The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter Chaoter 205

Chapter 205 Two Hundred and Five

On the training ground, the unshifted audience gathered around the sparring space where the Lycan King and their future Queen's striped- tail wolf was about to spar. Christian brought a bag of chips this time, which he shared with Toby, who promised to bring the snacks in the next round.

Xandar and Lucianne’s animals sparred once by the river on their morning run. Lucianne beat Xandar but it wasn't as easy as beating his human part. His animal's strength made him almost immune to any force Lucianne’s wolf tried to exert on it, and its speed made it difficult for Lucianne to dodge his attacks and escape his grip.

She only won because she knew a Lycan’s weak spots and went for those. Xandar's Lycan was so excited with her victory that it nuzzled her whole body after it recovered from her attacks. But when the Lycan saw how drained its little wolf was, it whimpered before holding her close to its chest until dawn to ease some of her strain with the mate-bond. “Babe, no overexertion.’ Xandar reminded her for the third time that morning.

Lucianne rolled her eyes at his excessive worry. “It's not like I won't recover. Besides, we have to go all out. Everyone around us is going to use this demonstration to learn the weak spots and the techniques to get there.’

“Yeah, I know but just...don’t overdo it, Lucy.’ His animal's eyes amplified concern, even a little fear.

Lucianne knew that he would hold back if she didn’t say something to make sure he went all out. When her lightbulb moment came, her wolf smirked as she repeated her words from their first spar in their human form, “You're not scared of being beaten by a little wolf now, are you, your Highness?’ 2

That did the trick! The worry in his lilac eyes faded, replaced by the cockiness and determination of his animal. It was then everyone heard the King emit a low growl, which even put a pause on Toby and Christian’s chips-munching.

Xandar linked his mate, “You asked for this, sweetheart.’

Her wolf growled and dashed towards her mate. When Xandar's leg tried to sweep across her limbs to trip her, she grabbed onto it, extended her claws on one paw and impaled his knee, making the King groan and limp for a second while Lucianne leaped onto his shoulder. But before she could bite his ear, Xandar's knee recovered, and he pulled Lucianne by her leg and got her off his shoulders.

Just before he could throw her on the ground, Lucianne hastily flipped herself backward while Xandar was still holding onto her leg, thus breaking his fingers. He howled in pain, and the Lycans and werewolves around them cringed at the sound of bone-breaking as their eyes squinted in anguish at what their Queen just did to their King. Lucianne climbed up his arm, and made it to his broad shoulders again. When she saw Xandar's hands coming for her, she took his ear in her mouth and pulled with all her might. His howl was deafening to the audience as he started tilting backwards, and Christian's hand holding the bag of chips suddenly clenched into a fist to cope with sound, making the remaining junk food erupt from the bag like lava exploding from a volcano, falling all over the ground. When Xandar fell backwards, Lucianne leaped away before he fell on her body. He landed with a loud thud, and Lucianne tried to dash away when she saw his hand coming again. But Xandar caught her tail and pulled her back to him despite still being seated on the ground. His commendable move was to catch her tail. But his mistake was to hold her tail too close to his face. Lucianne pressed her tail against his nostrils, cutting out his airway. And there was another thing, Xandar had the sudden urge to sneeze from inhaling Lucianne’s fur. That never happened when he took her scent from her neck because the fur there was not as thick as it was on her tail.

Taking advantage of his discomfort, Lucianne growled as she pounced on his chest, making him fall back to the ground before her canines went for his neck. The sharp tips of her canines stopped an inch away from Xandar's exposed neck, making everyone stop breathing.

The white wolf then extended its tongue and ended up licking her mate's neck instead, making the King coo like a baby.

“Oh, thank Goddess.” Toby's relieved whisper resonated with everyone else. Their tensed bodies eased, and some had to blink and shake their heads to bring themselves out of the barbarous attack they just watched.

Many Lycan warriors weren't embarrassed to shudder right in front of everyone when they saw the wolves doing just that after the spar. The wolves had seen Lucianne hurt her sparring partners in the past in the name of teaching but this was her most brutal lesson yet. Even Juan was getting worried with how his sister was attacking her mate, and was as relieved as the others were that it was over.

For some reason, Christian was okay with what happened. And while everyone was talking about how scary and lethal their Queen was and how any other wolf amongst them could be, the Duke was more interested in checking whether there were any chips left in his bag after the rest fell onto the ground. He already knew that Lucianne was lethal, and the lost chips scattered on the ground only showed how scared he was during the fight.

Just as Lucianne was about to leap off her mate's chest, Xandar held her on both sides and flipped their bodies over, with her back pinned against the ground, which got everyone alert again. “Has the spar not ended yet? Is this a rematch?’, they wondered.

When Xandar rested his head on Lucianne’s chest and emitted another coo, everyone relaxed again. The Lycan King was wagging its tail as its lilac eyes penetrated into its mate's sapphire orbs looking down at him when Xandar linked, "You're amazing, baby." Lucianne’s small paw reached for his hand, the one with the fingers she broke earlier as she linked in a small voice, “Does it still hurt?”

His Lycan chuckled and nuzzled her nose before its hands between her body pressed on the

ground as he towered over her. Xandar then linked, “Babe, this beast heals within seconds. That was minor damage. Distracting, but minor.’ “Show-off." Lucianne linked with a smirk, internally relieved that she didn’t cause him too much pain. She turned over and pushed herself up.

Everyone turned away while their King and Queen shifted back and got dressed. When Lucianne was about to have everyone turn back to them, Xandar muttered, “Just a second, babe.” He then bent down to squat behind her, and Lucianne wondered which part of her was exposed without her knowing. Xandar's hand rested on her thigh when he pecked a kiss on her butt-cheek through her shorts before he looked up at her with a smile and said, “There. Now, you're ready.” Lucianne narrowed her eyes as she shook her head in disapproval and muttered, “Indecent beast.”

As Xandar was getting up, she yelled out, “Alnght, everyone. You can all mmph—" Everyone panicked when their Queen's voice was cut-off by a muffled sound but when they turned to witness their King pressing his lips on her's, their defensive looks were replaced with cheeky smirks.

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