The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

A quarter to five in the morning, Xandar was resting his head on the bed next to his mate, taking i n her scent as he stroked her hand when, suddenly, he heard her soft moan. His body shot up from the chair, and he inched his face closer to hers as he uttered, “Baby. Baby, are you awake? Can you hear me?”

Lucianne’s fingers moved slightly in Xandar's hand, and her eyelids pressed down for a moment before they opened halfway to reveal those dazed black orbs. Her dry lips parted as she muttered,” Xandar.” Xandar's eyes were tearing up with relief and joy. “Baby. Oh, Goddess. You're okay. You're okay.” H e kissed her on her lips and she responded, albeit very weakly.

When she felt his tears and he pulled away, she asked weakly, “What's wrong, Xandar? Are you okay?”

He scoffed. She was the one on the hospital bed. He chuckled as he said, “I am now, my love.” He kissed her forehead, her nose and her cheek. “I missed you.”

She smiled with heavy eyelids as her hand started stroking his in retum. He kissed her fingers before saying, “I'm going to go get a doctor, okay? I won't take long.”

“Wh-What? Wh-Where am 1?” Lucianne started looking around as quickly as she could manage.

Xandar panicked. He didn't want her to strain herself so he held her face gently in his hands and cooed, “Shh. Baby, you're okay. You're safe. You're in a hospital. I'll explain everything but I need to get a doctor to check on you first, okay?”

“Okay.” She answered slowly and softly.

When Xandar left her side, Lucianne saw a bottle of water on the nightstand and tried to reach for i t. Xandar beat her to it, and he helped her sit up before holding the bottle for her as she drowned half of its contents. When she uttered a soft “thank you’, he kissed her cheek and got her to lie back down before signaling Dr Karr to come over. 1 Dr Karr checked everything from heart rate to blood pressure to normal reflexes, and he was very satisfied with the results. He then asked Lucianne, “How do you feel now, My Queen? Any dizziness? Nausea? Discomfort on any part of your body.” Lucianne shook her head with a small smile.

“Any pain?” The doctor asked. She shook her head again.

“Not even in your left leg?” He asked in great concern. Again, she shook her head.

He was visibly relieved to hear that before proceeding to ask, “Do you feel sleepy, my Queen?”

“No. Just a little weak.” Lucianne muttered, barely loud enough for the two Lycans to catch.

Dr Karr nodded in understanding as he explained, “Food and water will do the trick. Ill send someone up with something for you to eat. When you've regained your strength, we'll get to the

rest of the questions. Just take things slow for now, and allow yourself to rest, my Queen.” She nodded obediently with the same small smile. After Xandar thanked Dr Karr and he left the room, Xandar sat closer to her head as she asked,” What happened?”

He smiled sadly. “What's the last thing you remember, sweetheart? I'll explain from there.”

She averted her eyes as she thought hard before saying, “I was with Annie... and Russell. I smelled something. Then, I saw a man throwing a knife.” Her eyes widened all of a sudden, and she asked i na soft but frantic voice, “Where's Russell?! What happened to him?!"

"Baby, baby. Please. He's fine. Shh. He's safe. You saved him. Calm down. He's safe.” Xandar caressed her cheek and her shoulder as she calmed herself before continuing, “I felt a sharp pain i n my left leg, and I fell..l think. I saw that it was a knife. So I took it out, and... think I threw it at him. And..." Lucianne blinked her eyes and shook her head, stubbornly trying to remember before saying doubtfully, “I think he fell?”

When she turned back to face Xandar, his eyes were glistening. He planted a deep kiss on her forehead and held her in a tight embrace before he said, “That was exactly what happened. You were so brave, baby. You didn’t think twice before saving someone.”

Lucianne suddenly mind-linked her mate, “Darling. Can't breathe.” Xandar loosened his hold on her immediately. “I'm so sorry, Lucy. I'm so, so sorry.” Lucianne saw his watered eyes but she didn't understand his reaction. It looked like he was apologizing for more than the tight hug. Before she could ask, someone knocked on the door, and a hospital staff came with some food for her. He brought the tray and placed it in front of Lucianne before leaving the room with a warm smile.

Xandar helped her to sit up again, and he sat next to her on the bed before starting to feed her the porridge. When she emptied the bowl, he gave her some water and wiped the faint food stains off her lips before putting the tray away. She refused to eat the pudding, saying that she was already stuffed so Xandar had it instead

His beautiful mate stared at the bedsheets as her thoughts roamed far. He sat next to her again and asked, “What are you thinking about, Lucy?”

Her black orbs were regaining its shine, much to his animal's relief. Her voice was more audible when she asked, “What was on the knife? It didn't feel like silver.”

Xandar's expression hardened, and he took one of her hands before he started stroking it lovingly as he said, “Oleander. A lethal amount of it.” Lucianne’s eyes widened. She and everyone else knew that no wolf could survive Oleander, not even in its most minute amount. “H-How did they save me?”

Xandar smiled before he said, “They didn't, Lucy. You saved yourself.” Before she could argue, her mate explained, “We were losing you. They plugged tubes into you everywhere and started the blood transfusion. Even then, you were weakening. Your vitals were failing. About ninety minutes later, your heart rate started to pick up. Three hours later, they removed the oxygen mask and you

started breathing on your own again. The doctors had no explanation. They don't know how you were doing it. You were just doing it.” Lucianne leaned into the pillow supporting her back as she muttered to herself, “That can't be right.”

“Don't say that, baby.” Xandar cupped her cheek and angled her face towards his so that their eyes locked as he insisted, “Losing you wouldn't have been right. The fact that you survived IS right.”

Her eyes were filled with nothing but confusion when she asked, “How did I do it?”

Xandar raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly, “I don’t know, babe. But I'm glad you did, don't


“I do. But how did I do it?” Lucianne was still trying to figure it out. It was bugging her. Xandar didn't want her to be cracking her head when she had just regained consciousness so he tried to help her think. Maybe she wouldn't have to overexert herself that way.

“Maybe it's the same way you heal from silver?”

“Huh.” She thought that was a viable explanation, then she muttered without thinking, “This one hurt more like a b*tch though.”

When Lucianne felt Xandar's grip tightened all of a sudden, she quickly added, “B-But it's all gone now. I don't feel any pain. It was just bad when... it happened.”

He took both her hands in his and kissed them before he whispered to her, “I'm sorry, Lucy.”

"What? What for?”

His voice cracked when he said, “I didn’t protect you. I let you down. Again.”

“What? No! You weren't even there..."


“No! That's not what I meant! Xandar, this isn't your fault.”

“It is, baby. I'm your mate. I was supposed to protect you, but I didn't. And you got hurt. You almost d-" he couldn't even say the word “died’ without tearing up.

Lucianne took her hands back and reached for his head before gently pulling it down, pressing him into her chest where he heard her heart beating in regular rhythms. His animal sought comfort in the sound. Lucianne held him there as she stroked his hair.

His tears flowed onto her hospital gown. She waited for him to steady himself before she said,” None of this was your fault, my acacia. Bad people do bad things. All that matters is that everything's alright now. Please stop blaming yourself. Please?”

He peered up, and saw her looking down at him with those doe-eyes as she whispered, “Please? For me.”

He lifted his head and pecked her on her lips. “It's not fair, sweetheart. You know I can't say no to you when you look at me like that.”

“I know.” She said with a cheeky smile. And Xandar smirked before ticking her waist to elicit her giggles. When Lucianne calmed down, she reached for his face and traced his eye bags before she said, “You should sleep.”

He took her hand from his face and kissed it, holding it over his heart as he said, “I'm okay.”

“Xandar, you're exhausted. Just sleep for a few hours.”

“I'm not letting you out of my sight again, Lucy.” Xandar stubbornly insisted.

Lucianne started thinking before she said, “I'm right here, Xandar. I'm right here with you.” She patted on the part of the bed where he laid his head watching her sleep before she said, “Just sleep. I'll wake you if there's anything.”

He was still reluctant to rest. But when Lucianne looked at him with her doe-eyes, even his Lycan knew that both his human and animal parts were done for. How did he get someone so selfless? She was the one recovering and yet she was worried about him. He sighed, and pecked a kiss on her nose before he whispered, “How did I get so lucky to be bonded to you, my love? You're so perfect.”.

Lucianne simply said, “That's because I slept. You should too.”

Xandar narrowed his eyes at her for spoiling the moment and tickled her again. When he saw that her blushes were returning, he felt more comfortable giving in to a nap. He laid his head on the bed and hugged her thighs. His hand searched for Lucianne’s hand before putting it in his hair, and when her thumb stroked through his thick brown locks, his animal purred in bliss. Xandar took in his mate's scent, and fell into deep sleep.

Xandar woke up about two hours later, and when he heard hushed conversations, his head snapped up and his grip around Lucianne’s thighs instinctively tightened, holding her protectively in his arms.

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