The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter Chaoter 207

Chapter 207 Two Hundred and Seven

Xandar was more worried about his mate's present state. “Baby, is the nausea a side-effect from the hacking?”

“No, it's just...” she glanced at Toby and Juan before looking back at her mate and explained,

"The person Jake linked was one of his cronies who left Forest Gloom with him, a she-wolf named Alithia, and she was f*cking someone during the entire link.” Just the thought of it made Lucianne nauseous again.

“The entire link?” Christian asked with raised eyebrows because he was questioning his Lycan hearing when he heard that. Lucianne nodded in confirmation as she covered her mouth to cope with the burning sensation in her throat again. The Duke then asked, “How did she even focus on doing that while holding a conversation with someone else?” Toby offered a suggestion, “Probably by practice, your Grace. That one’s a b*tch, and she has zero respect for personal space. In one of our pack visits to Forest Gloom when Jake was Alpha, Alithia spank my as’. Three times.”

“Before you broke her hand after the third.” Lucianne noted and started laughing, her nausea easing with the humorous memory of Toby ranting about it to her at that time.

When the King looked at the Gamma in surprise, Toby asked with a humorless expression,

“What? Does that warrant a charge for battery, my King?”

A smile graced Xandar's features when he said,

“No. I think what you did was a fitting punishment, minister.”

“I agree.” Tate came over when he noticed their little crowd. He only heard the last bit of the conversation so he added with a smile, “I've never been more proud of my Gamma than the time he made White Blood sever ties with Forest Gloom with nothing more than breaking a hand of one of Jake's cronies. Had I known it was that easy, I would've done it long ago.” After the laughter died down, Tate looked at Lucianne in concern and asked, “You good?” 2z Lucianne pushed herself from the tree and started standing on her own again as she said, “Yeah, I'm fine. Alithia is still as disgusting as we remember, and Jake is worse, as always.” “What do you mean by that, sweetheart?” Xandar asked. Lucianne was walking on eggshells when she said, “He asked for a... session after Alithia was done with...the person she was doing.” 2 “And?” Xandar pressed because he could see that Lucianne was still hiding something. When he saw the look she had when she was filtering her thoughts, he cupped her cheek and lifted her face up to make her stop thinking and uttered, “Just tell me, baby. Just tell me everything.” 2

Lucianne gulped before she said in a small voice, “When he and Alithia...does it together, Jake...” everyone's eyes were already a shade darker but they were waiting for her to continue so she did when she said, “...says my name.” 1

The growls from everyone around Lucianne were heard across the field, making some sparring pairs flinch while some of their opponents lost their balance and fell to the ground. It was clear that Lucianne’s attempt to lower the risk of such an outburst by changing Jake's choice of word, “scream’, to “say’ did close to nothing.

Xandar held Lucianne in a protective embrace as he declared in a very low and homicidal tone,

“When we get there, Jake is mine to kill.”

“Unless I beat you to him.” Juan said in an equally murderous manner, his jaw clenched and he tried his best to control the fur showing on his arms. Toby's canines we're already protruding. Tate was retracting his partially- extended claws with a hardened expression. Chnistian looked at the ground as he took in heavy breaths to calm his mind, his eyes matched those of his cousin's — onyx. 2 Lucianne’s hands reached for her beast's face, and her thumbs stroked his cheeks as she whispered, “I'm with you, my love. Only you.” He pecked a quick kiss on her forehead and said,

“Thank you, baby. It's time that the rogue Alpha knew that.”

Lucianne had been in enough battles to know that anger only gave their opponents the upper hand, so she tried to calm him by gently pressing their foreheads together as_ she muttered, “Darling, shh... breathe, my love. Just breathe. Shh...”

When Lucianne could see the faint lilac shades in his eyes, she knew that Xandar was ready to listen to reason so she said in a soft and slow voice, “In the battle, we're going to be meeting a lot of infuriating rogues, dearest. They will push your patience to the limit with no remorse. But we are better. We're more than what they are. We don't let them get to us. We should never let them get to us. Let's keep being better, and being more, okay?”

The lilac shades returned completely, and a gentle smile stretched across the King's face as he muttered, “Okay.” He then kissed his Queen softly on her lips before he whispered, “You're amazing, Lucy.”

Toby coughed as he said, “Control.” 4

It wasn't just Xandar she managed to calm when she whispered those words to him. It was everyone else around her, and in calming them, she calmed the rest of the field of fighters looking their way.


After training and lunch, everyone who was going to be involved in infiltrating Wu Bi Corp gathered in Xandar's home office. These people included Luna Emilia and Gamma Marcus from Faint Moon, the alliance members, Chief Dalloway and Deputy Chief Laurent, General Langford, the Defense Ministers, the Duke and Duchess and the King and Queen themselves. During the heated discussion, arguments were made and debates ensued as_ everyone considered their best course of action, back-up plans and back-up plans to their back-up plans. After four hours, the plan was formed. The Chief, his deputy and Toby returned to the police station to assemble their people and instruct them, and the General and Phelton gathered their warriors for the same briefing. After that, everyone got to packing. They grabbed a quick bite, treating the light snacks and buns as their dinner before they boarded the private jets: Xandar's, Christian's, Toby's and Phelton’s. 1

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