The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

When they reached the hotel, Xandar accompanied Lucianne until she was in her room before he felt at ease. After gently lifting her chin up, he kissed her briefly on her lips before he asked nervously in a hushed voice, “Can I sleep here from now on?” 3

Lucianne was surprised, even a little shocked. But given how everybody was indicating that she almost died the previous night, she understood where Xandar was coming from. The corner of her lips curled up, and she stood on her toes to kiss his cheek as she whispered, “I'd like that.” Xandar's tense posture relaxed, and a smile replaced his anxious expression. He pecked a kiss on her forehead before he uttered, “I'm going back to get a few things. I won't be long, I promise. You get ready for bed, okay?”

Lucianne nodded dotingly. After another brief peck on her cheek, Xandar left her room to head back to his villa, where he was going to meet his contractor. For once, his animal was actually happy to leave Lucianne’s room, clearly because he wasn't going for that long.

The contractor was already waiting for him when he reached home. Xandar brought the man to the part of the house that he thought could fit the renovation for what he had in mind.

After a forty-five-minute discussion, Xandar finalized the layout, colors and pricing. The contractor said he and his employees only needed about a week to get the project done. After seeing him off, Xandar went to his room to pack a few clothes and grabbed a few files he may need and put them in his car before speeding back to the hotel.

When he was outside Lucianne’s room, his Lycan hearing could pick-up that their mate was already asleep from the slow rhythm of her breathing. He thanked Goddess that Lucianne had given him the keycard to the door before he left. He cringed a little when the door beeped, and prayed he didn't wake Lucianne up. Very quietly, he opened the door and entered. What he didn't expect was to see some of the lights still switched on.

He strode quickly and quietly to the bed, and found Lucianne sleeping in an upright position, her head leaning against the headrest with her eyes closed and a book on her lap. Xandar shook his head and chuckled to himself as he muttered under his breath, “Unbelievably amazing.”

Very gently, he lifted up the book from her lap and closed it before setting it on her nightstand. Then, very cautiously, he reached for her body with the intention of putting her under the sheets. Upon feeling his touch, Lucianne’s eyes snapped open and she took in a sharp breath.

Xandar cooed in a hushed voice, “It's okay, baby. It's just me. Let's get you under the covers.”

After tucking her in, she asked Xandar with sleepy eyes, “Can you lie here next to me?”

Both him and his animal were unquestionably surprised at her request. Xandar was happy enough to be able to sleep on her couch every night. He took a good two seconds before he pecked a kiss o n her earlobe and whispered, “Anything for you, Lucy. Let me change first, okay? I won't take long.”

Lucianne let out a sleepy moan to indicate that she heard him. “Adorable’, Xandar thought to himself as his animal cooed in tenderness.

After setting his backpack on the couch and changing into fresh clothes, he turned off the rest of the lights before slipping under the covers facing his mate's back. One arm went around her waist and the other reached for her hand that was on the pillow slightly above her head.

When Lucianne felt Xandar's touch, she awakened briefly and turned her body to face him before scooching into him, snuggling deeper into his chest. As soon as she felt comfortable in his warm embrace, she fell back into deep sleep.

A stream of happy tears trailed down Xandar's face at this point. He still couldn't fathom how he got so lucky to have been bonded to Lucianne, who was now willingly making her place in his arms. “Thank you, Moon Goddess’, was all he could utter at that moment. He listened to her steady breaths and kissed her hair before muttering, “I love you, my little freesia. Always and forever.” Xandar then, too, fell into deep sleep. 2

Xandar woke up a few hours later when he felt Lucianne’s body escaping his arms. Instinctively, h e tightened his grip around her small body. Lucianne’s annoyed voice then rang through his ears,” Xandar, let me go! I have to pee!”

Xandar groaned in frustration with his eyes closed and muttered, “Just do it on the bed, Lucy. I

won't judge.” 5

“Xandar, the toilet is just ten steps away! Let me go!”

He groaned again before releasing her, and lay on his back as he listened to her quickened footsteps speeding towards the bathroom. The door closed with a slightly aggressive thud after she went in. He and his animal were still drowsy, and it took Xandar a moment more to get out of bed for a little stretch.

That sleep was as satisfying as the one he had after the Jewel Pack incident. Lucianne’s scent and her very presence always calmed the negative emotions lingering in his being, making it easier for him to doze off.

When he heard the familiar sound of a flushing toilet and water flowing from the sink, he approached the bathroom door and waited for his mate to emerge. When Lucianne came out, Xandar scooped her up without warning, making Lucianne gasp in shock as he carried her to the couch.

Xandar placed her on his lap like he always did. After pecking a few kisses on her face and admiring her blushed cheeks, Xandar buried his nose in her hair as he asked, “How are you feeling, baby?"

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