The Adam Code Back to Eden

Chapter 12: A Call to Arms

Siri moved her hand over the console. Her suspicions were correct. There were four Runner ships headed their way. She knew that they would be there within the hour. First, she thought that Jack turned on her. She knew that the doctors were going to take out his implant. Her gut was telling her that something went wrong. Darbe and her power-drunk father were to blame. Niri came into the chamber with commanders and other sections of the rebellion.

“Niri, it’s true. We are under an imminent attack from UCOA. Their objective is our complete elimination.”

Her brother addressed the room.

“Anyone who can fight needs to. This is a code red emergency. Take the elderly and children to the bottom ring and pull all that we have to the front lines of defense. Now move!”

He continued.

Siri countered,

“what about moving the people to the Caves as Jack suggested?”

Niri put his hand to his chin and thought a moment.

“There isn’t enough time. I’m sorry.”

“Siri, I need you go to the library of the ancients and pull any information you can on military defense. We need some kind of element of surprise that may work.”

“Okay, I’m there.” She left the room.

Commander Niri stood and watched the holographic, topographic map.

“I want that to be the frontline hold defense with our soldiers. Commander Warren, what are your thoughts?”

Commander Warren surveyed the area and then spoke.

“The best course of action is to disable one ship and use that ship to attack the others.” Everyone leaned in on the commander’s words.

“Have Captain Siri take a squad of soldiers and sneak aboard while the frontline guns are temporarily blocking the Runners.” Warren moved his hand over the image, and a red line appeared. He traced a path through the desert and continued.

“Siri take a squad or rogue ship and board them here.”

One of the commanders barked out.

“that’s a suicide mission! Even if they did board the vessel, they would have to get past the security and the soldiers on the ship and take over the command center. They will be slaughtered!”

Some others jumped in the conversation. “Didn’t she have clearance before the kidnapping of the AM’s?”

Neri looked over the commanders.

“I could reactivate the shuttle’s TPS and give her just enough time before they catch on to what we’ve done. We’ll turn the whole fleet against each other. This just may work.”

The Mission

“LOCATE CAPTAIN REYNOLDS, we’ve got a plan of action now.”

(Siri was on COMS with her brother. She is heading to the docking station.)

“Brother, I can handle this. I’m not going to sit around not doing anything while Jack is in the midst of danger.”

Niri replied,

“I Know I just remembered the promise I made to our parents and now that I have you, I…Do not want to lose my little sister again.”

Siri stopped a moment and then continued walking.

“Look, I feel the same, but this isn’t about our own ego’s here. It’s about preserving the last chance of freedom. Sham Reynolds would want this.”

She adjusted her helmet and grabbed a few items, attaching them to her belt. She checked her Intel visor and was prepping the ship.

Besides, I’m willing to die so that others may enjoy true freedom.”

Her brother was giving some orders, then re-addressed her comment.

“You deserve a promotion and a vacation after this Sis. Remember the shuttle is rogue ship picked from one of the skirmishes. Its TPS is intact. Listen, Siri, the only way to ensure you get aboard that ship is your upward momentum. If the Runner picks up your signal and rechecks the shuttle’s TPS, they will obliterate you before you get within 100 meters of the craft.”

He continued,

“The ARS on the ship automatically open the bay doors, but we don’t want the runner to check your clearance status.”

Siri inserted a knife in her boot.

“Got it, thanks, big bro.”

Niri was smiling at his end of the conversation.

“Come back in one piece.”

Siri. Strapped herself into the seat and looked at her crew.

“Just hold them off long enough for us to take over the Runner.”

“Siri out.”

Twenty minutes later…

Siri and her crew were at low altitude, and the Runners weren’t picking up their signal. Siri, flexed her hands as she wiped the sweat from her brow. The others strapped themselves in, and she gave them a look that said brace yourself.

The rogue shuttle shot up in the air. She clenched her jaw and held on as the ship moved towards the unsuspecting Runner that hovered above them. There was a voice that came from the ships COMS.

“Using the access code to access the ships TPS, Captain.”

ARS voice sounded.

“impact with the vessel in one minute.”

“Come on, we are all dead if you can’t get that hatch open, you hear me.”

Siri braced herself for the impact and as the Shuttle flashed an impact warning on the screen.

The Shuttle shook, and the voice came over the speakers.

“Thirty seconds to impact.”

“Twenty seconds.”

“Ten seconds.”

Siri looked up, and the doors weren’t opening. She screamed as a pure primal fear came over her.

If she failed, and everything was over for the rebels and the Alliance.

She saw images of Jack. She knew now that she loved him.

She fought the force of her body and saw a light. The Shuttle had transmitted the signal to the Runner ship, and it engaged automatic pilot sequence taking over Siri’s Shuttle.

She regained her composure and looked back at the crew, giving them a half smile.

“Ok, we’re in. Lock and load people. We have about six minutes to take over the crew and get to those gunners.

Emitt and Hanoi, locate the Runner’s gunners. Saunders, Omar you follow me.

The rest follow my lead and take out as many as those bastards as you can.”

She held her blaster and blacked out the windows.

“We’ve got one shot at this.”

The crew prepped and took out a phase bomb. Hanoi nodded as he pressed the round object button and a small red light appeared and flashed lightly.

Hanoi placed the mechanism under the cockpit of the plane.

The ship came to a stop and the doors unlocked, several guards were approaching, and the doors let out a hissing sound. They stood ready as the Siri, and her small crew was about to change the course of their destiny. Siri thought to herself, we’re coming to you Jack, hold tight.

Siri unlocked the hatch. She opened fire on the unsuspecting soldiers. One of the soldiers was punched with a barrage of bullets, hitting his head and neck bursting his jugular vein, spraying the window of the vehicle. She pushed the dead body aside, and it fell over onto the docking bay floor. The additional soldiers were cut down within a few meters of the ship. Emitt and Hanoi took their positions. There were soldiers taking positions behind the vessels walls. Siri ducked and did a roll to a covered area. Saunders was behind providing cover, and the soldier fired his SEB throwing him against the wall. His head was smashed in instantly by the blast. Siri spoke into her COMS.

“Let’s move it, where are open targets in this docking bay.”

All of a sudden, the group were taking fire from one of the connecting bays. An alarm went off, and lights were flashing. Siri and her crew got the next secure point in the docking bay. The barrage of bullets and lasers hit the shuttle the craft exploded tossing everyone around the ship like rag dolls.


Siri regained her feeling. She felt a deep throbbing in her side that manifested into pain. She looked down she had a sliver of shrapnel in her lower oblique. She looked around the docking bay. It seemed the soldiers tripped the trap early.

Emitt saw her and yelled on the COMS.

“Reynolds is down. I need a med kit, ASAP.”

Emitt was soon next to her.

“Can you walk Captain?”

Siri looked around the docking bay. The fire was consuming everything around them.

“Call out!”

Everyone accept Saunders Called out.

“I can walk. What the hell happened? The phase bomb was supposed to be delayed? We need to get to those gunners fast. Everyone at HQ depends on the success of this mission.”

Siri held onto her side and pulled the piece of shrapnel from her side. She Shrieked as the thin piece of metal slowly was extracted.

Siri took out some synth skin and applied it to her wound. She could see it bonding with her own flesh. She knew it was a temporary fix.

Siri was on her feet, crouched down.

Emitt, a female soldier looked around then replied.

They regrouped and made their way to dock bay entrance.

Some of the other soldiers helped pull the damaged entrance door apart. The large gray doors started to give way making a harsh grating sound. Siri through a phase grenade in between the opening of the doors. There was a barrage of fire, and private Bernstein fell to the ground with several holes to his head and chest. Siri yelled.

“Take cover!”

The explosion threw the Bay doors open. The crew was bracing themselves against the solid metallic walls.

Capt. Reynolds then took a disc and threw it down the hallway. The disc glided to the other side of the Corridor. Siri lowered her visor over one eye, and an image of the object’s scanned pictures was transferred onto her visor screen. Siri watched as the spy disc glided on the floors looking for enemy positions. The were men lying to the right and left of the corridor opening. One was still moving, and the disc fired a laser killing him. Siri yelled into the COMS


Emitt and three others were first to go. Siri waited and finally heard the go ahead. She looked at her watch. (Damn! three minutes off Schedule.)



“Ok, Omar, locate those gunners.”


“Sir, three of six LTA (Land to Air) Shredders have been taken out. We can’t hold those ships for much longer.”

Commander Niri was at the main battle control center. He was surrounded by a several of the officers. They were watching hologram images of the Runner ships getting closer and closer by the minute.

“Captian Reynolds has not taken control of the ship, she’s three minutes behind ETA.”

Niri looked the officers. “Siri has never failed me. Something must have happened.”

One the officers pointed to the ship.

“she has about

Two minutes before the arrival of their ships. May I remind those are just the beginning. There will be more after that. We have to take control of that ship to turn the tide.”

Back on the Runner…

Emitt was headed for the next closed door. She put a small charge on the console panel connected to the door.

Siri heard screaming on her COMS.

Five soldiers were firing on them from the opposite direction. Emitt took cover as the charge ignited.


Siri threw a few phase bombs their direction. The UCOA soldiers countered the attack with an SEMP (Shielded Electro-Magnetic Pulse) grenade. Siri’s visor and equipment shut off. Reynolds and her crew headed towards Emitt. She was dead already from the gunfire.

Siri was starting to get flustered. She remembered then took out an old grenade. She had found this in the old armory, and it was her good luck charm in battle.

She pulled the pin and tossed it in the direction of the UCOA soldiers.


She yelled to get down.

The grenade just laid there. Capt. Reynolds and the squad fired on the soldiers. Suddenly she felt the force of the explosion knock Reynolds off her feet. (After 60 years the damn thing actually worked!)

Hanoi was hit, and Omar injured as well.

“Damn! Can you make it back to the docking bay.”

Omar with his strong Urdu accent spoke.

“yes Sir, I can walk and make it.”

Siri spoke into the COMS.

“Ok three of us left Gunners are on the other side of these doors.

Hal, you flank to the left and take out the operator. Yee, you come with me.”

She was like a jaguar, she was master of hand to hand performing flawlessly as a soldier came charging at her. She took the knife from her boot and flung the blade into his chest cavity. Hal took out both the Gunners and pulled them from their seats.

Yee ran across the corridor the opposite side of the Gunner cabin. He flung open the door only to find a blade being forced in his gut.

“Alliance traitor!”

Siri saw Yee, and aim at the soldier. She was too late. The soldier was shot between the eyes by Siri.

Yee fell into her arms.


Reynolds applied a Synth patch.

“I need you to stay with me, Yee!”

She pulled him over to one of the empty gunner booths.”

She put his hands on the controls.

She nodded, and half smiled at him.

“Can you do this?”

Yee nodded, then wiped his forehead dry.

Reynolds jumped in the chair and used the COMS.

“Hal, aimed for the other ship’s Gunners. Yee you and I aim for the engine.”

“Let’s light these bitches up!”

Just then...

Siri spotted a third ship heading port side of their target ship.

“Nesmia! Nesmia! NESMIA!”


Commander Niri received news of the third ship.

First, he had lost the battle and now his beloved Sister and soon Sumar.

He stood firm and looked over the situation.

“Your orders commander.”

Niri thought for a few seconds then looked at one of the officers.”

“We fight till every last man is down. Get to your SLV’s this is a one-way mission. Notify the other leaders and their bases.”

He saluted.

“For the Alliance and Sumar and for our freedom!”

Everyone raised their arms in the air.

“Death over defeat!”

5 minutes later twenty SLV’s were in the air headed their one-way mission of destruction. It was a modern day Kamikaze death mission.

Niri’s ship was taking fire and headed full on closing in on the vessel. His only concern was thought of the woman and children that wait beneath the earth. His people and for the first time he felt like a citizen of earth and not of a location or nation but a people.

ARS was interrupting Niri’s thoughts.

“Collision in one minute.”

He looked out seeing a few of the other pilot’s ships being obliterated before his eyes. He loaded enough Phase bombs to take out a section of the ship.

He listened in horror as the pilot’s screamed all around him.

Another ship was hit and set flame the sky trailing off and finally hitting the side of a cliff, exploding and bursting from the explosives on board.

Niri looked on the port side; the Gunners lighting up the other ships. Siri made it. He changed his crafts course and got on the COMS.

“All ships disengage, I repeat all ships pull back!”

He added with elation and relief.

“The Robin’s in the nest. I repeat the Robin’s in the nest.”

The COMS roared with cheer and ovation.

“Copy that, pulling back.”

Back on Board of the Runner Ship…

Siri was shaking with each blast. The UCOA ships had no idea what was happening. She and Yee were lighting up the other ships with several bursts from the laser cannons. The blast beam tore through the runner’s defenses. The blast coming from their ship suddenly became just a single beam.

“Yee, how you doing over there? Hang in there, We’ll be back in Sumar before we know it.”

She looked over, and Yee wasn’t firing anymore. He was slouched over.

She was firing and leaving a trail of destruction and small explosions on the ships around her.

Reynolds Spoke on the COMS. Hal fire on their navigation controls.”

Hal didn’t Answer. She repeated her command.

Finally, he yelled out.

“Firing on navs!”

Laser cannons blasted through the other ship nav cons. It was like the giant flying tank ship slowly veered off course crashing into its companion. There was a burst of small explosions that united with other blast sending both ships crashing into the mountain terrain below.

Siri fired at some of the smaller accompanying vessels which ultimately turned its course retreating.

Hal, let’s take Control of this ship and finish what we started. Siri met Hal, and they proceed to the main cabin. Hal set a charge, and they took cover as the doors blew open. Reynold threw a Jammer ball in the cockpit.

She held the pilots at gunpoint.

“This ship is now the property of the Alliance.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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