead.

Reynolds pushed a few buttons on the console.

I need those security guns deactivated, or you can pick the Marker and me off the streets.

A brief pause, then Sarah heard a voice come over the com.

“We’re complying.”

The two large mounted guns were aimed in the direction of their SLV.

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the guns over the city walls all fold down as if bowing to the SLV. As the SLV came, closer warning lights went off outside around them.

“Warning restricted airspace all violators will be shot down.”

The large gate was much like that of a castle wall. There was a monitoring station and its massive white structure when open could allow a fleet of ships to pass through it. Sarah looked at Jack and growled she accelerated full throttle towards the enclosure. Jack grabbed the handles on the Pod and closed his eyes. The vehicle’s collision system started to sound off.

Finally, the great door opened and They were finally free of the city and headed towards the Deadlands. Jack took notice of the trajectory and swallowed.

“Jack, wake the fuck up!”

She watched the ships behind her.

“What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about your world was a lie?”

Jack looked towards the console. He addressed her,

“Then you’re no better than that son of a bitch threatening the AM’s daughter on the frame (hologram projection).”

“It’s Siri, and that son of a bitch is my brother!”

“So that night at the club was not the UCOA but the Alliance?”

“How come I’ve never heard of this so-called Alliance before?”

“The UCOA police were never briefed on anything of that nature.”

She took the vehicle and dodge a few buildings. These structures were left over from the massive destruction that occurred in the past. Jack was holding on to the seat. She looked out the window, and the UCOA had two drones pacing behind them. Siri tried to elude them but, they were fast and firing blast trying to disable the SLV.

“Those bastards are trying to force us to land.”

She kept the gun fixed on Jack. They were now out of the city and headed toward some ruins of the old republic. She headed straight through the mass of collapsed buildings, and the Drones were now firing on the vehicle.

Jack looked at Reynolds. Trying to speak in a calm fashion.

“So now what?”

“Just pull the vehicle over and give yourself up.”

“I’ve seen this before, and it never ends pretty.”

“A Cryofreeze cell will be far less painless than dying on the outskirts of Megacity.”

Reynolds looked at Jack and hit him again on his side with the blaster.

Jack bent over in pain. His teeth showed as he grimaced.

Siri thought for a moment. The drones were closing in fast. She shifted the direction of the SLV towards two of the buildings just missing a collision with one of the metal beams hanging from the collapsed buildings.

She looked back. The drones dodged the beams and kept in its pursuit of the gray SLV.

“Damn! almost got him.”

“hang on!”

She saw an opening through on of the bent over structures. It was a tight fit, but with her training, she felt she could make it. Jack saw what she was doing and scream out.

“You, stupid fool, are you’re going to kill us!”

He braced for impact. Siri took the wheel and increased speed as they got closer to the opening between the two structures. The vehicle barely missed colliding with one of the bent beams. Jack heard the scraping of steel overhead. Sparks were flying around the outside of the car.

ARS voice came over the speakers.

“Collision to craft, getting a damage report.”

Siri looked back as the drone hit the side of the building and spun out of control exploding into the glass and sending a trail of sparks from its path.

Siri looked at Jack, and he gave back a scowl at her.

“I think you- No I know, your crazy ass is going to get us killed!”

Siri smiled at Jack.

“They aren’t taking us in alive.”

She saw the second drone firing its blasters at the vehicle. The SLV shook and bounced off a wall of concrete.

“Damage to the left door.”

Siri speed the vehicle up then shot around the building then she stops the SLV. Jack looked at her.

“No! you can’t be thinking this.”

Jack braced again for impact.

The drone flew around the corner smashing itself into the back of the SLV. It shot off and crashed into one of the adjacent concrete walls. The vehicle lost control and plunged straight down. The alarm on the SAV was going on off. The ground was getting larger before them. The ARS was robotically telling them, “pull up. Initializing emergency protocol.”

The structures of mangled steel and concrete were all around them and getting closer by the second. The vehicle was heading towards a mass of Shredded torn steel beams. Siri screamed, grabbing the Steering console.

“activate emergency protocol!”

The land was getting dangerously close, and the ship jerked a few times and then slowly leveled out. Jack breathed out a huge sigh. Under his left eye was bleeding from Siri’s blow to his head earlier. Siri then went high into the air into the night sky. He looked outside of his pod. He had never seen the stars so bright and within his grasp. Siri pointed the blaster at Jacks’ head.

“Give me your wrist Jack.”

She took a round disk and pressed a button on its device. She looked carefully into Jacks brown eyes. She had a hesitant look about her expression.

“This is going to hurt. You have to remain completely still or otherwise the sensor could destroy the nerves in arm” Siri turned the device on. Jack jerked his hand back.

Siri shot back at Jack.

“Move that hand on more time, and I’ll blow it off myself.”

Jack looked at Siri with a perplexed, yet worried expression looked back at his hand. She took his hand and moved the sensor over the area. The sensor after a few moments lit up and a green light with a cross hair flashed.

Siri looked at Jack. She bit her lip and looked at Jack.


It was as if Siri put a lit cigarette on his wrist. The burning became unbearable, and Jack screamed out, “No! God, AHHGH! Make…



His face lit with pain and horror showing his teeth and his face wrinkled.

Siri yelled,

“Just a few more seconds Jack.”

“I’m locating the chip now.”

“All citizen are implanted at birth. This device heats up the implants processors and burns it out.”

“Hurts like hell though.”

“Hold still Jack.”

Jack was about to pass out from the pain. His nerves and muscles burned. Then Siri, let out a loud,

“got it!”

Jack grabbed his arm and the pain dissipated quickly. He wiped the sweat from his brow and flexed his hand, “That hurt like a son of a bitch.”

Jack flexed his fingers then held his wrist to his chest. The pain finally subsided.

“What in the hell did you do to me?”

Siri looked at Jack.

“I remember when the Alliance removed mine. It seems the UCOA chip has a failsafe programmed into it.”

Siri held the gun on Jack and pressed some control on the consul. She looked over, and in a matter, a fact way asked,

“your phone, pleso.” Jack looked at the console and remembered his plan. He just had to distract her enough to hit the GRL (gravity release lock) controls and disable the ship. She repeated herself and pushed the weapon deep into his ribcage. Jack took out his Phone and gave it to Siri. She took the phone and threw it out the opened window. She gave a mocking grin at Jack.

“You, Jack Marlow, are a ghost now.”

Jack looked back up at the stars, and then a few meteors shot past him. He had never seen anything like this. He regained his thoughts and remembered the three explosions, the casualties, and the UCOA administration.

“What have you done? All those innocent lives.”

She turned towards Jack.

“I’ve killed maybe the Admin today. That cruel bastard!”

Jack slowly put his hands where Siri could see them.

“Your Father was one of them?”

Siri had the gun aimed at Jacks’ chest.

“My father as the last elitist who was killed for what believed in as real freedom. But your precious UCOA had him and two other delegates assassinated.”

She watched him with a sharp glare on her face.

Jack slammed the arm of his chair.

“You murdered men and woman with families and lives and children, how could you do that Siri,” Siri shouted back.

“Men that ordered the countless deaths of my family outside of these walls.

Jack turned and look down.

“This is the Deadlands there is nothing here, no life can be sustained outside of the walls.”

“No, the Alliance is alive and well both inside and outside of Megacity. You’ve have lied to all this time, Jack, we all have!”

The small SLV pod moved and tilted slightly. It stabilized, and Jack homed in on the controls while Siri was busy Speaking, “access code 138 case file 363.”

A green screen formed around Siri and she took her hand and moved it in front of the console of the ship.

“Records alpha file 138.”

ARS replied, “Accessing records 363. Shall I play it for you, Captain Reynolds.”

She responded, “pleso.”

“The image started playing. Men and women were running, and the framing appeared inferred and fuzzy. The figures were falling all around the compound, and the men in black used SEBS to throw and fling people into walls and old archaic looking landers. Another squad fired their blasters. It was mass murder, and the men and women who ran were dressed in dark gray clothes.

Siri had tears in her eyes. Jack leaped and hit the GRL button, and the pod lost its flight. They tumbled down from its hovering position.

Siri had a look of terror and fear on her face. Jack saw her emotions transform into pure rage.

“You, Stupid son of a bitch, you’re going to kill us!”

The alarm went off. The ship was dropping fast, losing altitude. The Blaster slipped out Siri’s hand and now was loose and bouncing from wall to wall in the cockpit. Jack reached for the weapon and felt Siri’s slamming her foot into Jacks’ chest. He hit the side door. She came at him again with her other foot. It pressed into his ribcage with a hollow sounding thud! Jack felt himself hitting the door again. He lunged back at Siri, and at the same time, his door popped open. Jack held on to his seat while Jack halfway hung out from the vehicle. He heard the NAV blaster go off and then he saw red streaks of blood on the window and looked at Siri now slumped over bleeding and unconscious. The blaster had hit the window and misfired injuring her. The alarm of the Craft was chiming, and the ARS announced, the vehicle lost control and was heading toward the surface fast. The SAV was spinning, and Jack was holding and

“door ajar. 1 minute to impact.”

Jack saw the ground spin below him. He tightened his grip, but the centrifugal force was pulling slowly from the vehicle.

Jack struggled and hung outside the vehicle.

“30 seconds to impact.”

His left arm lost its grip, and Jack reached back desperately with his loose arm are trying to re-secure it.

He grabbed the seat belt and wrapped the belt around his wrist. A groan out in pain. His face was contorted and racked with fear. The force pulling jacks body away and Jack yelled out.

“You can do this Jack.”

He reached over and was almost there. Pulling himself into his seat and managing to shut the SLV,s door. The automated voice repeated.

“15 seconds to impact.”

His hand was now fighting the forces of gravity. Jack’s fingers finally found their way and hit the GRL switch.

Jack screamed, “engage automatic controls!”

ARS complied, “engaging.”

The ship tried to level out, catching onto one of the gravity waves slowing down, and leveling out Jack clutched the steering console, but before he was able to maintain control. The vehicle while trying to catch one wave to ride while descending crashed into a cliff side. Jack saw the water bright and blue spinning towards him. The vehicle spun and smashed into the rocks through Jack towards the back of the pod. Finally crashing into the water.


Jack slowly opened his eyes and the blur of his vision finally clearing seeing flashing lights on the console and flickering overhead compartment lights. Jack regained his thoughts. There was damage to the door and water was flowing into the craft.

Jack crawled over his capturer. She was still unconscious, and Jack saw her beauty. Jack hit the switch releasing the door. Siri’s door opened, and Jack crawled over her and looked back as water was gushing in all around her legs. Jack conscience got the best of him. He turned back and

Attempted to get her out of the car, but her seatbelt was jammed.

“Dammit! Come on Siri, wake up!”

The water was now up to Siri’s neck, and the ship was sinking fast. With only seconds to spare, Jack took a deep breath and tried to wake her up. Shaking her and even pressing his finger on her blast wound. He took a breath of air. Looking around the cabin as he could see the water level rising against the walls of the vehicle.

He felt the blaster in his jacket. He took it out, and aiming best he could with limit vision in the water shot the strap of her seatbelt belt. It separated, and he pulled her from the wreckage. He cradled her body gently, pulling her from the vehicle. Jack cleared the craft and moved behind Sir’s floating body. He carefully grasps her neck and back peddled towards shore. Jack saw land within 30 feet of him. Time was of the essence, and he knew he had to get Reynold’s to the shoreline and get the water out of her lungs fast. Marlow finally reached solid ground. He picked Siri up and carried her to dry land. Marlow softly laid her lifeless body on the ground. He tilted her head back and pinched her nose.

Jack gave Siri mouth to mouth resuscitation. Her lips felt warm and soft, and each time Jack breathed into her he could hear the hollowed sound air makes in the lungs. There was no response. He pressed his lips against hers again. Siri finally regained consciousness coughing and vomiting. Jack patted her back, and she pushed him away. After a few moments her breathing leveled out, and she laid there motionless recuperating. She slowly sat up.

She finally got up and lunged towards Jack. Siri shouted,“God Jack, don’t you get it. I’m not the enemy Jack, you are!”

She sat herself down and fell to his knees with exhaustion. Jack threw the blaster into the lake. He sat on some large rocks, trying to catch his breath. They both sat in silence. Jack decided he would leave her be for now. Jack soon left Siri to get his bearings. He was now in the strange world of nature. He tried to recall everything his father taught him about survival in the Deadlands. Jack thought to himself. (Father, where are you when I need you?). Jack’s father was a survivor of the great decimation. He taught things to Jack only in theory and after the fact. Jack had never put any of the information into practice. They were just old stories. He and Siri were now Stranded in the Deadlands. The one thing Jack did take into consideration was that there was water in the Deadlands. Jack looked out over the silver water. He never had seen anything like it. (Maybe there is more out there, perhaps we can make it and survive the elements.)

He looked over to find Siri bent over with her hair over her face and emotions unreadable, blank. Jack figured they both had enough and he would try to signal the UCOA ships and give Siri up to the Authorities. Maybe even use her as leverage against the Alliance. The truth of the matter was, both of them went through hell and back for two days. He was exhausted, and Marlow knew Siri wasn’t far behind him. Jack covered his face with his hands. (How could I have been so stupid, falling for all the bull crap she was throwing at me.). Jack knew night time usually meant a drop in temperatures and he and Siri needed to find cover from the elements and fast.


Night once again came upon them fast. Jack looked around the area, but there was nothing except rock formations around them. He looked at the water. He walked over to the water and took a drop and set the liquid on his watch.

He spoke, “analysis.”

The watch paused for a second then came on and off. A hologram appeared,

“95% H2O.”

Jack remembered his PAV Circa.

“Circa come in, are you there?”

Jack repeated.

There was no response. Siri had disabled everything on his watch that could possibly have saved them. He knew this was now all the Alliance’s doing from the beginning.

Jack leaned over and drank some; it was refreshing. He recalled, his teachers telling him there was nothing out in the Deadlands. Marlow looked around for something to stay under for safety. He took his jacket off and offered it to Siri. She grabbed it, not saying a word.

He spoke sternly to her, “I need your watch. If you hadn’t disconnected me from my PAV, he could have pinpointed our location, and you would be in nice cozy cell and me back at my favorite synthshi restaurant in time for dinner.”

Siri sat up.

“That’s it Jack, my watch!”

Jack’s face had the element surprise, and it was a like a spark of energy ignited both of their minds.”

She angled her watch towards her face. Her eyes lit up. She talked to her wrist, “automatic hover.” Nothing happened.

She looked at Jack, “I can’t remember the command.” She tried again,

“activate hover control.”

Jack remembered reading the manual. He always had had a photographic memory ever since he could remember. Jack walked over to Siri and offered the command.

“I have been doing some reading lately.”

Siri gleamed at Jack but back away from him.

She repeated the command.

“enable automatic hover protocol.”

She looked at him and said,

“I knew you would figure it out, Jack.”

She tried it, and the water bubble with air pockets reaching the surface of the water. Jack could see a hint of white light from under the silver layer of water. The silver, gray form of the ship slowly revealed itself, and the SLV rose slowly from the water and hovered. Water was running out the sides and under the vehicle’s chassis. She smiled and said,

“engage first gear.”

The craft slowly came towards them, and she opened the door. The SLV was pretty banged up the rear was crushed in and as well as the sides of the ship. She flew still, and that was all that mattered.

While cleaning out the ship.

Siri and Jack were talking to each other. Jack was cleaning out the bottom under the chassis and Siri the inside and the GRL thruster.

Siri decided that she needed to be kind to Jack. Jack looked over Siri’s wound and said,

“how the shoulder and arm?”

Siri looked down at her wound and, then pretended to blow the injury off as nothing but a scratch. The last thing she wanted was Jack to think he’d gotten the best of her.

“It’s fine just a graze from the blaster I’ll live,” she responded.

Jack walked over and looked at the blaster gunshot wound. Siri let him pull the ripped fabric back on her shoulder to examine the injury.

“Still we don’t want to risk infection.”

Siri responded,

“Yeah, I guess you have a point.”

She shuffled around the craft and found a medical kit. Jack helped her as she bandaged up her shoulder.

“There, that should do.”

They sat for a few moments in silence.

“At least we have some warmth inside the craft.”

Siri got in and shut the door as Jack was about to get into the vehicle.

“Seriously Siri?”

He saw Siri turn away from Jack huddling up in her chair.

Jack slammed his hand on the window. Siri responded.

“Good night Jack.”

Siri had a slight smile on her face. Jack was growing on her. She knew she had only a short amount of time to win him over to the Alliance. (If Jack knew the truth, maybe he would be an influential ally to the Alliance.

Jack huddled next to the engine and gazed out at the stars. He had so many questions in his mind. So many thoughts running wild in his head. (Why is a UCOA cop from the Numar district being given the treatment and then Siri a double agent? What did Siri mean by the corporate bloodline?”) He finally forced himself to sleep knowing morning would come all too quickly if Marlow didn’t rest.

Morning came, and Jack stretched and took in a good deep breath of air. His attention came into focus when he saw three ships coming their way. They appeared as small black dots, and the dots were getting larger by the seconds. The hulls of the ships reflected the light of the sun off of their surface. He was trying to wave them down until Siri banged on the window. She turned the SLV engine on. She opens the door. Siri was pleading to Jack.

“Jack, let me explain to you what’s going on and then if you don’t believe me, I will give myself up to the UCOA.”

Jack paused a moment. Siri had the look of desperation in her eyes.

“Give me a chance, Jack!”

“There isn’t much time, they will be here any moment.” Jack looked Siri long and hard in the eyes, then climbed in the vehicle. Siri looked ahead and kicked the SLV into gear.

“Are they tracking, us?” Jack asked.

Siri laughed.

“I didn’t sleep much last night.” Showing Jack a mess of pulled wires from under the console.

Before she explained anything, they were up in the Air.


THE DESERT SEEMED TO BE ALL AROUND THEM. Jack would occasionally see and old rusted lander (car) or a steady stream of dilapidated buildings. Jack noticed a dust storm up ahead. It was like a huge wave of dust, sand, and wind that engulfed the land.

Jack looked at Siri with a worried look on his face.

“Umm, you’re not planning to go in that are you?”

Marlow pointed at the massive tidal wave of dust and wind.

Siri looked at Jack then back at the storm.

“Yep, we’re going in!”

Siri headed straight into the storm. She turned the ventilation air re-circulation systems off.

Jack addressed her in a matter of fact tone of voice.

“ So, Listen to you or what did you say…?)

“Oh, yes.”

“Turn yourself over to the Authorities.”

Siri, she went poker-faced. Then hit a few buttons on the console. Slowly Jack saw a glint of softness around her eyes.

Siri accessed the Hub and found an encrypted file. She played it for him. A scientist appeared on the video screen in a metal room with flashing lights and computer equipment. He was older with glasses and was wearing a UCOA jacket. He spoke into the camera, “file number 102 C 17.” He was the head scientist for the UCOA field team research program. He continued, “after the result from the test samples taken from various regions of the earth, it is my decision and that of other lead scientists, biologists, and principal researchers in the field, due to continued climate change over the last 100 years created significant changes in atmospheric conditions.” He looked down and fixed and adjusted his glasses.

Jack adjusted his chair and leaned his body into focus his attention on the screen.

“Along with extreme polar shifts and massive destruction along the coastlines and excessive volcanic activity. Depleted ozone layers and suns solar flares. Which has lead to deforestation and dwindling food sources for the 900 million individuals that remain on this earth.”

“It is the scientific communities estimated calculation that Earth is only able to provide resources to prolong the lives of 300 million peoples on the planet. It is my professional opinion that we should implement, Project Green Light.” The screen faded out, and Siri looked at Jack.

“Have you woken up to what’s going on yet?” Jack looked at the screen and her again with a lost gaze in his eyes. She pulled another file from the Hub.

“We hacked into the UCOA Hub infrastructure and found these older files from the rebuild.”

She loaded the records and played the frames. The screen flashed and flickered. The spokesman continued.

“Project Green Light has been implemented based on its founding members of the UCOA.” He gave the names of major companies and continued. Applon, Habtech, Chemco the speaker finished mentioning all the eight major corporations.

“It is our decision to modify the genetic test of all subjects accepted into the building and development of a new world order. The subjects will be unknowingly tagged, and their DNA will meet significant marker qualifications. This will conclude with a view of ensuring prime, genetic specimens of the human race.” The framing (video) changed and showed children and adults going through testing. There were images of men and woman being separated and parents being forced away from their children. Jack saw the tears and misery playing out before him. The UCOA Soldiers took millions of people away in large Landers. Jack was tearing up, he rested his hand on his cheek. He looked over, and he saw tears run down Siri’s face. Siri finally wiping the tears away. She broke the silence and paused the Frame.

“When I was taken from the city. I was given to doctors who performed marker test on me. Later, I was given up for adoption at 6 years old. My adopted Father was a Delegate recently married but childless, my adoption was held, in secrecy and after that I had every need met.” She sniffed and wiped some tears away. “I hated the UCOA, they left my original family to in the Deadlands all because they didn’t meet the qualifications for the genetic markers. Left to die of hunger and even worse, cannibalism. My brother, Niri, wandered the Deadlands, and was finally picked up by the Alliance. I learned later he to was adopted by a man named Utua Lazule a freedom fighter, who was one of the founding members of the Alliance.

Siri took her sleeve and dried her face. Then held her shoulder and continued.

“My brother never forgot about me and searched for years for me. He convinced me of who I was and helped me escape.”

Siri played with a strand of her auburn hair looking down and continued.

“I decided to go shortly after escaping and going back in as a sleeper. After all, if I could convince my adopted father of the countless atrocities the Admin committed, then maybe we could have a powerful alley.” She leaned her chair back.

“It worked. My father listened to me and watched the devastation before his eyes. He was arranging a meeting with three other Delegates and was about to expose the current AM for what he really was-“

Jack interrupted.

“Then the accident occurred.”

Siri nodded.

“I signed up for the UCOA S.D.U Special Division Unit. Passed the admittance test with flying colors, and was enrolled. Ten years later, my brother woke me from my sleeper status. He had contacted me and ordered me to find you, Jack. We received some leads based on an informant’s intel.”

She redirected the craft and scanned the area.

“I found you and was surprised you were an OCOA officer for the Numar district.”

Jack laughed sarcastically, “thanks.”

“You’re a sleeper Jack, unknowingly, and it’s my guess when the administrator dies, you’ll be woken up. It’s a security measure used by the UCOA.”

Jack scratched his head. “So when they wake me, Jack Marlow is dead?”

She turned her chair towards him. Her pupils were huge, and the storm from the outside seem to dance in the dark of her eyes.

“The bombing at the UCOA administration was planned. I excused myself and planted three bombs; two in the ventilation shafts, one under the table at the UCOA briefing.”

She gazed out the window and bit her lip.

“The explosion should have killed the AM and half the members of the UCOA. Justice has been served.”

Jacked looked confused.

“What about the hostage situation?”

She gazed past me with a gleam in her eye and a hint of satisfaction.

“That was a ploy. Darbe Whinslet escaped on her own and contacted us, and the Alliance took Darbe in. It as Darbe who finally told us the Admins plans and your location. Like I said, Jack, we’ve been looking for you a very long time.” Jack began rubbing is temples once again.

“What in the hell is going on?”

“My world is being torn apart!”

He flexed his masseter facial muscles. Biting down bearing his teeth.

Siri brow knotted as she continued.

“Oh, There’s more.”

“Or, are you ready for me to go and turn myself in silently?”

Jack motioned with a hand for her to continue.


Siri adjusted course. The Winds were giving the ship some push.

Siri continued.

“We have reason to believe Darbe is your sister.”

“Your sister was taken earlier that week. She had her implants removed, and she agreed to work for the cause, even turning against her adopted father. You two were separated at a very young age, Jack. When I escaped, my brother had the doctors remove my cortical blocker chip. We all have them, and they can activate at any moment by the UCOA.”

She leaned forward and lifted the back of her hair and showed Jack her small scar and slowly let her hair back down.

“Jack, my world fell apart, and I remembered everything that was done to millions of children and me. They implanted memories of me, my father and how we arrived at Megacity. After the chip was removed, I saw my real parents and learn the truth of my adoption.”

“That’s when I decided to tell my father what I knew. It was a chance I willing to take for the Alliance and real freedom.”

Jack looked as Siri, and she played the next frame.

“This will tell you Jack Marlow who the real enemy is.” She stared at Jack for a moment. She redirected the coordinates of their traveling vessel. Then Siri looked at Jack and said a very condescending manner, “this is the real face of the UCOA.”

She waved her hand over the console. A few moments later, a recognizable face appeared. The administrator was a younger man in these frames from 30 years ago. His wisdom and age had not yet left deep wrinkles and impressions in his skin. He was an acting member of the UCOA and CEO of Applon.

“The AM has been acting as a shadow government for 30 years.”

Siri turns and directs her attention once again towards the screen.

The year 2130 December, 02.

He spoke, “this is the first stages of Project Green Light. I want to be sure we have everything is its proper place.”

The man at the bottom of the screen started talking.

“Yes, Sir everything is fully operational.” A glitch occurred, and then the screen became normal again.

“We’ve begun tagging and relocating high markers, and the operation has been successful.”

The young Whinslet spoke.

“Your work for the UCOA has been exemplary, Dr. Marlow.”

Jack’s eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open.

“Wait! This can’t be! It has to be a coincidence of some sort.”

The image of his implanted father in his mind was all a lie. His father was a traitor to mankind.



Siri paused the frame and looked at Jack with sincerity and care.

“Yes, he was a horrible man, even sacrificed his own children for the cause.”

Jack covered his face. He breathed heavily into his hands.

“This can’t be happening.”

Jack looked away for a moment.

“Those are my memories!”

“My father taking me to the museum and teaching me everything about the old ways and telling my how my mother died in a wreck in the move to Megacity.” No, Siri, that is real as my name is Jack Marlow.”

Siri turned her chair towards Jack, and a stream of tears ran down her face.

“ I’m Sorry…”

“It all implanted and programmed, engineered by the UCOA.”

She touched his hand. He moved it away from her.

“I wish I could tell you otherwise Jack, Im so sorry.”

Jack had his hands over his face bent over in his seat.

Siri headed the ship to the Alliance headquarters. She told Jack about Markers and the mass genocide the UCOA carried out on all people of the Deadlands. “From the rebuild, the eight corporations secretly made an army and destroyed each of the fallen centers of power. The United States was the last great power to fall. They infected the Government’s foundations at every level secretly until everything was broken around them. The United States fell not because of the economy or all the other casualties, but from Corporations gaining too much power and the virus unleashed slowly into the veins of a country that was once greater than that of ancient Rome. All orchestrated under one, man William Whinslet.”

Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

The ship came upon a massive wall of stone and slowly opened. Siri waited a moment then guided the craft into the landing dock.

“That’s enough for now, I know it’s a hell of a lot to take in.”

She opened the doors and took Jack’s hand,“ let’s get that implant out of your cortex before they activate it.”

The Reunion

Siri and Jack left the vehicle and were met by a man in a long gray coat. He looked us over and said with a smile,

“you two look like shit, let’s get you both cleaned up. Your brother’s waiting for you at the command center.”

Siri turned to Jack and made introductions.

“Jack this is Berera, he’s is one of the consulate members of the Alliance.”

“Let me take you to your rooms. There are clean clothes for you both.”

Berera walked down a plain stone and cement hallway. The passageway arched and angled until the three came to an opening.

Siri had a sparkle in her eye, and she looked at Jack. Berera raised his arms. He spoke in a low gruff voice,

“Welcome to the Deadlands.”

Jack scanned the room and saw what looked like old prison cells with the steel cages removed. There were women and men working and children being taught by teachers. These people were fed and clothed and being educated. Sarah looked at Jack. She put her arm on his shoulder.

“The corporation lied when they told everywhere there was no life in the Deadlands.” She continued, “we are a fully functioning, green community. There are doctors and lawyers and people with manner of trades and skills. Everyone comes together with good will towards one another.”

Jack just stood there and didn’t move. Siri spoke again,

“This place is called Sumar. Named after the Sumerian culture that blossomed on the Tigris-Euphrates river.” She added, “there are hidden villages like this one all over the world. All named after ancient villages.”

Jack chimed in, “how do you communicate with one another not being traced on the HUB?”

She kept walking. “ There’s so much to tell you, Jack.”

“We use something called of Immersed synaptic communication, ESC.”

Berera said, “you know your way around here Siri. Nice to have you back Reynolds.” He turned and added,

“Nice job on the administration building.”

Siri took Jack by the arm and lead him down a long hall. People were selling and bartering while speaking in their own native tongues and in their own dialects.

Siri noticed a group of men talking Urdu.

“The one problem the Alliance are having is to cohesively bond everyone together. If you’re Chinese, you stay with your kind. If your Indian, well, you get the point. My brother is teaching the Tresnian language hoping the evil the UCOA has caused may actually do some good. Unite a people with a common tongue.”

“I thought that was what Ambionic English was for?”

“Jack English over the years was a language with many negative connotations. The Alliance wanted a new language that represented the world not a politically driven capitalist empire.”

Jack and Siri walked past the two men having a conversation and turned the corner.

Siri spoke, “you’ll find food and clothes in your room down the hall and to your left.” She pointed for Jack.

“Tomra will help you with any other needs you may have.”

Tomra grinned at Jack. It was a welcoming smile, and he signaled with his hand for Jack to follow.

“This way Capt. Marlow.”

Jack followed him. Tomra was a young man. He had a wiry frame and build, and his muscles were lean. He looked as if he had a speedy metabolism and his young body could consume anything without gaining an ounce of fat. His Hair was sandy brown. He was dark skinned, but more like that of the people of the now lost India region. His clothes were camel color, and his lower legs were wrapped in some sort of shin wraps.

Jack walked next to him.

“How long have you been at Sumar, Tomra?

Tomra smiled and spoke ambionic English, but it was rough and weak.

“They found me wandering out past the perimeter 20 years ago. I was virtually starving to death. They brought me in and welcomed me, and I’m loyal to their needs ever since.”

“My parents came over to the U.S. luckily before the great decimation. They had me in late in their marriage.

“My three brothers all perished from disease.”

Jack saw that Tomra was holding his tears back and then wipe his face with his sleeve.

“I’m. very Sorry.”

Jack knew now that Tomra and his family didn’t meet marker qualifications and were left to fend for themselves in the harsh Outerlands environment.

The passed through an entrance and into the barracks. Tomra was gaining in excitement as he talked to Jack.”

“One day if my schooling goes well, I will be a great soldier, and lead my people to the gates of Megacity. All those UCOA scum will pay for what they have done!”

Jack stopped him and put his hand on Tomra’s shoulder.

“The Government is at fault. Not the people! Remember, Tomra, sway the hearts of the citizens not destroy them. Most megacity citizens are just living their lives. Direct your anger to change not destruction.”

Tomra shook his head, and he and Jack finished walking to his bunk.

“Capt. Reynolds told me if you need anything just ask. Ok?”

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